Sunday, August 5, 2012

Decided to go on 3 days week for next year

Jul 21
Father, suddenly I have an urge for banana dessert. I bought a toffee banana cake and went to P's house for coffee. We just chat casually. There is no longer any drama.

Not sure why the sudden urge but I just want to savour dessert. Perhaps its due to the fact I cannot be with Z.

I told P of my plan for semi-retirement next year. I said I prefer new company but it cannot give me part time, whereas old company can do that. Since my main priority is part time, I have to choose old company.

P asked if I be fine if new company can give me 4 days week. I brushed it off by saying E won't let me. But I don't mind 4 days week for next year. Even now my plan is 4 days week.

P said I look smaller, doesn't look so bloated. I told her I have stopped my contraceptive pills. I too noticed I looked smaller. I been having the contraceptive for nearly 1.5 years.

Anyway, confirmed I will stop and we go on withdrawal method. Besides my Arava pills is already with contraceptive pill effects and now with my age at 45, it be a miracle if I got pregnant.

When I spoke to P on the contraceptive, her first reaction was to ask the guy to take responsibility. I recalled I too had such resistance. But then it ended. Now I don't take not because of resistance but becos I don't really like what it does to my body and the price to pay is not worth is as Z and I does it only infrequently.

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