Sunday, August 30, 2015

Osho tarot - Silence

Jul 23 mor

Today woke up fresh at 4 am. Went to toilet, switch aircond and doze back.
Wake up from alarm at 4.30 am.
Body is okay..mind bit groggy..stay a minute and then woke up as body is fresh.

Clear the room with Moola mantra.

Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by effortless cat stretch albeit some slight pain to my right elbow.
Both elbow sizes has reduced...
Yogaasanas quite good..can hold laughing...
Breathing was quite nice.
Shakti was okay with the legs..but Kapala Bhakti bit too fast.. some tots coming in second and third cycle.
Toward the end, just a deep silence.

Shambavi was good..towards the end a long contented silence without movement. Just being with my head slightly tilted. First time for me..such stillness and contentment after Shambavi.
Savouring the silence.

This week Osho tarot card.

The energy of the whole has taken possession of you. You are possessed, you are no more, the whole is. 

This moment, as the silence penetrates in you, you can understand the significance of it, because it is the same silence that Gautam Buddha experienced. It is the same silence that Chuang Tzu or Bodhidharma or Nansen.... The taste of the silence is the same. 

Time changes, the world goes on changing, but the experience of silence, the joy of it, remains the same. That is the only thing you can rely upon, the only thing that never dies. It is the only thing that you can call your very being.

The silent, mirrorlike receptiveness of a star-filled night with a full moon is reflected in the misty lake below. The face in the sky is deep in meditation, a goddess of the night who brings depth, peace and understanding. 

Now is a very precious time. It will be easy for you to rest inside, to plumb the depths of your own inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the universe. There's nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the quality of your inner silence permeates everything you do. 

It might make some people uncomfortable, accustomed as they are to all the noise and activity of the world. Never mind; seek out those who can resonate with your silence - or enjoy your aloneness. Now is the time to come home to yourself. The understanding and insights that come to you in these moments will be manifested later on, in a more outgoing phase of your life.

Just got message that mom breast biopsy is cancerous. But feeling quite calm.
Maybe mom needed this shake up so she can let go of family responsibility.

Pluto in Virgo - complete mental deconditioning

Jul 23

Got this from my blog.
Pluto in 4th house
It is common for you and your parents (and/or parental authority figures) to become polarized.  After you have established your own fundamental identity, this polarization can return to balance.  If this result is not achieved, the polarization may become permanent, manifested either as alienation or as parental domination if you are too weak to assert your own identity.

Yes..I used to resist load of Isha tools especially relating to pendants, ring and rudrash.
Now that I have found my space..finally can see them as tools..and now wearing them with reverence.

The same as family, breaking through with Sannidhi and now having my own sadhana room in my new condo. Family has accepted me with my new life stye. Yet, family still plays an important role in my life.


When crisis results in transformation, you may find your outlook toward family and tradition profoundly altered.  After a peak crisis, you may feel that your whole essence has been fundamentally changed and that your sense of personal security is no longer dependent upon external nurturing but is rooted in your own sense of Truth.  If you are unable to undergo internal transformation, there is a danger that destructive changes will occur within your family and home environment.

Transcendent Potential

      You can realize the transcendent potential of Pluto in the Fourth House when you completely transform yourself from your foundation upward.  With little in the way of support or encouragement, you may bootstrap your consciousness and character to a higher level of consciousness.  You then overcome any false spiritual pride in the realization that you have never been alone in this struggle but that an Inner Power has supported you and still does so.  You develop a profound sensitivity to Truth and you learn to act in accordance with this Truth.  This requires a complete mental deconditioning and the resulting experience of the highest freedom--the freedom to act within the Higher Will.  The alchemy of suffering breeds compassion in your breast.  You learn to tenderly embrace what others hold dear and to "suffer the little children."  Your foundation having been transformed, after this struggle, you quickly ascend to the heights of consciousness.

With the purchase of the lovely energy condo...out of the blue...
With the miraculous cure from RA via Homeopathy, I know now life is magical.
Even with the discovery and purchase of the recirculation fan led me to it.
Now next is my life work to be aligned to my spiritual path.
Homeopathy seems to complement Isha tools.
It also led me to have my own little business for retirement and will give me time for my writing hobby too.

My little ashram - such comfort

Jul 22 eve 2

Today despite my tiredness, was able to go into high mode for Yogaasanas in the morning. I was laughing loads on the one leg lift up lying back asanas.

Breathing was nice.

Shakti was distracted with sis in law lack of urgency over the mirror despite several reminders. Also tot of myself. Despite all these I was still singing after Shakti.

Shambavi was nice.

Today Sannidhi Pooja was not gear cos I was lost in tots during Guru Pooja.
Then Brahmanada I woke up.

Did Devi chanting. Tears came when doing Devi lying down pose. When I got up with eyes open I suddenly singing love songs with Devi.

Shoonya went in deep. Then a short Breathing.

Felt cleansed.
So thankful for my Little Ashram.
Now sure of my new shrine cabinet with both raised platforms for Sadhguru Sannidhi and my Devi, Dhynalinga and Vijii.

Since the Aircond is now at the front right room and also dad at the back room. So decided to put Sadhghuru at left, also coincided with the CD player for Pooja. The little ashram at the right end.
Now settled. Just need L to make the cabinet beautiful.

Erinpavlina - aligning with your higher self's intentions

Jul 22 eve

this is a good motivation for me,

Before you incarnated, your higher self had an intention. And you got sent here with that intention coded into your spiritual DNA.
When you align yourself with that intention and begin following its path, you will get massive amounts of support and help from the universe.
Resources, opportunities, lucky breaks, synchronistic meetings, and coincidences will abound in your life.
That’s because the moment you turn towards the path of intention, you ignite. You are on spiritual fire! It’s like lighting a rocket.

Since I was young, I knew I am meant to be Director in business. Eventhough I start from Accounts based but I never took up accounts.
I work my way up..and things just flow.

The second thing that just flow is Isha..
Its like falling in love.
All the programs, it happens beyond me. It happens eventhough I don't want it and don't know about it.
I had no inkling..but it happens. just happens..
 So for me, Isha path just happens..
When you are going down a path that is not aligned with your intention, your spirit guides have to expend a lot of energy trying to get you moving onto a different path. There are blocks, bad breaks, unfortunate incidences. You are beset and besieged by bad luck. It’s no fun. You start to feel like you’re rowing against the current.

When I went back to high profile corporate job, I become unhappy.
When I hooked up with Z, then broke off...Never meant to be.
But when you connect with that path of intention, it’s like removing the anchor around your feet. Suddenly you can fly.
My business really took off. That’s what happens when passion and intention collide. I was brought so many opportunities without even trying. That’s what happens when your spirit guides are finally given free rein to help you with the important stuff.
And today, about 8 years later, I feel more on purpose than ever before.
Ask yourself if you are living in alignment with your higher self’s intention for you. I know some of you will send me stories about how you switched careers or ended bad relationships and are now really flying!
And I know some of you are asking, “But how do I know what my higher self’s intention for me was?”

