Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sadhguru - allow everything about you to fall off

Aug 2 aft 4

Was updating my blog for early July and saw this.

A spiritual person should be 100 times more intense than the most ambitious person in the world. Only then u can conquer inner nature.

I m telling you, Kriya by itself is not going to do anything. It is not the Kriya which is going to transform u. It is the intensity. Only when u are intense, the Kriya is a tremendous support. It intensifies u more and more. This is the whole purpose of doing the purpose of doing the practices.

Step by step, every day u can peel yourself off.
Everything disappears, and what is perfectly real, only that stays.
Everything that can fall off, let it fall off.
U are spending too much of ur life just to hold onto those things which are about to fall off.
U are spending all ur life just trying to support things which are always trying to fall.
What is going to fall, let it fall, let everything fall down.

There is something which cannot fall down. U will approach that very quickly when u allow these things to fall.

Not sure where I got this.

All these went off
Morning sleep went off
Resistance to detailed reporting
Laziness on fitness went off - now on Angamardhana for the past 1 and half year...license to eat
Resistance to spending money on renovation
Resistance to having a big car
Meat went off..
Coffee went off.
Milk went off
Validation of Isha volunteering went off
Resistance to capital commitment for own condo
Leisure breakfast with reading went off
Arava medication went off
Resistance to Neem and tumeric
Resistance to Rudrash and copper snake ring went off
Corporate work validation went off
Decaf coffee may go off
Alternative medicine

And today this message is quite apt when the other Homeopathy doctor said I shouldn't stretch myself by going back to school in a new field when I am already 48 years old and suffering from RA.
Stress is the greatest key to inflaming RA.
She said I should be considering full retirement..

Well, thats her..
For me..I knew that everything happens for a reason.
It is normally difficult for me to start new things especially anything that involves my financial security.
My mind will go into major resistance..torn among options..pulling my teeth.
But once I decided, I can let go...thats my second karma card of Nine of Diamonds.
Once I am in..I am truly in I will persevere..
I had so much resistance to Isha..and but I never stopped..slowly deepen...I am a slow one..

Now on Ace of Diamonds
But I already let go of the high profile corporate job.
It is time for new beginnings
I knew it is hard work..but I have Isha tools..I got Devi with me..

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