Monday, August 5, 2013

Osho - Outside always change; inside always exactly the same - go inside

Aug 1
Woke up before alarm at 4.30 am due to heat. So for the first time was fully awake before my cold shower. Cold shower truly work.
Did one cycle of Surya kriya followed by asanas. Improving and my forehead can still touch my knees on the two legs sitting posture. Did a quick Shavasana as I was not tired and also I want to have more time on breathing meditation. Of late, been slacking.
Breathing was good and I did with open palms.
 Shakti was fine as I got into Kapala Bhakti and no rest at all. My legs were not as cramped. Shambavi was good. Towards the end a sweet contentment and so I sat longer. By the time it ends was 7.26 am.
I must put my alarm to 4.15 am as I m spending more time on Shakti and hata yoga.
There were some intermittent tots of Z but it comes and go.

Osho - autobiography
My concept of new man is that he will be Zorba the Greek and he will also be Gautama the Buddha. The new man will be Zorba the Buddha. He will be sensuous and spiritual - physical, utterly physical, in the body, in the senses, enjoying the body and all that body makes possible, and still a great consciousness, a great witnessing will be there. He will be Christ and Epicurus together.
The old man's ideal was renunciation, the new man ideal will be rejoicing.

Yea. Love and meditation.

Osho - autobiography
Things are going to change - that is their nature.
One day u succeed, one day u fail; one day u are at the top, another day u are at the bottom. But something in u always exactly the same, and that something is ur reality.
I live in my reality, not in all the dreams and nightmare.

Wish I could be.

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