I can tune in to your guides and find out for you, or you can do it yourself.
Do a meditation where you go to a garden. Sit down and ask your higher self to come sit with you. Ask him or her what the intention was. And listen, really listen. It should resonate in your gut. You can even ask how to get onto the path of intention. You may see your spirit guides answer that one.
But the bottom line is that you’ll know it when you hear it or feel it. “Oh my God, yes!” is what you’ll say to yourself. You don’t have to know how you’re going to accomplish this intention. For now, it’s enough to identify it and know it.

guess for now Homeopathy. Let it sunk in.
Then let your spirit guides help move you to a new path if one is required. Don’t resist. Be brave. It often takes courage to leave something we’ve been doing for so long.
It might require major shifts in your life or lifestyle. Maybe a relationship has to go. Maybe some friendships will need adjusting. Maybe healing will come. There may be a new job opportunity.
Go with the flow of your higher self’s goal.
There is nothing more wonderful than living in alignment with your intention. It’s like swimming in bubbles. You’ll get giddy and excited. And then you’ll be flying!


Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it (Howard Thurman)

Jul 22 eve 2

I also strongly recommend asking for help!
Ask God and the angels to show you your very next step to align with your highest and best possible spiritual career.

When you do tune into your next step, take it! Then ask for your next best step once again.

Another wonderful question to ask is, “How may I serve?” When the answer to this question is in alignment with something you love and enjoy, and something which will serve others, you’re likely right on track towards living your spiritual calling and aligning with your spiritually based career.

A quote I really love which speaks to this truth is by Howard Thurman, who brilliantly said:
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Like this.
Going to ashram. The idea of Homeopathy still there. No longer scary. Homeopathy combined with Isha Yoga tools will work wonders.

It also align with my blog suffering is blessing. When they come suffering physically, I homeopathy Medicine accelerated by Isha tools.

And I can share of Isha tools. That's me a promoter of Isha tools.

Just as Hata Yoga is an avenue to reach out; homeopathy too is an avenue.
And the best thing both works on body first so easier to be accepted by general public.
Such a paradox I always said my Body last. Yes, truly learning my body.

Sadhguru is with me where ever I am, Sannidhi is just a form

Jul 29

Bit disappointed that Y doesn't allow his brass Sannidhi to be borrowed. He said can only removed during house shift. Then must do the full moon Pooja. I recalled Ashram said it is good to have Pooja on those days but not mandatory. Also he was the one that said Sannidhi not good to be shared. For me, Sannidhi is also a tool.

I m so glad I decided not to be attached to my Sannidhi. After yesterday Pooja I knew that Sadhguru will be with me wherever I am. My experience of Sathsang becoming more awesome after Sannidhi. My aim is to be a consecrated body myself.
So seeing Y so attached to Sannidhi makes me glad that I made decisions to go to local Guru purnima.

Since you are not willing to surrender your will, we are prodding you through this sadhana [spiritual practices] to provoke your energies. That is why the path of asana and kriya. Since you are not able to do it by yourself, just activate creation itself in a certain way. If it begins to move, it settles everything. It is like a flood; your centuries-old world is wiped away in only a few hours of fury. So your sadhana is not about getting somewhere. It is just a way, a method to unleash a flood so enormous that it wipes away your petty creations and leaves you as the Creator intended you to be.”

Sadhguru on chronic disease - me creating from within

ul 28 eve


This body is essentially programmed for health. So why would it turn against you? Because somewhere, you are not keeping it happy. You must pay a little more attention. There is a systematic way of paying attention to this, because everything in this body was created from within. When that is so, you can also easily fix it from within.

For the things you create from within, running to the doctor is of no use. The medical profession can only help you manage chronic ailments, they can never rid you of them. When you are creating it, how can they rid you of it? Every day, they will put more chemicals into you but every day you will doggedly create more disease within yourself. Unless you change that basic pattern, health will not happen

When it comes to a chronic ailment, the root cause for it is always on the energy level. As you have a physical body, you also have an energy body or Pranamayakosha. This is the energy infrastructure over which the physical substance comes together as a human body. If your energy body is disturbed – whether because of the atmospheres you live in, the food you eat, the relationships you hold or because of your emotions, attitudes, thoughts and opinions – this naturally manifests physiologically and psychologically.

The basic premise in yoga is that if your energy body is in full flow and properly balanced, there can be no chronic disease. If people are willing to do a certain amount of sadhana to balance and activate their energy body, they can definitely be free of all chronic ailments.

Yoga is a means to build a pathway to the manufacturer so that health is not your business, it is his business.

I used to lament on this. Why no cure after so much sadhana.
Now with just three weeks of Homeopathy I can see hope.
I did ask for 2 or 3 months to be cured for RA. Miracle happens.

My friend P called me. Looks like she was busy and she couldn't understand my message since her online visa form was prepared by her travel agent.
So it was me seeking validation. But sad. Father when will I get over my validation issue.

Now doing my age 49 to 55 and Seven of Hearts come up. So will learn. Also recalled that Seven of Hearts was my lifetime challenge. So go easy on myself.

Seven of Hearts (learning unconditional love and non attachment in rships)
This could be the year that u have a real experience of unconditional love.
As u allow others to be who they are, u also allows urself to be urself, and in this way, u will be able to experience a new sense of personal freedom.
To be totally free means having no attachments to others and no worries about whether or not they love us.
It also means having a knowing that there will always be enough love in our life, because it comes from within.

Also tot the video link on rship is correct for me too.
Watch "The Nature of Human Relationships" on YouTube -

Reading my age 49 to 55 led me to see age 48 life path in a more approachable mode. It make sense.

Kailash accelerated the moving of new house with new lifestyle. And in a few years mom will leave us to join dad.
Also I knew that my corporate career path is ending. I need something stimulus that can also align with my Sadhana life style. So wellness is it.
But homeopathy has an uphill tasks ahead in communication. And I may then to be defensive.

Truly everything coming together. Also my sudden attack of major RA pain led me to homeopathy. That was supposed to happen in age 49 to 55 but happen in end age 47 instead.

Healers' path require much sacrifice

Jul 22 aft 1
Got this from facebook..forgot to copy the link.

Copied this as I am now facing a threshold in my life.
Corporate not giving me the joy I want...

Because there are comforts we’d rather not sacrifice.
As I mentioned we are all vessels and carry gifts and much potential. We are all seers and healers of some sort or art form, yet we do not all want to fast at the level as some prophets do or leave the city to relearn how to be in tune with nature in the mountains like monks. We do not all want to do what it takes to fully come into our abilities as psychics or shamans. I love being a shamanic healer and would never go back to my life before this but I would not wish some of the trials I have transformed through on others. It is not easy. Ego deaths are not pretty nor fun. I’ve given up long periods of time away from friends and family, sex, and many other life pleasures.

I believe this is true of all people in every domain. I wasn’t willing to go to university longer than the average 4 years to be a doctor. There are many paths I do not choose because there are sacrifices I’d rather not make and that is perfectly beautiful because we all have paths that we are meant to take and we all will have to make some sacrifice.

