Monday, August 5, 2013

Osho - only when u r outwardly rich, u become aware of ur inne poverty

Jul 30
Woke up at 4.30 am. The cold shower truly work, my skin is now better, guess inflammation had reduced now that heat is being takent out.

 Did one cycle of Surya kriya, breathe fluttering is already good and now focus on arching my back. It actually helps to straighten my spine. Yogaasanas were great. I can finally get my forehead to touch knees in the sitting postures. Lying down with legs up has also improved. The breathing method helps the posture to stay in place. My left leg can be straight on its own. I was laughing during the arch back posture. I can even do an abridged snail. All in all very good to me.

Did a quick Shavasana with two cycle of 61 points. Surprisingly not tired. Went into breathing meditation, immediately can see dull violet flame. Surprisingly I went into arashidharna posture. I sat for quite a while cos I know Shakti be a quickie since I still can't do Kapala Bhakti. I was in meditation mode once I sat for Shakti posture. The 4252 breathing was slow and good. Suka kriya also good. Overall good and i didnt rest. Shambavi was great as i was singing in my mind from butterfly posture.
Went into arashidharna posture from Suka kriya. Towards the end, a deep silence enveloped me. I sat for quite some time savouring the silence. Plough back was great too. Amen.
Looks like I will need to wake up earlier as hata yoga practices and Shakti has lengthened.

Was still savouring my peacefulness during my drive at work. Tots of Z came in. Then I recalled Osho said mind is memory and imagination. My imagination is not great, so mainly on memory. I accept that there will be intermittent tots of Z coming into my spheres. But now I can see its my mind and its memories. It is not real. Amen. T

What a coincidence. My this week card drawn today is on Playfulness and here I m reading Osho on playfulness.

Osho - autobiography
Take life very playfully - then u can have both the worlds together. U can have ur cake and eat it too. And that is the real art. This world and that, sound and silence, love and meditation, being with people, relating and being alone. All these things has to be lived together in a kind of spontaneity; only then will u know the uttermost depth of ur being and the uttermost height of ur being.

That's me. That's what I want - Love and Meditation.
Father, I found my Top 1.

Osho - autobiography
Think of this paradox: when u are outwardly rich only then do u become aware of ur inner poverty, in contrast. When u r outwardly poor, u never become aware of ur inner poverty because there is no contrast. U write with white chalk on blackboards, not on whiteboards. Why? Because only on blackboards will it show. The contrast is needed.

That's why me being rich, smart, spiritual and loving is at the right track. And I want the same type of partner cos I want to grow in love and spirituality as money is already there.
At the very least I learned that in my experience with Z. Z got money but he keep on increasing his life style and hence increased capital commitment; so back to slogging for money over and over again - working for the life style.
Me, life style maintained but money increased so I can afford to rest and spend whenever I want to.
In the end, richness is a balancing figure. As the saying goes, work on achieving net profit. No point increasing revenue with increasing expenses as there is no profit growth.

Father, I will spend on Kailash. This year just focus on getting my body ready. I recalled my wish is for my husband to travel to Kailash. At least go for Kailash first. I do what I can and let Father do his part. Ha ha.

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