Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rheumatoid Arthritis NSAID (Arava)

Aug 2 aft 3
Rheumatoid Arthritis NSAID (Arava) medication rejected by my body..for my good health

Now updating blog and saw this article on Diet for Autoimmune diseases
This seems to reiterate what the Allopathy and Homeopathy doctor was telling me earlier
Instead of being sad..I should be happy that my body is intelligent and I can finally hear its message and follwoing it.

Just like these few days I ate the leafy green..I ate it cos I know it is good for me. While I am eating I can feel body liking it.
I can't say my tongue like it but I am now eating for my body.

It’s the Whole Diet
The importance of the overall diet cannot be overemphasized.
Proper foods keep the intestinal barriers strong and the immune system in a fighting condition.
Those foods are whole starches, vegetable, and fruits.
In addition to being free of animal products, the diet must be low in fat of all kinds — vegetable oil (even olive oil, corn, safflower, and flaxseed oil) and animal fat.

Here. I said no to meat..but okay to pork lard..guess must now stop this reasoning.
It’s the Whole Diet
When it comes to blaming individual foods, dairy products seem to be the most troublesome foods, causing the most common and severe reactions. Many reports indicate grains, such as corn and wheat can also aggravate of symptoms. The truth seems to be almost any food can cause trouble, but few people react to vegetable foods.

Luckily lactose intolerant but still do take milk in some local coffee.
But these few weeks knowing that coffee reduces the impact of my Homeopathy medication..I am less enthusiatic even for decaf coffee.
It’s the Whole Diet
My experience and this research has lead me to prescribe for the past 22 years a starch-based diet with the addition of fruits, and vegetables (low-fat and devoid of all animal products).

If no improvement is seen within 2 weeks, I suggest wheat and corn be eliminated.

The final step is to follow an elimination diet based on the foods least likely to cause problems, such as sweet potatoes and brown rice with the addition of noncitrus fruits, and green and yellow vegetables. All thoroughly cooked.

Water is the beverage. If improvement is found (usually within 1 to 2 weeks), then foods are added back one at a time to see if there is an adverse reaction. (A complete description of this diet can be found in The McDougall Program — 12 days to Dynamic Health).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be stopped, and if necessary, replaced by aspirin or nabumetone (Relafen).Other medications are reduced and/or discontinued as the symptoms improve.

So glad that my Arava medication was stopped by my body.
Otherwise my doctor won't be releasing it from me.
On steriods i am not taking so it is fine.

1 comment:

  1. One of my family member is diagnosed for RA. Want to know from you how you took care along with Sadhna. Please let me know how to get in touch with you to learn about this. Thank you.
