Thursday, October 8, 2015

Rejection is a call for redirection

Aug 2 aft 5

Got this...quite appropriate.
Corporate is gone...
We should not take rejection personally.
In other words, when we experience rejection it is actually the universe saving us time and trouble when something is not in alignment with our destination. 
We may not see it at the time and pine for what we think we ‘lost out’ on but we need to realign with the truth that it wasn’t meant to be in the first place and something else that is a frequential match is on the way. 
Sometimes we are so hung up on the rejection that we miss the opportunity that the rejection made way for. 

Embracing Rejection
Try to face rejection with the renewed optimism that it is a divining rod that could possibly lead you to that bountiful spring!
Allow yourself to be a little vulnerable when you need to test the waters of a prospective desire.  If rejected then allow yourself to hold your head high as you stride over to the next possible potential.
Rejection ultimately leads to refining your true path.

Let Me Give You a Personal Example:
“Rejection ultimately leads to refining your true path.”Back in 2002 my hubby and I were going through some financial strain.  We had both left our jobs to pursue working for ourselves and, after a year, it wasn’t going well.
We were toying with the idea of going to work in the UK but it was a daunting idea for both of us.  After much consideration, we decided to ask for our old jobs back.  Both of us left on great terms with our employers and both companies assured us that if we should ever need our jobs back, they would be there for us.
Well, as synchronicity would have it, neither one of us got our jobs back.

We were really shocked and surprised but what it actually did for us was push us into going overseas.  We eventually did take the plunge and we enjoyed a 3 year working holiday which saw us return with enough money to buy our first property cash.

If we had not been rejected, we wouldn’t have had the joy of living and working abroad in a country that boasted so many unique and rich historical treasures.  We wouldn’t have met the most amazing people, travelled all over England and Scotland and we most likely wouldn’t have bought any property.

Sadhguru - allow everything about you to fall off

Aug 2 aft 4

Was updating my blog for early July and saw this.

A spiritual person should be 100 times more intense than the most ambitious person in the world. Only then u can conquer inner nature.

I m telling you, Kriya by itself is not going to do anything. It is not the Kriya which is going to transform u. It is the intensity. Only when u are intense, the Kriya is a tremendous support. It intensifies u more and more. This is the whole purpose of doing the purpose of doing the practices.

Step by step, every day u can peel yourself off.
Everything disappears, and what is perfectly real, only that stays.
Everything that can fall off, let it fall off.
U are spending too much of ur life just to hold onto those things which are about to fall off.
U are spending all ur life just trying to support things which are always trying to fall.
What is going to fall, let it fall, let everything fall down.

There is something which cannot fall down. U will approach that very quickly when u allow these things to fall.

Not sure where I got this.

All these went off
Morning sleep went off
Resistance to detailed reporting
Laziness on fitness went off - now on Angamardhana for the past 1 and half year...license to eat
Resistance to spending money on renovation
Resistance to having a big car
Meat went off..
Coffee went off.
Milk went off
Validation of Isha volunteering went off
Resistance to capital commitment for own condo
Leisure breakfast with reading went off
Arava medication went off
Resistance to Neem and tumeric
Resistance to Rudrash and copper snake ring went off
Corporate work validation went off
Decaf coffee may go off
Alternative medicine

And today this message is quite apt when the other Homeopathy doctor said I shouldn't stretch myself by going back to school in a new field when I am already 48 years old and suffering from RA.
Stress is the greatest key to inflaming RA.
She said I should be considering full retirement..

Well, thats her..
For me..I knew that everything happens for a reason.
It is normally difficult for me to start new things especially anything that involves my financial security.
My mind will go into major resistance..torn among options..pulling my teeth.
But once I decided, I can let go...thats my second karma card of Nine of Diamonds.
Once I am in..I am truly in I will persevere..
I had so much resistance to Isha..and but I never stopped..slowly deepen...I am a slow one..

Now on Ace of Diamonds
But I already let go of the high profile corporate job.
It is time for new beginnings
I knew it is hard work..but I have Isha tools..I got Devi with me..

Rheumatoid Arthritis NSAID (Arava)

Aug 2 aft 3
Rheumatoid Arthritis NSAID (Arava) medication rejected by my body..for my good health

Now updating blog and saw this article on Diet for Autoimmune diseases
This seems to reiterate what the Allopathy and Homeopathy doctor was telling me earlier
Instead of being sad..I should be happy that my body is intelligent and I can finally hear its message and follwoing it.

