Saturday, October 3, 2015

Finally able to do Surya Kriya properly

Aug 1

Woke up fresh around 6 plus am. Decided to wake up and do Sadhana.

Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by preparatory for Surya Kriya.
A very good one, my best Surya Kriya in all these years. Able to do slowly. The mountain pose is great cos for the first time I m able to use my shoulder and elbow to support my body. Able to lying down posture quite effortlessly due to stronger elbow joints. Bit stiff but no more pain.
I m ready for Angamardhana.

Did a quick breathing.

Did Shakti. It was awesome. First time doing a slow 7 breathe counts. Just being in the presence of my breathe.
Kapala Bhakti was bit fast.
Did slow breathing count at the end. My slowest.
In the end a deep silence settled within.
Followed by chanting of Gurur Brahma.

Did a quick preparatory for Shambavi but no time for Fluttering breathe as alarm has rang. So a quick one.

Went for my Angamardhana. I was surprise that I did good despite a 6 weeks no practice. The squatting posture was good. Even able to do jumping albeit slower.
 Only the lying down posture I was rusty.

Went to lunch with V and wife. Told them of my sudden interest in Homeopathy for my retirement plan Wellness centre. They too amazed at my miraculous recovery.
V said I can do online course. Both also agree that learning Germany language will be helpful.

So idea is sound.
Now the hard work of learning.
On the promotion I m not so worried.

Guess I m resistant towards hard work, investment in education.

I used to study hard so I need not have to study. But now need to go back to the books. Not only the technical but also the language.

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