Thursday, October 8, 2015

Last year destiny prepares me for this year Ten of Spades

Aug 2 2015

My last year card already showed the way
2014/15 Ruling

Queen of Spades
Somehow connected to ur result card you are attempting to develop a sense of mastery from within, a greater level of organisational ability or both. Self mastery comes from inner knowledge and self control. It is knowing u can have everything u want, not by changing the world but by changing yourself.
U will have to work hard this year and possibly doing work that u find somewhat distasteful.  Spades are work and the Queen using her work as karma yoga, a tool to purify her tots and emotions.
This is the goal u have set for urself and u must have good reason for why u want this. Keep this uppermost in ur mind as u progress through the year. U will no doubt have to make changes within and outside of urself  to achieve this goal.

I develop my capacity to transform my life by changing my beliefs, ideas, and concepts of the world. I become the master of myself.

Nine of Clubs
Much of ur challenges is to let go of outworn ideas, projects, plans or way of communicating. This is a year of completion that may at times seem like disappointing endings.
The Nine of Clubs says that u are completing a major chapter in ur life and it is time to move on to greener pastures.
Be open to spiritual wisdom in all forms, as this will help make change easier.

I complete projects this year and let go of the past. I broaden my understanding by releasing old ways of thinking.

Three of Hearts
Benefits will come this year through broadening the scope of ur personal or social relationships. A desire to express urself and ur feelings will bring many good things into ur life. This could be the year that u successfully add to ur list of personal contacts.
U could meet a new lover or two or merely makes some new friends that bring fun and diversity into ur romantic or social life.
Remember to say what u feel.

Six of Clubs
This card can have a powerful and positive effects on ur career and work. This could be the year that u become much better known or recognised for ur contribution.
This could be a vital time to devote some of ur resources to advertising or to getting into the media because success in these areas is almost certain. All in all, this should be a hallmark year where work is concerned.

Finally this card points to a need for more focus on one's purpose in life. This could be a year when circumstances cause u to reflect on ur life and make a sincere effort to finding the path best for u. Once that path is found, u are obligated on a spiritual level to follow it to the best of ur ability, regardless of external circumstances.
Following the path u have set for urself or just finding path that is meant for u, may be one the significant challenge of this year.

No wonder Ten of Clubs and Ten of 2015/16

Last year was the ending..with the unexpected RA pain in June 2015 and followed by recovery of RA pain with Homeopathy in early July. Concluded with me saying no to the high profile job offer in late July. Confirmed ending of corporate growth.
No wonder I had the new beginning at the start of this year in July.

This could be a year when circumstances cause u to reflect on ur life and make a sincere effort to finding the path best for u. Once that path is found, u are obligated on a spiritual level to follow it to the best of ur ability, regardless of external circumstances.
Following the path u have set for urself or just finding path that is meant for u, may be one the significant challenge of this year.


Oct 9 journey just started....

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