Just like these few days I ate the leafy green..I ate it cos I know it is good for me. While I am eating I can feel body liking it.
I can't say my tongue like it but I am now eating for my body.

It’s the Whole Diet
The importance of the overall diet cannot be overemphasized.
Proper foods keep the intestinal barriers strong and the immune system in a fighting condition.
Those foods are whole starches, vegetable, and fruits.
In addition to being free of animal products, the diet must be low in fat of all kinds — vegetable oil (even olive oil, corn, safflower, and flaxseed oil) and animal fat.

Here. I said no to meat..but okay to pork lard..guess must now stop this reasoning.
It’s the Whole Diet
When it comes to blaming individual foods, dairy products seem to be the most troublesome foods, causing the most common and severe reactions. Many reports indicate grains, such as corn and wheat can also aggravate of symptoms. The truth seems to be almost any food can cause trouble, but few people react to vegetable foods.

Luckily lactose intolerant but still do take milk in some local coffee.
But these few weeks knowing that coffee reduces the impact of my Homeopathy medication..I am less enthusiatic even for decaf coffee.
It’s the Whole Diet
My experience and this research has lead me to prescribe for the past 22 years a starch-based diet with the addition of fruits, and vegetables (low-fat and devoid of all animal products).

If no improvement is seen within 2 weeks, I suggest wheat and corn be eliminated.

The final step is to follow an elimination diet based on the foods least likely to cause problems, such as sweet potatoes and brown rice with the addition of noncitrus fruits, and green and yellow vegetables. All thoroughly cooked.

Water is the beverage. If improvement is found (usually within 1 to 2 weeks), then foods are added back one at a time to see if there is an adverse reaction. (A complete description of this diet can be found in The McDougall Program — 12 days to Dynamic Health).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be stopped, and if necessary, replaced by aspirin or nabumetone (Relafen).Other medications are reduced and/or discontinued as the symptoms improve.

So glad that my Arava medication was stopped by my body.
Otherwise my doctor won't be releasing it from me.
On steriods i am not taking so it is fine.

Nine of Diamonds

Aug 2 aft 1
Nine of Diamonds

Their Supporting Karma Card (+KC), the Nine of Diamonds, naturally encourages their sharing of abundance. If in alignment with a spiritual path, Queen of Diamonds people express their generosity through supporting humanitarian causes, assisting family members and donating to charities.

Cosmic reward card - Nine of diamond
To let go and complete a major chapter in the evolution of their soul and personality.
This entails a lot of giving to others and a willingness to release both people and material things from their life when the time comes.
If they have not heeded the call to give and let go of others, money, rships and love, their life can be filled with disappointment and remorse.

Nine of Diamond - universal values (The Givers)
Once overcome their challenges, they are philanthropic, generous, happy and productive.
Have the opportunity to experience first-hand the heightened consciousness that comes from living a 'universal' life.
They are great at promoting things they believe in.
They r great talkers and communicator.
Many become counsellors, if not professionally, at least wit friends.

One of the challenges is to develop and use their charm and power to do good work.
Many of them are destined to make great contributors to the world, often by leading others to a higher form of knowledge and learning.
They must develop an awareness of the universal laws being manifested in their life.
Those who take a thoughtful approach to the events of their life will realise that for each thing they supposedly lose, new avenues are opening and they are getting more in touch with the cosmic flow.
When they truly release their attachments, spiritual gifts are showered down upon them.
They realise the beauty of releasing things in their life that are holding them back from a new and more beautiful life that is just now emerging.
They begin to identify with a much larger image of themselves, one that includes the need of others as well as their own.
The result is that they are happy and enlightened, having made the transition to a more universal approach to life.
The universal, rather than personal point of view is the ultimate destination.

Last year destiny prepares me for this year Ten of Spades

Aug 2 2015

My last year card already showed the way
2014/15 Ruling

Queen of Spades
Somehow connected to ur result card you are attempting to develop a sense of mastery from within, a greater level of organisational ability or both. Self mastery comes from inner knowledge and self control. It is knowing u can have everything u want, not by changing the world but by changing yourself.
U will have to work hard this year and possibly doing work that u find somewhat distasteful.  Spades are work and the Queen using her work as karma yoga, a tool to purify her tots and emotions.
This is the goal u have set for urself and u must have good reason for why u want this. Keep this uppermost in ur mind as u progress through the year. U will no doubt have to make changes within and outside of urself  to achieve this goal.