Spiritual Healing work is deep and at times risky and requires going into the darkness to retrieve souls and soul medicine. There are intense places and dimensions that a healer must go spiritually and physically in order to heal themselves and others. The healers that have taken honorable paths have given up things you can not even imagine to do what they do and be who they are in order to offer us divine wisdom and access to immense support on our healing journeys.

Honestly, the world needs healers for the same reason that the world needs you. Because we are all individual answers and blessings to the world’s problems and positive evolution. I imagine a time when we are all fully awake to our gifts whatever they may be and honor with gratitude all our guides, teachers, messengers, and helpers along the healing journey.

Saturn in 10th house - to transcend material goals for spiritual goals

Jul 22 aft

Just read my Saturn in Aries again

Saturn in Aries in 10th house   
Your Sense of Limitation, Organization and Discipline Is Focused on Achievement and Success
            Saturn rules the Tenth House and this is generally seen as a good placement for Saturn.  Positive Saturnian qualities, such as work ethic, discipline, pragmatism and organization are likely to be strengths for you.  These characteristics are likely to help you to achieve your goals and succeed in your endeavors.  You are likely to have opportunities to build a strong edifice of accomplishment, building on your strengths and on your past achievements.  You are likely to go about achieving your goals in an organized manner, generally taking things step-by-step.
            You are likely to be the type of person who leaves nothing to chance.  Therefore, although your success rate may be high, you are not likely to take many risks and your accomplishments may not be as spectacular as they could be.  However, you will usually be satisfied with a record of solid achievement.
            The other side of your willingness to work hard for your successes is that nothing is likely to come easily for you.  Often, everything that you have achieved, you have had to work hard at.  You may be incredibly responsible, but your seriousness about reaching your goals may tend to make your life a little dull.  If you take undo pride in your achievements, you may think that you have risen to your status by your own efforts and that anyone else who is not lazy can do the same.  Sometimes, you will work excessively hard or you are driven to achieve to the point that you place yourself under a tremendous amount of stress.  These are dangers inherent in Saturn in the Tenth House that you may need to balance out with a more relaxed attitude.

Well, I was known to be an urgent responsible achiever.

Focus of Your Effort and Discipline
            Your efforts are generally concentrated on advancing your career and are also likely to be directed toward achieving any other goals that you have set before yourself.  You are therefore likely to be most disciplined about your career or about working toward some other goal.  If a specific goal is not set before you, you may become lax and unmotivated.

Soul my foucus.

Focus of Your Insecurity and Your Challenge to Overcome Limitation
            You may have to face some obstacle in your career or in achieving your other goals in life.  Sometimes this obstacle may take the form of a deep-seated insecurity about your ability to succeed that you acquired in your childhood.  Perhaps the standards that you were expected to meet as a child were too high and this discouraged you.  Perhaps you had poor role models or no role model with regard to discipline and the importance of sustained effort and work ethic.  Perhaps you had been constantly told that you were a failure.  For what ever reason, it is not unusual, during your adolescence and early adult years, for you to feel ill-equipped for success and/or for the pursuit of a career.

            If you make an effort to find out how you can be more successful and apply yourself, however, you will generally be quite successful.  Still, there may be some insecurity that drives you.  Obstacles may also occur later in your career life.  These are likely to be external in nature or there may be some unavoidable or natural limitations to your career path that you may have to confront.
            Another manifestation of Saturn in the Tenth House is that, in most of your endeavors, you must overcome some limitation or obstacle in order to succeed.  Therefore, you are continually faced with challenges in life.  This may motivate you to greater success or it may discourage you from trying.

Well, my brother did play a big role in undermining my confidence.
I had tot I wasn't smart until I was in my early thirties and realised that I am smart.
I also know that my IQ not as great as their, I don't have photographic memory but I tend to analyse more and good in application.
And my career used to drive me..until my path with stopped to be the validator..then it was volunteering...
alas now no more..

Transcendent Potential
            You can realize the transcendent potential of Saturn in the Tenth House when, rather than being focused on achieving material goals and achieving status in the eyes of the world, you look for something of real value to accomplish.  You then become dissatisfied with the lesser goals of life.  You now set the highest standard for yourself and you set as your goal to attain that standard.    This requires a great deal of discipline and even purification.  You must become single-minded in your commitment to your goal.  Nothing must distract you and ultimately, you must have no other goals in your life but the attainment to this Highest of All.  Ultimately, of course, you must give up your own--meaning your ego's--effort and any idea that you can accomplish that Goal.  Only the absolutely Pure can reach to that Level to which you have aspired.
            If you are inwardly insecure, you will feel that you must accomplish great things and that success is the only acceptable outcome of your efforts.  Your self-respect and integrity depend upon this for, in reality, you have no confidence or faith in your own value or even in your own existence.  You are driven to succeed and haunted by failure.  Your accomplishments become the proof of your worth, for you have nothing else to sustain you.

            If you fail, it is disastrous.  Therefore, you put forth all of your effort and more to accomplish your tasks.  If you realize that you cannot live up to your expectations, you may conclude that the burden that has been placed on you is too much to bear.  Then, you may act in an uncharacteristic manner, shirking responsibility, being lazy and courting failure.  In this way you relieve the pressure on yourself and you proove to yourself that you should not be expected to succeed.

Soul this on Homeopathy..I want something that align with my Sadhana.
I want something that I am able to apply from my Sadhana.
It is timely, me getting my new condo near my house, then my current big house can be used for the wellness centre.
And I always believed that the owner has to be the "cook", so I will learn.

These few days knowing that the caffeine reduces effect of the homeopathy medication, I am even less willing to drink decaf coffee.
Truly a period of purification.

Exhausted - going for a retreat in Ashram

Jul 22

Woke up around 5 plus to toilet.
Then slept back and woke up upon alarm.
Feel tired today...actually exhausted.
Throat also not too good and I think I accidentally slightly sprained my neck yesterday.

Early this Monday draw my Osho Tarot cards and got Exhaustion.
I was surprised.
Alas, it was exhaustion over the renovation.
With my friend away, I had to take charge on renovation decision.
Monday was on the issue of wooden doors, luckily my friend came on-line and took charge of this.
Tuesday spent time looking for the recirculation fan as no one knows how and where to get.
Alas found it yesterday evening. Even then faced issue on whether can install or not.

Truly exhaustive.

This is the portrait of one whose whole life energy has been depleted in his efforts to keep fueling the enormous and ridiculous machine of self-importance and productivity. He has been so busy "keeping it all together" and "making sure everything runs smoothly", that he has forgotten to really rest. No doubt he can't allow himself to be playful. To abandon his duty for a trip to the beach could mean the whole structure might come tumbling down. The message of this card is not just about being a workaholic, though. It is about all the ways in which we set up safe but unnatural routines for ourselves and, by doing so, keep the chaotic and spontaneous away from our doors. Life isn't a business to be managed, it's a mystery to be lived. It's time to tear up the time-card, break out of the factory, and take a little trip into the uncharted. Your work can flow more smoothly from a relaxed state of mind.

At least finally got my air ticket to Ashram booked.
Then got the replacement of wooden door decided..and then got the fan.
Today still busy with fan..but at least we are going somewhere.
On the custom made cabinets, I told them to hold on till the Main ID, my friend come back next week.

