Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rejection is a call for redirection

Aug 2 aft 5

Got this...quite appropriate.
Corporate is gone...
We should not take rejection personally.
In other words, when we experience rejection it is actually the universe saving us time and trouble when something is not in alignment with our destination. 
We may not see it at the time and pine for what we think we ‘lost out’ on but we need to realign with the truth that it wasn’t meant to be in the first place and something else that is a frequential match is on the way. 
Sometimes we are so hung up on the rejection that we miss the opportunity that the rejection made way for. 

Embracing Rejection
Try to face rejection with the renewed optimism that it is a divining rod that could possibly lead you to that bountiful spring!
Allow yourself to be a little vulnerable when you need to test the waters of a prospective desire.  If rejected then allow yourself to hold your head high as you stride over to the next possible potential.
Rejection ultimately leads to refining your true path.

Let Me Give You a Personal Example:
“Rejection ultimately leads to refining your true path.”Back in 2002 my hubby and I were going through some financial strain.  We had both left our jobs to pursue working for ourselves and, after a year, it wasn’t going well.
We were toying with the idea of going to work in the UK but it was a daunting idea for both of us.  After much consideration, we decided to ask for our old jobs back.  Both of us left on great terms with our employers and both companies assured us that if we should ever need our jobs back, they would be there for us.
Well, as synchronicity would have it, neither one of us got our jobs back.

We were really shocked and surprised but what it actually did for us was push us into going overseas.  We eventually did take the plunge and we enjoyed a 3 year working holiday which saw us return with enough money to buy our first property cash.

If we had not been rejected, we wouldn’t have had the joy of living and working abroad in a country that boasted so many unique and rich historical treasures.  We wouldn’t have met the most amazing people, travelled all over England and Scotland and we most likely wouldn’t have bought any property.


  1. Hey I love reading your blog... Though I think u been a little less regular since past few months... Can u do reading for me... Been going through really bad phase for past few years.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why have u stopped blogging? Please bring it back.

  4. you are. an awesome writer