I develop my capacity to transform my life by changing my beliefs, ideas, and concepts of the world. I become the master of myself.

Nine of Clubs
Much of ur challenges is to let go of outworn ideas, projects, plans or way of communicating. This is a year of completion that may at times seem like disappointing endings.
The Nine of Clubs says that u are completing a major chapter in ur life and it is time to move on to greener pastures.
Be open to spiritual wisdom in all forms, as this will help make change easier.

I complete projects this year and let go of the past. I broaden my understanding by releasing old ways of thinking.

Three of Hearts
Benefits will come this year through broadening the scope of ur personal or social relationships. A desire to express urself and ur feelings will bring many good things into ur life. This could be the year that u successfully add to ur list of personal contacts.
U could meet a new lover or two or merely makes some new friends that bring fun and diversity into ur romantic or social life.
Remember to say what u feel.

Six of Clubs
This card can have a powerful and positive effects on ur career and work. This could be the year that u become much better known or recognised for ur contribution.
This could be a vital time to devote some of ur resources to advertising or to getting into the media because success in these areas is almost certain. All in all, this should be a hallmark year where work is concerned.

Finally this card points to a need for more focus on one's purpose in life. This could be a year when circumstances cause u to reflect on ur life and make a sincere effort to finding the path best for u. Once that path is found, u are obligated on a spiritual level to follow it to the best of ur ability, regardless of external circumstances.
Following the path u have set for urself or just finding path that is meant for u, may be one the significant challenge of this year.

No wonder Ten of Clubs and Ten of 2015/16

Last year was the ending..with the unexpected RA pain in June 2015 and followed by recovery of RA pain with Homeopathy in early July. Concluded with me saying no to the high profile job offer in late July. Confirmed ending of corporate growth.
No wonder I had the new beginning at the start of this year in July.

This could be a year when circumstances cause u to reflect on ur life and make a sincere effort to finding the path best for u. Once that path is found, u are obligated on a spiritual level to follow it to the best of ur ability, regardless of external circumstances.
Following the path u have set for urself or just finding path that is meant for u, may be one the significant challenge of this year.


Oct 9 journey just started....

Monday, October 5, 2015

Three of Hearts in Mercury

Aug 2 aft

Truly Three of Hearts in Mercury with Jack of Hearts as Indirect.
Never expected this.
Never looked for this.
But it came when I am ready.
And it comes when I finally said not to bigger corporate career. Just turn down the offer to join former sister company. More lucrative more money, more profile..but won't make me happy...and won't be conducive for my RA. Even before I tot of taking the offer I was already thinking to do for a few years just for the money to settle my condo.
Well, Need not let my fear of financial security to lead my life.
Now want to be guided by what makes me happy.

Mercury 3 July to 23 Aug
Three of Hearts
Jack of hearts

Three of Hearts (indecision or variety in love and relationships, expression of feelings)
Don't be surprised if some situation comes up unexpectedly during this period that leaves u perplexed about love or friendship. U may receive two offers at once or someone new may comes in that u find immensely attractive and give u some cause to doubt ur existing rship.
This is also an influence that means immaturity in love and fickleness of the affection. Don't let ur mind run away with ur heart now. It may be hard to catch later.
Ur other Mercury card may indicate the person or situation in which u are feeling indecisive about.
The good side of this card is that u have the desire and motivation to meet new people and to express ur feelings, especially feelings of love and affection.
This is a great influence for getting socially involved and making new contacts in either work or pleasure areas.

Jack of hearts
(Making personal sacrifices for a higher good, initiation into a higher  love)
Card of spiritual sacrifice or Christ card

Well this calling into Homeopathy ..definitely like a Jack of Hearts.
Wellness for myself...but sacrifice in terms of monetary terms and time.

Today card.
My Daily Card
The Two of Clubs

The Two of Clubs means conversation, communication, sharing ideas and cooperation on a communication level. However, it is also known as the card of fear and arguing. When it is present you may feel compelled to talk to others and to establish lines of communication.

Look deeper into yourself and you may discover an inner conflict between your desire to be alone and to be with others. Talking to others may shed more light on who you are. Just make sure that you are being honest with yourself.