Then the last 2 days was worried about my Assistant..finally can see that his lack of details.  The thing that puzzle me is that he is okay that he is judged to be of not being good enough. He can ignored feedback..whereas I can't even ignored my own.
Me too affected whereas he not affected at all. Guess thats where the main difference between Ace and Tens.

My Daily Card
The Three of Diamonds

The Three of Diamonds signifies that indecision or worry about some money matter may be a large part of your experience when this card is present. This card has such a strong creative energy associated with it that if we don't find some productive, creative outlet for its energies, we will inevitably feel afraid and indecisive. The key is to find ways to express ourselves when this card shows up.
It could also mean getting two opportunities for work at one time or having to split our time between two projects or money-making deals. Often variety can be a blessing allowing us to explore other areas. Usually, however, lack of focus brings lack of achievement or lack of detail in one project or the other. Knowing this may help you avoid wasting this invaluable creative force.

All about money this few days.
At first had some dilemma on whether I should get the special fan for cosy corner.
Then I remember G had a cosy corner and my sister cosy corner not used got too hot. So decision made.
3 Fans in total
Finally nailed it. Got the special Fan salesman to brief my Contractor on how and where to install.
So construction on schedule.
I feel the Universe helped me on this.
All these while I have ponder over this type of fan.
And saw it in the high class resort.
Amazingly without any background, just based on googling I found the same supplier and they are not even on retailing yet.
Father...truly thanks to U.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Sadhguru - Mystic Musings - steady application of spiritual process leads to divinity

A person on the spiritual path should be like this – you don’t even have time to buy unripe bananas. You have got to be in a hurry. Once a little laxity comes, it will take lifetimes. If you are in a hurry, it is very quick.
In your life, there may have been certain moments of extreme intensity and ecstatic states within you. Just imagine life like this – whatever is the peak experience that you have touched in your life, not necessarily in yoga but anywhere in your life, if you could stay there constantly every moment of your life, do you see how free you would be from the many little things which nag you and pull and push you all the time? You may not have touched the highest peak, but whatever peak you may have touched, even at that peak if you lived, you would be free from so many things that bother you on a daily basis. Nothing would really be a problem in this world.

Right now, it is just in a few moments here and there that something really worthwhile has happened. The rest of the time, we have given ourselves to simple processes of the body. The body knows only two things – self-preservation and procreation.
It does not know anything else. It will either run after security or sexuality. That is why money and sexuality has become so important to people because they are just living as biological entities. Nothing else has touched them.

The physical body itself can be transformed into a divine entity if we just reorganize our systems in a particular way. But if you reorganize the energy in this body, this same body can be transformed in such a way, that it can function like the Divine.

The whole science of idol-making is based on this. India is one place where they went into elaborate systems of idol-making. This has been misunderstood by other cultures. People think that certain cultures are worshiping some doll as a god. No. People are very much aware that it is we who create the shapes and forms.

If you look at it from the standpoint of modern science, we know today that everything is the same energy, but everything is not the same in the world. For example, the food that you eat, see how nice it is, how much you long for it, how much you care for it. You don’t know when to stop because it is so good. This food that you like so much, the dinner that you eat today, tomorrow morning, see what has happened to it. It is the same stuff, isn’t it? But you don’t want to go anywhere near it. This same shit, if you throw it on the land, the day after tomorrow once again it becomes food. It is the same energy. But you cannot say that both are the same. They are the same essentially, but in your experience and the way it relates to the world, it is not the same thing at all.

This same energy can be like an animal or it can function like the Divine. I am not talking about you as a being, I am just talking about the body itself. The physical body itself can be transformed into a divine entity if we just reorganize our systems in a particular way. The science of idol-making means, they create a certain form with certain materials, and energize it in a certain way like a human being is built. Different idols are made in different ways, but they relocate the chakrasin certain places to make it into a completely different possibility.

Talking to someone, working in the office, every single activity, every breath that you take if you make it into a spiritual process, you will see within a few months, you will be in a completely different space.

For example, between the full moon day and the new moon day, each of the nights in-between would be so different in your experience. Today, we are all living with electric lights, so you don’t know the difference. Suppose you lived on a farm or in a forest where there was no electricity, every night would be very different because the moon comes up at different times and it has different shapes and forms. But it is not a different entity. The same moon is having different impacts at different times. Just a little rearrangement, see what a difference it has made.

Similarly, if you re-arrange the energy system in the body, this body which is just a mass of flesh right now, can become a divine entity. The whole system of yoga is oriented towards this. Everything that we are doing is in that direction.

Gradually, if you give it sufficient attention and practice, you will see that this body is no longer just craving for self-preservation and procreation, it has become something else altogether. Though it is a physical thing, though it is biology, it need not be limited to the physical.

It can function and operate in a completely different dimension. Its very presence can become different. It is from this context that many yogis who made their bodies in a certain way, allowed people to worship their bodies. They themselves would not be there in the body, but they let people worship their body because the body has become like a divine entity, because it is a reorganized energy – completely engineered. It is no longer just a biological entity.

Steady application, continuous rise.
Once these energies begin to transform themselves, certain changes will happen. The problem with people is, they are always aspiring for something to happen to their life. They are bored with what is there. But if anything new happens, they have a fear about it. This is like wanting to drive your car with the hand brake on – it does not work like that. If you want to drive, you must take off the brake. If you don’t want to drive, you should not get into the car at all.

If it is off and on, off and on, it will take lifetimes. It needs a little steady application, where it is a continuous steady rise, so that in a couple of months or a year, you should find a significant difference in the way you are. You must keep it on steadily – 24 hours.

What does spirituality being “ON” mean? “Does it mean I can’t go to the office? I can’t be with the family?”

You must make everything into a spiritual process. Talking to someone, working in the office, every single activity, every breath that you take if you make it into a spiritual process, you will see within a few months, you will be in a completely different space where your presence will be cherished in the world – not just by human beings, every other being will respond. Even animals and plants will respond to you in a wonderful way.

Editor’s Note: “Mystic’s Musings” includes more of Sadhguru’s wisdom on spirituality. Read the free sample [pdf] or purchase the ebook.

Mmm, such a coicidence.
This year my Result card is Seven of Spades
Here i am going to move beyond my fear of financial security and stay in current job.
Move beyond my defense mechanism of validation and go beyond any judgement and attack on others and myself.

A good message here..

Sadhguru - bondage is created by the way we think and feel

Jul 21 aft 1

Had a deep Shoonya.

Encounter the Enlightened by Sadhguru
If u want to jump, if u want to jump the line and u do not want to go through the struggle of being aware, then one must be so innocent that one can simply surrender. Surrender is something that happens when u are not.
When u lose all will, when u have no will on ur own, when u have become absolutely willing that there is nothing in u that u call urself, then Grace descends upon u.

But I would always insist on the path of awareness and Sadhana.

The web of bondage is constantly being created only by the way we think and feel.
Whatever we call as awareness is just to start creating a distance between all that you think and feel and yourself.
What we referring to as Sadhana is an opportunity to raise ur energies so that u can tide over these limitations or these mechanisms which u have entangled yourself.

