Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Osho reading still works

Yesterday on 2 Mar, I did my weekly Osho card for guidance

My query was how can I find my way out from my sorrow n I don't want to work anymore but I also don’t know what I want to do. I felt like giving up. The only thing stopping me is that m not sure if it is my Destiny to quit or is it the Swan's fear;

I draw the Osho card but somehow I find myself unable to relate to it n tot that this week card is out as it denotes hope n liberation, something that I find not too hopeful :( So, I just put it aside

Then on 3 Mar, while waiting for doctor appt, I read Sri Aurobindo and there is a topic of dark night, of suffering and how to view it. I have just done my meditation n now writing my tots.

Below was my card
1. The issue - Intensity; It is a dark night, but with intense inquiry, you are bound to come to the sunrise. Everybody who has burned with intense inquiry has found the sunrise.

Soul - when I got this card, the only thing I acknowledge was the darkness that I am in and I know I am still inquiring n don't believe that sorrow is my ending. I wasn't hopeful on finding the Sunrise.

2. Internal influence that u r unable to see - Mind
With this cloud in ur head, u cannot know reality; you cannot attain spiritual perception. The cloud has to be dropped. And it is just with your decision to drop it that it will disappear

Soul - the current situation is like a thunderstorm, I wanted to get out of d storm n my mind is looking for way out, that the rational way. But looks like, being rational, may not be the answer.

3. External Influence that u r aware - Thunderbolt
Soul - this is my current situation n I have received this card last week - to stay calm n watch the destruction with detachment, almost as if it were happening to somebody else. Actually, the current office environment is volatile n for the first time, I haven't been using my strategy to run away. I stayed n that in itself is scary as not strategising is not my personality mode.

4. What is needed for resolution - Totality. Whatsoever u r doing, be absorbed in it so utterly that the mind thinks nothing, is just there.
We may feel that there is too much to do at once, and get bogged down. Or we may think our task is boring, because we have forgotten that its NOT what u do but HOW you do it that matters.
Taking one step through life at a time, giving ur complete attention and energy, can bring a wondrous new vitality and creativity to all that you do.

Soul - yea, was feeling numb. Now I do the Action plan with full involvement n planning to stay till the end instead of looking for my exit or hoping JC will help us all by her own voluntary exit. For once I see the ending. I didn't see the ending for Alice in Wywy, the ending for Cynthia in SunGard and the ending of JC in BBDO.
Father, TQ. I know knew how to step out of my ennui n suffering.

5. The Resolution - Understanding
You are out of jail, out of the cage; you can open your wings and the whole sky was yours.
The dawn of understanding - that the cage has always been open, and the sky has always been there for us to explore - can make us feel shaky at first. It is fine and natural to be shaky, but don't let it overshadow the opportunity to experience the lightheartedness and adventure on offer too.

Soul - when I read this yday, I tot this is a wrong card. I cannot see any hope for me. Yday was crying during meditation and said no one will save us n its up to us only. Now I am bit hopeful. I will continue to read Sri Aurobindo. I suddenly tot of the Life pages has been written. Otherwise how could my good friend become interested in yogi a couple of years back and bought this book. Hence the book, after so many years is meant for me, waiting patiently for me to read it 
Few years ago, I would never have tot I connect with Sadhguru or the yogis and now I am. Amen.

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