Now that I know I require full time study...
And this study requires me to be on collaborator mode..
And one thing that the doctor point out..I am too excited..
Mmm...maybe time to start on Isha Kriya..
Especially I got Three of Hearts in Mercury this year.

Queen of Diamonds

With so many Threes in the their life script, the Queen of Diamonds is bursting with innovative ideas and the drive to see them through. Their Three of Spades card in Mars is a motivator. They may have several different careers in quest for their true expression, but none of that energy is wasted as they build on their experiences from one to the next. They are also influenced by a Three of Clubs in Venus and a Three of Diamonds Challenging Karma Card (-KC). Three Threes is a powerful combination for variety and creativity as well as contributing to worry and indecision.

True..I feel my corporate stint and also my journey in Isha will help me in my Wellness centre.
I am already good in promoting Isha tools such as hata yoga, meditation, yantras and even those mantras cd.
I am good in promoting 7thunder cards.
Whatever that I have experience greatly I can easily promote.
So Homeopathy is my next one.
I want to learn to cure myself.
I have always said last is body...

So many Threes..need Isha Kriya.
My friend meditator P used to be quite agitated in her conversation..but now has mellowed much. Even able to respond to messages..
She was a Nine of Clubs ruling and since Isha Kriya can help her so much..definitely can help a Three like me.
Having a Queen of Spades in Neptune suggests access to intuition and spiritual guidance. Channeling all that creative energy into a strong work ethic nearly assures success after mid-life. There’s a natural ability to synthesize the wisdom gained from a variety of careers and experiences and put it all to good use.

Yes..I am on the right track to wellness.
The Five of Diamonds in Uranus suggests that finances may go through ups and downs throughout life. The Queen of Diamonds makes the most of these transitions by making the necessary changes and taking on a new challenge in the spirit of freedom of movement. Blessed with endless creativity, it sees them through to the next opportunity.

Soul another cycle..through my change of values.
Dropping corporate career to something that fit in my new values..of yoga and energy opening.
I knew Isha volunteering not for me as I want to do something independently on my own.
I am not the type that follows rules and regulation.
I always know I want to do something apart from Isha but never knew what it was.
Until the break down of NSAID medication in me, my first flare of major RA pain, my miraculous recovery of RA pain.
Next step recovery of RA as I believed that if Homeopathy provides only long term medication for chronic illness then no difference with Allopathy medication.
Queen of Diamonds people enjoy the finer things in life, are able to generate the resources to attain them, but often stress over cash flow and financial reserves. They are keen business people and are quite talented at promoting themselves and their services.

true..i know i m good in promoting good.
Their Supporting Karma Card (+KC), the Nine of Diamonds, naturally encourages their sharing of abundance. If in alignment with a spiritual path, Queen of Diamonds people express their generosity through supporting humanitarian causes, assisting family members and donating to charities.

My Jupiter is in Nine of Hearts

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Finding out more information on homeopathy

Aug 2

Woke up fresh before 6 am despite sleeping at 1.30 am yesterday night on full stomach.

Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by morning walk.

Body aching a bit after doing my first Angamardhana after a lapse of 6 weeks. Yes, the buttock and thigh muscle for the lying down posture.

Did 2 cycle of walk, no staircase today.
Feeling good, still on Homeopathy and wanted Universe to give me more information on Homeopathy.
Will need to find out from more Homeopathy cos my current Homeopathy doctor not giving me any lead I can use.
Then I remember the Homeopathy contact that I got from my colleague N. Perhaps I can call on the said doctor, M

It was the most enlightening call that I had a long time.

Firstly, she said I need to take a local 4 year course with another half year practitioner in India. Otherwise I can't practice locally. Also found out that my current doctor also not legal, and hence will take up the 4.5 years course to make himself legal. The doctor I talked to is now in her final year of study. Both of them full fledged doctor and now taking up homeopathy. M said it is not a lucrative, relatively unknown, not good market perception. Too many low educated persons practising homeopathy and hence Govt has enforced a ruling to legalise only licensed practitioner.
The good news is that the only one licensed is the university, located half an hour drive from my house.
And perhaps I need not trouble myself to learn about German language..that be additional stress.