The spiritual process is just to create the right kind of chemistry, where u are naturally peaceful, naturally joyous. When u are joyous by ur own nature, when u don't have  to do anything to be happy, then the very dimension of ur life, the very way u perceive and express yourself in the would will change. The very way u experience urself will change.

Now u don't have a vested interest anymore, because, whether u do something or u don't do anything, whether u get something or u don't get anything, whether something happens or doesn't happen, u are joyous by ur own nature.
Now ur actions will rise to a completely different level.

Mmm..I tot I would die without meat...i didn't
I tot I would suffer without meat..I didn't. I can see others eating. I take the sauces if needed but I don't eat the meat.
I tot I die without coffee..and now on decaf. I take tea and 3 cups of white coffee a week..Or rather I drink only half cup when I order...just to fulfill the taste bud.

 I tot I must have the daily leisure breakfast and reading before work...but alas it just disappeared. I prefer to sleep one extra hour and doing Sadhana fulfilled me.

Ruling 2015/2016 - Ten of Clubs and Four of Spades

Jul 21 aft

Spoke to my local boss on me learning homeopathy and setting up wellness centre in my house. She said it is not a far etched idea and it is align with my yoga path.

I told her to me hard work to study. As I don't like to study. She said changed my mind set. Treat this as gaining knowledge instead. Learning for my own benefits. In fact that's how she see herself taking up master education in psychology.

So, well I know I need to learn from Ten of Clubs.

This year Ruling (internal) 2015/2016 truly denoted the way.
Long range
Ten of Clubs (success in the communication field or teaching, a lot on the mind)
This card bring measurable success and recognition in one of the mind related fields and endeavours. This could be publishing, teaching or other areas where large groups are benefited from ur talent and brilliance. Recognition for ur talents and efforts are forthcoming this year and will somehow touch upon all areas of ur life and take in a light of prominence in ur affairs.
However if u don't have a productive and constructive outlet for ur mind this year, the Ten of Clubs could indicate problems with stress and difficulty sleeping at night.
Find a good outlet for the mental powers present. It could bring u a measure of success and recognition.

A year of mental accomplishment and having a lot of ideas. I share my knowledge with a large number of people.

Four of Spades (hard work brings stability and protection)
One important aspects of ur aspirations this year will be to create strength and stability in either ur work, health or living situation.
U have made a decision to work hard and overcome a host of difficulties through developing inner strength and fortitude.
To accomplish this goal, u must make many changes. Perhaps u have decided to take full responsibility for ur health and will begin a comprehensive program of diet and fitness.
Or just as likely u may want to develop more efficient and organised work habits.

On a deep level, u r wanting peace of mind, stability and security in ur life. This may not be easy but u can do it. Perhaps things have not been going as well as u would like at work.
Wherever ur goal, it requires inner strength and determination and the willingness to try new approaches.

I create stability and security in my life, a foundation of good health and satisfaction at work. I enjoy the value of hard and consistent work.

Seven of Spades (health and work problems, learning to practice faith)

As this part of year challenge, represented by ur Pluto, u will be working with negative patterns in urself that may have been affecting ur health or ur ability to work with others effectively.
The Seven of Spades will show u where there are areas to be upgraded and it is certain that u will see them and do something about it. Achieving this new level of health or spirituality may not be easy but u will surely do it before ur next birthday.

I complete this year with more positive health and work habits or create more spirituality in my work.

Yes. I m basically a lazy bugger. While I may be smart. I tend to prefer relying on my own intuition rather than external knowledge. Used to look down on others gathering knowledge but alas it is me being lazy.

Coincidentally local boss said my current FM is to laid back. No sense of urgency.
Me just discovered yesterday he needed to be spoon feed. Hence that's why his staff interpret him as no good, know nothing. His staff doesn't respect him.
For me I take pride in what I know. I need not do to know. Whereas for them they have to do to know.
Can also see his issue with Diamonds especially Two of Diamonds.

I also have issue with suspicious mind when I feel unvalidated.
I care too much what others think of me...and when I on negative..then I react defensively.
Alas..can see what SL used to tell me that I attacked when I feel defensive.

Sadhguru - live magically or logically

Jul 21

Did half hour Moola mantra before sleep around 10.30 pm. Went to bed  before 11 pm. Took around 15 minutes before I can sleep.
Woke up fresh at 4.30 am. Had to reduce Sadhana time cos got blood test and ultra sound today.

Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by effortless Cat Stretch. Wish I can stay longer in Bhuta silence.

I know I want to do Yogaasanas to release the pent up energy. Decided to switch off the lights. I was surprised that I was laughing in the single leg and both legs lift up posture. The single leg pose was easy so can laugh easily. The double leg pose laughing: not sure how it happen. I was just laughing happily.
Then the stomach lying down posture with both legs up. I was laughing. This has never happen before. Amazing.

Yesterday Sadhguru shared this msg today.

You can either live logically or magically, its your choice.

So relevant. I am living magically.
Tot of yesterday offer to up back to corporate recruitment business. Two weeks ago I would have jumped at this chance as it is my inherent forte and always has been in my retirement plan. But now I m more keen on Homeopathy.

Shakti was good. Went in deep. Was singing towards the end. Wish I could stay longer but alarm clock rang.

Cry much during Sannidhi pooja - felt cleansed

Jul 20 eve

Sannidhi Pooja was quite explosive. While doing the set up for Pooja I switched on Moola mantra to clear the space.
Then when Pooja starts, suddenly I was crying loads to Sadhguru. Tears flow much. These are hard tears, tears that is deep inside my body. Can feel the wrenching in my body.

Then Brahmananda was nice.  After Brahmananda I was singing.

Did Linga chanting. Cry loads when doing the lying down posture.
Shoonya went in deep.

Later I woke up and know that my sadhana room is my little ashram. I m not doing the shrine just for Sadhguru.
I m doing it for my little Ashram. Devi, Dhynalinga and Vijii forms a trinity of grace for me in the outer world.
Hence I informed L that the custom made cabinet will have a raised platform for Sadhguru due to the Guru's lamp requirement.
My shrine..focus not just on Sadhguru.its my little Ashram
Hence it is good I am getting a bigger Sadhguru's Sannidhi pic. So eventhough Sadhguru is not in middle of the shrine, he will occupy at prominent place at his corner.

Five of Spades

Jul 20 mor

Today card.

My Daily Card
The Five of Spades

The Five of Spades is one of the strongest indicators of travel or moving your home or your business. It could indicate a change in your health as well. At its most basic level, the Five of Spades means a change in your lifestyle, or the things that you do day in and day out. When this card appears, something will change that affects the way you live or the things that you do each day.

This card usually brings with it a certain amount of restlessness and the desire for changes or travel. It can result in a dissatisfaction with the way your life has been that motivates you to want new things, lifestyles, and experiences. This card has a strong Sagittarian influence to it.

Ashramt trip in August is on.
Guess perhaps thats why tot of alternative career too.

