Saturday, February 7, 2015

Spiritual sadhana is to be empty page

Jan 12 mor

P said she has not heard from me for sometime. She asked if I have been busy. I was surprised she missed my presence.

Actually I have switched off from her a few weeks ago. I came to the realisation that she is not the deep and close friend that I expect her to be. Our friendship are not mutual. To her, I am just a meditator friend. Once I m out from local Isha, there not much to tie us together. 

The old me would have want to go back and ignore my insight. The new me no longer need the validation from the friendship. I now need to put our friendship to her level so we can be mutually be satisfied. No more melodrama.

Mmm, with professional rships, I don't look back at all. With personal rships, it may take me some time to break it, but once I broke it off, I may look back a bit. But with romantic rships, so difficult to let go and once let go, I still look back more than I should. Just as I did look back into Y, but more so into Z cos its body memory vs Y's mental memory.

Your mind’s memory is miniscule compared to your body’s memory. If you just touch something or someone once, the mind might forget, but in the body, it is registered forever. When people have sex with each other, the mind may forget it, but the body will never forget. If you get a divorce, no matter how much you hate your spouse – still you will go through pain because the physical memory can never be lost.

The body needs stable memory – people feel this. Their spouse may not be physically great or intellectually great, they may be quarreling on the surface, but still they would sacrifice anything to be with them, because somewhere, they understand that this gives them maximum comfort and wellbeing. This is because your physical memory rules your life much, much more than your mental memory. The very way you are right now is ruled by your physical memory, not by your mental memory. Mental memory can be thrown away tomorrow morning, but you cannot throw your physical memory away. That would require a completely different level of spiritual evolution within you.
Generally, the denser the substance, the better its ability to retain memory, and inanimate substances have better memory than animate life.

there must be a way out of the past.

All the spiritual sadhana is not to become knowledgeable, but just to become an empty page so that just anything can be projected. If you become an empty page and remain one, you can project life upon it. If you have been to the local theater, any number of movies have been played upon that screen, but it does not distort anything because light is a subtle thing. If they had used a crayon or a paint brush, those screens would have been discarded a long time ago.
So it is about moving your relationship with the existence from that which is physical, mental, and emotional – which will leave marks and never allow you to have an empty page – into an etheric state, where your relationship is far deeper and much more profound, but subtle in such a way that you can play any kind of cinema on it. The moment it is off, it is off; not a trace left. The previous movie, if it left even a little bit of trace upon the screen, the next movie would be a disaster. That is all that is happening right now. The previous movies have left impressions.

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