Saturday, October 3, 2015

Two of Clubs

Jul 31 aft

Well, I am definitely looking into it.
Just  checked out some internet news..yes..many against Homeopathy. No wonder the doctor asked others to read his articles before coming to see him.Homeopathy doctor said it is tough there is a lack of positive communication. It took a few years for them to build their clientile and mostly only rich one can afford their medication, so the base is low.

Suddenly recalled my next 7 years card..which is all about communication.

Destiny Age 49 to 55

Long range
Two of Clubs (communications, fear and arguing)
Partnership involved in some Mercury related activities that will play a major role.
Mercury rules written and spoken words and all kinds of mental activities
Studying, teaching, writings, publishing and advertising all falls under his jurisdiction.
Watch out for impatience and a quick temper to get the best results.
U will be wanting to share tots and ideas with other and thus will probably attract a lot of other people in ur life.

Seven of Hearts (learning unconditional love and non attachment in rships)
This could be the year that u have a real experience of unconditional love.
As u allow others to be who they are, u also allows urself to be urself, and in this way, u will be able to experience a new sense of personal freedom.
To be totally free means having no attachments to others and no worries about whether or not they love us.
It also means having a knowing that there will always be enough love in our life, because it comes from within.

Yes..a tough fighting the public..
And since I have to invest money into education..the more I may be defensive.
At least the Homeopathy doctor has his own medical cert to back up his homeopathy cert.
I got nothing...
But I got something he doesnt' have..I am good promoter.. and I can attract people.
He definitely lacked charisma..

Father..tough battle..ahead..
The only thing keeping me going is that I m keen on wellness centre.
I am excited of healing myself..I am excited of learning new things..
I want to do something with my mind.

Five of Spades (change in lifestyle or living location, a long trip or change of job)

It is likely that u will move to a new home this year or change jobs. U could even do both under this powerful card of changes.
Expect some significant changes in ur life styles, ones that will lead u to a fuller expression of ur life force in the current cycle.
The actual changes may entail a lot of work and energy on ur part  and at times you may feel burdened by them. But this is ur time to make the move.
Make ur adjustments and get on with it.
Spades represents our lifestyle - the things that we actually do each and every day.
This powerful Five tells u that somehow ur lifestyle will change this year in a significant way.
Flow with the changes as best as u can, and u will be led to a better place for urself and those u love.

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