Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Completion - ending and beginning

Aug 20 aft
Father, confirmed again with W. It was a pull factor. Just let it be. Guess in the end everyone had their own perception. Although W is having bad breathe, which means that she is stressed.

Was bit off today but glad for Shoonya. Feel so much rested. It was a shutdown and I cannot hear any tots in my mind.

1. Issue
Even in the ever changing flow of life, there are moments in which we come to a point of completion. Whatever has been absorbing ur time and energy is now coming to an end. In completing u will be clearing the space for something new to begin.

Completion of Z, there be a change of Second in command. C is leaving us.
I know that I be taking charge of Finance again, growing it proper.
Beginning of aware of existential vs psychological mode.

2. Internal
Life is a moment to celebrate, to enjoy. Make it fun, a celebration and then u will enter the temple.
A little foolishness and a little wisdom is good, and the right combination makes u a Buddha.

This week bit heavy with the resignation of W and unexpected drama from S. Not sure on celebration.

3. External influence
The quality of stress visit us at times, but perfectionists are particularly vulnerable to it.

True. Firstly with resignation of W and the fact her last days coincide with my Samyama program. Then with the fact that certain operational controls are lost. Need to get that in place. Then drama from S.

4. What is needed for resolution?
The mystic works on himself, his own being. And he is the real creator, the real poet because he makes himself into a masterpiece
U r carrying a masterpiece hidden within u, but u r standing in the way. Just move aside.
Drop the idea of becoming someone, because u are already a masterpiece.

Father, the old me would have been disturbed over S. The new me keep things at bay as I can see when I m in psychological or existential mode.
As for W leaving, its ok. I was not happy cos department has fallen bit. So new undertaking.

5. The Understanding
The relief and expansiveness u will feel once u put aside all the dithering tots that are preventing u from acting will now make u wonder why u ever waited so long.

Firstly contacted Z via FB and told him open about group meet. Lifting the veil. But contact still remain deleted as I just released the glue, don't want to be stuck again.

Secondly told S that we should not work together. The ending was unexpected but at least honesty is there. Ended the karma card.

Thirdly confronted W when I received feedback that she was leaving because of feeling overwhelmed. I no longer take

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