Sunday, August 5, 2012

When u see ur mind's response, and you don't react, thats what is awareness

Jul 17 Aft

Father, today is King of Diamond. I guess that's about taking leadership role in promotion of Isha.

Diamond Heart - Book 3
The process of the Work becomes an exploration of the desires, fears, wants, gaps and holes, uncovering them one by one, so that in time, u stop believing they are real or necessary.

Fulfillment, which is simply the absence of the lack of fulfillment, arises through denuding urself, baring urself, becoming more and more naked. It is a matter of letting go of the things u have been trying to fill urself with, of shedding the unreal, until u r so simple that u r simplicity itself.

Ur mind can't even think about u. U r not complicated enough to think about u, to reflect on urself in the way u have been used to.

A person who is not self-realised is a complex person. The person who knows him or herself truly is very simple; there's nothing there to understand and no complications. They r so simple that there is nothing to understand.

When u can see the desires, the fears, the pleasures and the pain, when u can sense the fullness and the emptiness, and no response arises within u to any of them, then there is completeness.

Awareness is the step before completeness.

Completeness is a very simple, little thing. Very simple, very little, very minute, very uncomplicated. And at the same time, it is without the huge gap between u and the universe. It is the state of no gap.

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