Monday, October 5, 2015

Three of Hearts in Mercury

Aug 2 aft

Truly Three of Hearts in Mercury with Jack of Hearts as Indirect.
Never expected this.
Never looked for this.
But it came when I am ready.
And it comes when I finally said not to bigger corporate career. Just turn down the offer to join former sister company. More lucrative more money, more profile..but won't make me happy...and won't be conducive for my RA. Even before I tot of taking the offer I was already thinking to do for a few years just for the money to settle my condo.
Well, Need not let my fear of financial security to lead my life.
Now want to be guided by what makes me happy.

Mercury 3 July to 23 Aug
Three of Hearts
Jack of hearts

Three of Hearts (indecision or variety in love and relationships, expression of feelings)
Don't be surprised if some situation comes up unexpectedly during this period that leaves u perplexed about love or friendship. U may receive two offers at once or someone new may comes in that u find immensely attractive and give u some cause to doubt ur existing rship.
This is also an influence that means immaturity in love and fickleness of the affection. Don't let ur mind run away with ur heart now. It may be hard to catch later.
Ur other Mercury card may indicate the person or situation in which u are feeling indecisive about.
The good side of this card is that u have the desire and motivation to meet new people and to express ur feelings, especially feelings of love and affection.
This is a great influence for getting socially involved and making new contacts in either work or pleasure areas.

Jack of hearts
(Making personal sacrifices for a higher good, initiation into a higher  love)
Card of spiritual sacrifice or Christ card

Well this calling into Homeopathy ..definitely like a Jack of Hearts.
Wellness for myself...but sacrifice in terms of monetary terms and time.

Today card.
My Daily Card
The Two of Clubs

The Two of Clubs means conversation, communication, sharing ideas and cooperation on a communication level. However, it is also known as the card of fear and arguing. When it is present you may feel compelled to talk to others and to establish lines of communication.

Look deeper into yourself and you may discover an inner conflict between your desire to be alone and to be with others. Talking to others may shed more light on who you are. Just make sure that you are being honest with yourself.

Now that I know I require full time study...
And this study requires me to be on collaborator mode..
And one thing that the doctor point out..I am too excited..
Mmm...maybe time to start on Isha Kriya..
Especially I got Three of Hearts in Mercury this year.

Queen of Diamonds

With so many Threes in the their life script, the Queen of Diamonds is bursting with innovative ideas and the drive to see them through. Their Three of Spades card in Mars is a motivator. They may have several different careers in quest for their true expression, but none of that energy is wasted as they build on their experiences from one to the next. They are also influenced by a Three of Clubs in Venus and a Three of Diamonds Challenging Karma Card (-KC). Three Threes is a powerful combination for variety and creativity as well as contributing to worry and indecision.

True..I feel my corporate stint and also my journey in Isha will help me in my Wellness centre.
I am already good in promoting Isha tools such as hata yoga, meditation, yantras and even those mantras cd.
I am good in promoting 7thunder cards.
Whatever that I have experience greatly I can easily promote.
So Homeopathy is my next one.
I want to learn to cure myself.
I have always said last is body...

So many Threes..need Isha Kriya.
My friend meditator P used to be quite agitated in her conversation..but now has mellowed much. Even able to respond to messages..
She was a Nine of Clubs ruling and since Isha Kriya can help her so much..definitely can help a Three like me.
Having a Queen of Spades in Neptune suggests access to intuition and spiritual guidance. Channeling all that creative energy into a strong work ethic nearly assures success after mid-life. There’s a natural ability to synthesize the wisdom gained from a variety of careers and experiences and put it all to good use.

Yes..I am on the right track to wellness.
The Five of Diamonds in Uranus suggests that finances may go through ups and downs throughout life. The Queen of Diamonds makes the most of these transitions by making the necessary changes and taking on a new challenge in the spirit of freedom of movement. Blessed with endless creativity, it sees them through to the next opportunity.

Soul another cycle..through my change of values.
Dropping corporate career to something that fit in my new values..of yoga and energy opening.
I knew Isha volunteering not for me as I want to do something independently on my own.
I am not the type that follows rules and regulation.
I always know I want to do something apart from Isha but never knew what it was.
Until the break down of NSAID medication in me, my first flare of major RA pain, my miraculous recovery of RA pain.
Next step recovery of RA as I believed that if Homeopathy provides only long term medication for chronic illness then no difference with Allopathy medication.
Queen of Diamonds people enjoy the finer things in life, are able to generate the resources to attain them, but often stress over cash flow and financial reserves. They are keen business people and are quite talented at promoting themselves and their services.

true..i know i m good in promoting good.
Their Supporting Karma Card (+KC), the Nine of Diamonds, naturally encourages their sharing of abundance. If in alignment with a spiritual path, Queen of Diamonds people express their generosity through supporting humanitarian causes, assisting family members and donating to charities.

My Jupiter is in Nine of Hearts

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