Still having thoughts on new career - homeopathy

Jul 20

Couldn't sleep yesterday.
Went to bed around 11 plus pm after half hour Moola mantra. When j was done, saw Vijji face as if her eyes was brimming with tears. No much tot just wide awake. Not much tossing just can't sleep. In the end got up to change alarm clock and saw time at 1 plus am. Tot my body could be in pain that maybe Homeopathy is a hoax but no pain. The only slight stiffness to my both my elbows as I was non stop on lap top for more than 4.5 hours. Stretched beyond my limits. Normally more pain will arise. But today none; just stiffness.
Switch on Aircond to cool the room. Told myself just to relax my body. Moment later I slept.

Decided to delay alarm to 5.40 am instead. When alarm rang I tot my body will be so tired. But surprisingly it was not. Woke up without pain albeit some slight stiffness on my right hip. May be due to yesterday Surya Kriya or possible exerted during the outstation resort site visit. I did climb couple of staircase and some slope.

Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by singing guru Pooja. Then go into effortless Cat Stretch albeit some tightness on the two elbows. Then dId a couple of Bhuta chant and sat for for a nice Breathing meditation

Did Shakti with 3 cycles of 120 Kapala Bhakti. Took a rest after the 3 cycles. Singing at end of Kapala
Bhakti and at the end. There were a few passing tots of Homeopathy. I didn't add nor resist. Tot of the Recirculating fan too.

Shambavi was good. No noise during Suka Kriya as my nose block has reduced much.
Towards the end loud hissing noise followed by singing. Then a an inward silence as if the whole silence going into me or I m swallowed into the silence. Not sure. I just know it is a full silence. Not an empty one. Cocooned in a orb of full silence.
First time for me.

When I say my thankfulness to Sadhguru I told him that I m not sure if I m up to the task of Homeopathy. Then I turn to Vijii, she gave me courage. I thanked Dhynalinga and Devi.

I know the path of Homeopathy fit my life style of Isha Sadhana but it will require much hard work of gaining knowledge. Where to find time. Moola mantra maybe the answer. It will give me less sleep and hence more time to study.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Neale Donald Walsch - comfort zone

July 19 eve

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” Neale Donald Walsch

We all have unlimited potential but when you are confined to your comfort zone you will never experience all of the flavours of life. Doesn’t vanilla get boring after a while? How about purple or pink? Maybe even orange and raspberry…mmmm.
By daring to challenge your limitations and stepping outside your comfort zone you can live the life you were meant to – A life that will become rich in growth, learning, love, excitement, joy and fulfillment.
But before we get into the amazing things that happen when you step out of your comfort zone, first lets see the 10 Core Understandings to get yourself up and out into the unknown.
The 10 Core Understandings are:
1. You have unlimited potential
2. Life is a journey of growth
3. You shape your life through your beliefs, values, environment and actions
4. All of the above can be changed easily if you know how
5. Most people are unaware of how they create the world around them
6. You create each moment in your life
7. To have more, you must first be more
8. All growth comes from stepping outside of your comfort zone
9. People are inherently good
10. ”If it’s Scary and Exciting… DO IT!”

today message for me

 Jul 19 eve

Just did Evening Shoonya followed by 10 minutes of Moola mantra.

Shoonya went in deep. Little tots.
Moola mantra was nice.
When I was done I look up and saw Vijii beautiful face shining with her eyes brimming in slight shine.
I cried. I said this path of homeopath is scary but I can't ignore the miracle of my healing from RA pain.
Pain gone miraculously.
Old deformed fingers joints also reducing.
It is too miraculous to ignore
Also this path of giving wellness fits into my Isha Sadhana path.
I m creating my own ashram world  in my living space.

The miracle of the snake ring energy also give me hope.
Everything coming together.

Ten of Clubs

Jul 19 aft 7

As I was driving out, a tot came. Ten of Clubs.

I have now with me a few Ten of Clubs. The latest attraction is Ten of Clubs double.
1. Boss - Ten of Clubs destiny
2. Regional colleague - Ten of Clubs destiny
3. Y - Ten of Clubs Ruling
4. My staff - Ten of Clubs Destiny and Ruling
5. Local indirect staff - Ten of Clubs Destiny.

Other strong clubs
1. P - Nine of Clubs in Ruling
2. My AE - Nine of Clubs in Destiny
3. My Admin - King of Clubs in Destiny

All these people got strong minds..they don't really care about what others think. They only care about what they think. When others give them feedback, it flies off like water. They are not affected with bad feedback whereas I am devastated. I am slowly but surely learning from them.

And on another note, all these people onto knowledge gathering and teaching. They thrive on gathering knowledge. Believed knowledge is needed. Me more on intuition and apply as I go along. Not bothered about gathering knowledge. 

I admit I did scoff at it. Now I know I needed to acquire knowledge.

This year Ruling is about acquiring knowledge. And I m lazy. Hence Pluto in Four of Spades.

Long range
Ten of Clubs (success in the communication field or teaching, a lot on the mind)
This card bring measurable success and recognition in one of the mind related fields and endeavours. This could be publishing, teaching or other areas where large groups are benefited from ur talent and brilliance. Recognition for ur talents and efforts are forthcoming this year and will somehow touch upon all areas of ur life and take in a light of prominence in ur affairs.
However if u don't have a productive and constructive outlet for ur mind this year, the Ten of Clubs could indicate problems with stress and difficulty sleeping at night.
Find a good outlet for the mental powers present. It could bring u a measure of success and recognition.

A year of mental accomplishment and having a lot of ideas. I share my knowledge with a large number of people.

Four of Spades (hard work brings stability and protection)
One important aspects of ur aspirations this year will be to create strength and stability in either ur work, health or living situation.
U have made a decision to work hard and overcome a host of difficulties through developing inner strength and fortitude.
To accomplish this goal, u must make many changes. Perhaps u have decided to take full responsibility for ur health and will begin a comprehensive program of diet and fitness.
Or just as likely u may want to develop more efficient and organised work habits.

On a deep level, u r wanting peace of mind, stability and security in ur life. This may not be easy but u can do it. Perhaps things have not been going as well as u would like at work.
Wherever ur goal, it requires inner strength and determination and the willingness to try new approaches.

I create stability and security in my life, a foundation of good health and satisfaction at work. I enjoy the value of hard and consistent work.

Seven of Spades (health and work problems, learning to practice faith)

As this part of year challenge, represented by ur Pluto, u will be working with negative patterns in urself that may have been affecting ur health or ur ability to work with others effectively.
The Seven of Spades will show u where there are areas to be upgraded and it is certain that u will see them and do something about it. Achieving this new level of health or spirituality may not be easy but u will surely do it before ur next birthday.

I complete this year with more positive health and work habits or create more spirituality in my work.

To me Z is all about hard work. He thrived to acquire knowledge to make himself look good.
My Cosmic lesson is Seven of Spades.
Alas i realised I got high defense mechanism at work..I got suspicious mind..

Eight of Spades (success in work or health, use of force and will power)
This is a year in which u will work hard and attain many results if you have a direction for ur efforts.
U can also expect to overcome any problems related to work or health.
This is a good year to launch an exercise program or a new business. U have the power to make some real progress in ur life. Take this opportunity to use this power. Put it to work and u may surprise yourself with what u can do.

