Thursday, March 21, 2013

Whatever will be will be

Mar 19 aft
Father, I just realised I m leaving it to You. You know best what is meant for me. I leave it to you. What I know and can do is just my practices.

Destiny has nothing to do with astrology, it is concerned with spirituality; it has nothing to do with the lines on your palms. The idea of destiny is born when u cease to be the doer and things began to happen on its own. U r the doer as long as  u continue to struggle. But when u cease to be the doer, accepting whatever comes - not bothering about the result, whether it is misery or happiness - slowly the differences disappear and it even becomes difficult to recognise happiness and misery as such. U become indifferent to both.

Mmm, it is coincidental that my this week Osho card and now the book is on the same matter. Father, I have tried my very best and there is no regrets in my rship with Z.  So, like the river, I just flow according to the bank.

In the indifference, the doer disappear, because there is nothing left to do. And what was it that u had to do? There was only one thing - to work out how to obtain happiness and how to avoid misery. That was your only activity. Now no action is needed and still things will go on happening. When man is not the doer, existence becomes the doer, and when existence is the doer, this state is called destiny, fate.

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