Thursday, September 5, 2013

Let life happens the ways it wants to - go with the Flow

Sept 4 aft
I m now editing Volume 4. Was on the story of Finding my Self in heartbreak and saw this

Lunar in Scorpio
In order to have the the relationship he wanted, he first has to let go of his need to be in total control over the relationship.

I just finished writing the story of Going with the Flow. I tot that perhaps this works too.
 In order to have the mastery that I wanted, I first have to let go of my need to be in total control of my life.
Like Sadhguru says "If my life happens to what I wanted; then it be poor life".

A few years ago I never dreamed that I be a serious meditator and now here I m; completely unexpected and unplanned. And meditation is the best tool in my dream of Self Mastery. Since I can detach from my mind; I too can detach my need to be in control to feel secure.
Like Osho said,"Only in insecurity u can grow".

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