Then we discussed about my RA.
It didn't start well cos I was too enthuse and voice bit fast and she said that for an RA patient, my first thing to do is to talk slowly with a calm mind. And I shouldn't be get myself stressed into taking Homeopathy as I should be focusing on healing myself.
She then said that while she is glad my RA pain has reduced but there is no such cure as yet for RA and it can flare at any point.
As an RA patient, I must learn that stress is not good for me, I must learn to speak slowly and calmly as she can hear my excited voice.
(While it was bit condescending, I hold myself back and tot perhaps I should do Isha Kriya...and it is mind do get away with me.)

We spoke of the complete autoimmune blood test and also hormone test and even the upper and lower colon scope test that I should be doing.
She also said that there are bad side effects from NSAIDs medication like Arava since I have been taking them for 7 years. She said those drugs got side effects.

Did share with her about Isha yoga and when she was talking about food. I suddenly shared that I am off meat and can't drink coffee and been on decaf. But of late, body also not keen on decaf. I told her I was sad that my body has turned on me, she was so excited to hear this. She said my body is already turning on a healing mode. My body is now rejecting food that is not good for me. I told her I was sad and she said I needed two tight slap. There are very few people whose body can turn on the road of recovery. She said I am so lucky that I am on track on the yoga path and now seeing the result.
I said things start to change around 3 years ago but I ignored all the purging.
But recently, the body feeling is coming as I know I feel ill if I take something not good. I told her about my involuntary letting go of meat..of coffee...and now only drink decaf on some days.
She said to cut it off completely, as decaf is also not good for me.

She said stress, meat, coffee and white sugar should be off for me. I am naturally lactose intolerant
I told her that I read about it and I already lost meat and coffee and I can't afford to lose sugar. But of late body is saying no to white sugar.
I even shared that yesterday when I had the not sweet dessert my body was fine. But when I ate a small piece of cup cake, firstly I can see my tongue body doesn't like it. After I finished the small cup cake, I don't feel good good. I feel bit down.
She is so estatic and she said so happy to hear this from me.
She felt a connection to me. We spoke nearly one hour and I emailed her my contact as she wants to send me a web link on how body recovery leads to intelligent food decision.
I said thanks cos I need it as friends said I m losing rather than gaining since my body rejecting food.

Father, after talking to her..I find myself even more keen on Homeopathy.
Or rather more determined.
Just checked the university web link and send email for more information.
Honestly, if local course, then at least won't be so pricey and dropping out of corporate world and doing full time studying may not be so daunting since money is mus issue.

Saw facebook and saw this:
Its okay to start over.
Its okay to rebuild
Its okay to be scared.

Truly what I am experiencing.
Msg a friend also from corporate finance who quit her job and went into a full time child psychology course. Would like to know how she came to the final decision.

This period..learning to speak to more people. Need to find out more.

Truly Three of Hearts in Mercury.

Mercury 3 July to 23 Aug
Three of Hearts
Jack of hearts

Three of Hearts (indecision or variety in love and relationships, expression of feelings)
Don't be surprised if some situation comes up unexpectedly during this period that leaves u perplexed about love or friendship. U may receive two offers at once or someone new may comes in that u find immensely attractive and give u some cause to doubt ur existing rship.
This is also an influence that means immaturity in love and fickleness of the affection. Don't let ur mind run away with ur heart now. It may be hard to catch later.
Ur other Mercury card may indicate the person or situation in which u are feeling indecisive about.
The good side of this card is that u have the desire and motivation to meet new people and to express ur feelings, especially feelings of love and affection.
This is a great influence for getting socially involved and making new contacts in either work or pleasure areas.

Jack of hearts
(Making personal sacrifices for a higher good, initiation into a higher  love)
Card of spiritual sacrifice or Christ card

Well this calling into Homeopathy ..definitely like a Jack of Hearts.
Wellness for myself...but sacrifice in terms of monetary terms and time.

Today card.
My Daily Card
The Two of Clubs

The Two of Clubs means conversation, communication, sharing ideas and cooperation on a communication level. However, it is also known as the card of fear and arguing. When it is present you may feel compelled to talk to others and to establish lines of communication.

Look deeper into yourself and you may discover an inner conflict between your desire to be alone and to be with others. Talking to others may shed more light on who you are. Just make sure that you are being honest with yourself.

Now that I know I require full time study...
And this study requires me to be on collobaraty mode..
And one thing that the doctor point out..I am too excited..
Mmm...maybe time to start on Isha Kriya..
Especially I got Three of Hearts in Mercury this year,