Power and its use in ur life may become an issue this year that u need to address as well. Just how u use this power could be the deciding factor.

Again power in work which I Scoffed at.
I have a few Eight and King of Spades

Eight of Spades
My sister
My friend V

King of Spades
My boss Ruling
My friend L ruling
My indirect staff Ruling

Nodes in Taurus - pointing to Homeopathy?

Jul 19 aft 6

From Natal chart
Node in Taurus


It's possible that in a past life you married for money. To this day, when you're under stress you tend to fall into deep suspicions, dark motivations and hidden agendas. Obsessive compulsions may be the path of least resistance, but they are not necessarily the way for you to go.

You are ready to sort out and clean up old sexual and financial karma. You have incarnated to create your own personal fortune. Your future lies in changing your liquid assets. In fact, you will find your spiritual path by becoming receptive to new value systems.

Cause things to happen in your piggy bank. Fulfill yourself through new areas of financial experience. Attune yourself to forces from the future that are supporting your efforts to earn your money in more pleasant ways. COME TO TERMS WITH AND CLEAN UP OLD DEBTS. Tie down loose financial ends. Clarify your values and make them more tangible.

It is possible that in a past life you lived in Vancouver, Seattle or Anchorage. This time around, Akashic (a record of all that has ever occurred) forces are leading you to visit, do business with and make friends with people from the Middle East.

Now time to plan my next path after isha..this is a tall order..
Well,,been waiting for my partner so I can shift out to my dream house.
Alas bucks stopped here. I bought my own dream condo and comes with a nice swimming pool. Low density with lovely cloud view.
And going for Homoepathy study next year.

Guess thats what my Fool card telling me.
The Fool
A fool is one who goes on trusting; a fool is one who goes on trusting against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you. Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it.

Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don´t try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatsoever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously; go on dying to the past so you remain in the present, herenow, as if just born, just a babe. 

In the beginning it is going to be very difficult. The world will start taking advantage of you...let them. They are poor fellows. Even if you are cheated and deceived and robbed, let it happen, because that which is really yours cannot be robbed from you, that which is really yours nobody can steal from you.

Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries nothing more than his purity, innocence and trust, symbolized by the white rose in his hand. The pattern on his waistcoat contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life. 

The card indicates that if you trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the 'rightness' of things, you cannot go wrong. Your actions may appear 'foolish' to others, or even to yourself, if you try to analyze them with the rational mind. But the 'zero' place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides, not skepticism and past experience.

This week true.
1. The Issue
Zen wants you living, living in abundance, living in totality, living intensely - not at the minimum as Christianity wants you, but at the maximum, overflowing. 

Your life should reach to others. Your blissfulness, your benediction, your ecstasy should not be contained within you like a seed. It should open like a flower and spread its fragrance to all and sundry - not only to the friends but to the strangers too. 

This is real compassion, this is real love: sharing your enlightenment, sharing your dance of the beyond.

The Queen of Rainbows is like a fantastic plant that has reached the apex of its flowering and its colors. She is very sexual, very alive, and full of possibilities. She snaps her fingers to the music of love, and her zodiac necklace is placed in a way that Venus lies over her heart. The sleeves of her garment contain an abundance of seeds, and as the wind blows the seeds will be scattered to take root where they may. She is not concerned whether they land on the soil or on the rocks - she is just spreading them everywhere in sheer celebration of life and love. Flowers fall on her from above, in harmony with her own flowering, and the waters of emotion swirl playfully beneath the flower on which she sits. 

You might feel like a garden of flowers right now, showered with blessings from everywhere. Welcome the bees, invite the birds to drink your nectar. Spread your joy around for all to share.

Was sharing with so many others on Homeopathy after my miraculous cure of RA pain with just two days of medication.
And the key is the Isha sadhana that helps to provide the clear space for the Homeopathy medicine to work miracoulously.

Node Square Jupiter

Deal with agriculture and nutrition, and the fates will be kinder to you. To the extent that by your own standards, you're overweight or underweight, you have yet to meet the challenge to balance consumption with output.

It is conceivable that in a cycle of past lives you were a lawyer, a soldier of fortune, and a bible thumper. You could have even been a Buddha, Santa Claus and Uncle Sam. Clearly this time around you need to do something in a big way. Everybody wants to know when you'll pull the goodies out of your bag.

Soul slightly overweight due to newfound love for Indian food..or rather food in Ashram. Others always gained weight when they go and me losing weight. Finally follow others in loving Ashram food. even queuing up for the food.
Homeopathy is new alternative of career.

Node Sesqui-Quadrate Uranus

The more that you integrate the scientific method into your lifestyle, the more you will come to understand the fates. To the extent that you are bothered by radical ideas you have not yet met the challenge of confronting your own genius.
It is conceivable that in a cycle of past lives you were a scientist, a soothsayer, a wizard, a genius, a crank and a mother of invention. This time around, dare to enrich your existence by becoming more unique. Do what it takes to fill your life with surprise.

Node Quadra-Novile Neptune

To the extent that you are not singing at least one song every day you have not yet met the challenge of your own raised spirit.

Cycling through past lives, you were conceivably a musician, sailor, slave, idealist, mystic, masochist, and saint. As some kind of monk/nun/health nut you've explored unusual applications of birch twigs to the posterior.

Singing everyday during meditation.

Yes..self knowledge is my passion
You see have spent 4 hours..and haven't even tot of blogging yet.
Homeopathy...could be it

Uranus in Virgo - 7 years itch for unusual job - perhaps Homeopathy

Jul 19 aft 5

Uranus in Virgo

Your work life can be erratic; reform your work place. Make some inquiries. Free yourself and others in the slave labor pool. You get a 7 year itch to have an unusual job, and learn to do your job in unusual ways.

Parts of your diet are unsettling. It is important that you free yourself from unhealthy and restricting habits. Renew your interest in organic food and high tech nutrients and supplements.

Well, have taken off meat...

Well, definitely a 7 year itch..this year end the 7 year cycle of Age 42 to 48.
I got an Ace of Diamonds in Pluto Destiny card this year...
I knew it is not a change of another corporate job...but I didn't expect exploring into a totally different fields and now suddenly tot of Holistic center, tot to study Homeopathy.
Next year is age 49 to 55 is on setting up new business...and such foods.
Me from a pure meat..and then seafood.
I said food is my biggest resistance..and now I may be going into health food.
Used to berate others for doing health food..eventhough they don't need to do so.. In my case..have to do.

Homeopathy goals
 The goal of the homeopathy treatment is to encourage the body to return to a natural state of balance and health. Like the missing pieces of a jig saw puzzle, homeopathy medicines help “fill in” the gaps in the body to stimulate the patients’ own healing potential and energy. When this happens, the patient will have access to the body’s natural strength. Therefore, conventional medicines and chemical based substances are not needed.

Thats what interest me...

Uranus Undecile Mars

You're courageous, original and impatient. You need a variety of action and excitement. You can be about as unconventional as is humanly possible. You can develop unique physical and sexual powers.

TIP: Learn to finish some of your great projects.

If what you've begun is unworthy of finishing that's OK. Start to think about the worthiness of finishing before you commit your energy to something new.

Confront bullies. Resist being dominated. Develop your own unique strength. Curb your temper and any asocial and antisocial tendencies that you may have. Enjoy some more mutual high spirited, high energy, provocative sexual encounters. Find outlets for your excess energy and learn when to take it easy.

I do have Mars...
Instead of being envious of others following their calling and me trying to follow others and failed..and then get into my own comfort zone..why not pursue my calling..find my calling.
Father...I m fired up on this...
Haven't feel this fire for a long time now..

Uranus Quadra-Novile Saturn

Radical and conservative forces conflict within you. You can attune yourself to a great creative power that comes from the tension between tradition and what's new and different. Unusual ambitions stir you to restlessness. With enough self control, you can do anything. Work to resolve the conflict between your duty and your need for freedom. If it's tried and true, keep it. If it's bold and new, check it out. When necessary, confront authorities and work for individual rights. You can be a rebel leader.

TIP: Explore life's alternatives.

Yes.thats me..

Uranus Sextile Neptune

Idealism colors your lifestyle more strongly than you realize. In an instant you can cultivate a new interest in the unusual.
If you chronically space out or feel indifferent, chances are good that you need new friends, new spiritual practices and new food combinations. Develop your sixth sense. Take a psychic development class, or an intuition workshop or whatever.

TIP: Share insights, realizations and revelations.

A tantalizing life is yours. Guard against dishonesty. Combat foo foo. Rebel against trickery and deception. Neutralize fanaticism. It might not be a bad idea to phase through a 12 step program.

Been  feeling a rut..I know that volunteering in Isha is not for me...not sure whats next.
Then came the unexpected bad sympthons from Arava medication that I have taken for the past 7 years. Then the pain of RA for the past 2 months as I don't want to take the steriods...and then miraculously healed in two days by Homeopathy
Now my unexpected current passion is Homeopathy and how Isha yoga can accelerate the growth of Homeopathy...both is needed together..
Without the energy activated..Homeopathy effectiveness can't be accelerated.

And now unexpected side effects with constipation and swelling face from the homeopathy medication.
Homeopathy is powerful and has effects. Need truly to study.

Uranus Conjunct Pluto

It's possible that you may push the limits until you break through (What?)... You were born to experience social change. It is possible that if you consciously probe the deepest parts of your unconscious mind(s), and process your stuff, progressive historical forces will prevail. Sometimes you may face anthropological and sociological disruptions in your personal and professional life.

TIP: Most "personal problems" are standard human issue.

Strive to overcome personal problems by overcoming your humanity and becoming a transhuman. Start by developing a new technical skill. Scope out futurism. Read science fiction. Take some time to be left alone and some time for sexual experimentation.

Well homepathy is one of them..
I think the sexual thingy is past does comes and go..but the orgasmic experience during meditation and hata yoga is even better than the sexual orgasm.

Uranus Opposite Chiron

Chiropractic care can give you a decisive edge. Participate in seminars. Create some of your own. Information will heal you. Make the most of learning techniques. Learn things with your mind as well as your body. Develop your sense of body electric through acupuncture and acu-pressure.

Uranus Sesqui-Quadrate Node

Destiny has dealt you a wild card that can suddenly and unexpectedly connect you to past and future lives and to a secret society. The tone of your life is vastly different than that of most mortals. Enjoy the novelty effects. Allow yourself the luxury of several long vacations. Until you're on the right path for you, other folks can shock and disrupt your life and your lifestyle.

TIP: Read the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

Get more involved with people who have both scientific and astrological interests. Make new efforts in new directions. Put yourself in the center of a modernization effort.

So true..was in 7thunder cards and natal charts...
Then on to Isha..since 2008 and has been an amazing journey..
On 3 days work week..
and then finally bought my own condo to stay alone...
and now on to Homeopathy.
So from astrology to inner science and now to outer science.

I first read my natal chart in my early thirties...
Alas now can complete this and see it manifest in my life..

Just as I find Isha Hata Yoga so beneficial for RA..and other physical issues..
I find that Homeopathy is also another element that can give the wholeness required.
Also physical a a blessing.
Suffering is blessing has been my belief..hence the name of my website.
Perhaps now I will see people who are physically suffering and led them to know that it is a blessing..
There is a way out..
i found the way out..
I can lead them there..
but first I must do the study...lots of hard work.
Mmm..just as I did 3 years of tough first year perhaps I need to go through the tough few years too.
I am now 48...
Truly didn't expect this to turn up.

Pluto in Virgo - teaches or heals transformation

Jul 19 aft 4

From my Super natal chart. Can't find where I got this from

Pluto in Virgo


You're also part of a Pluto generation that is destined to deal with radical transformation on the job and in everyday routines and with health care. You have some unusual ideas about health, healing and nutrition. Politically speaking, you may champion practical reforms such as the advancement of Libertarianism.

Once you're truly committed to a project, the service and support you offer are tremendous. You may not often be the first person to think of a new idea, but you can be the first to implement one. At times, you are particular to the point of obsessive perfectionism. Then, if your needs aren't met, you can be devastatingly critical.

TIPS: Deal with important rituals on a daily basis. Have one arena in your life where you can work to establish perfect order. When all seems lost, learn new skills. When you get into therapy or analysis, a good place to start would be your health issues.

I pesevere in Isha yoga because of my RA. No matter what pain I m facing..I will still try to do as I believed it is good for me.
My energy point has opened...then the Arava medicine was lifted..and then steroids...and then the pain ..and then me looking for alternative..
And Sadhguru points me to was not even in my vocabulary.
Homeopathy for RA...I want to learn this for myself.

Pluto Novile Jupiter

If other sections of this report offer confirmation, you could achieve great wealth. You've a talent for transforming yourself and society. It's probably a good idea for you to further your own stealth. Also, learn to relate to people in a big way. You can do something distinguished and prominent for the great masses of people. You can help the disadvantaged.

TIP: Bring people together for powerful purposes.

Ask yourself if you want to control others or be happy. You have a righteous wrath. When it is triggered, woe to those who are in the wrong. They may be smitten verily.

Soul (Aug 27)
never one to raise voice..but just did so last Monday.
I can now raise my voice..and have a righteous wrath.
I now define my boundary and raise voice when others crossed the boundary

Pluto Conjunct Uranus


You're quite different from most people in that you're quite a bit more willful. You're really an untamable genius and even a die hard rebel.

You are capable of about as much personal change as you decide. Dare to be a unique individual. Rather than reacting or responding to circumstance, try initiating change.

wow..a tall order..
But after the change via Isha...especially me getting over meat..and this latest miraculous curing with Homeopathy...anything is possible.

Pluto Square Ascendant


You are capable of maintaining a great masquerade. In lieu of struggling to control others, work to control yourself. Instead of stealthing yourself against others, strive to plummet the depths of your own soul.

Yes...focus on myself.
instead of trying to inspire others to be the best that they can be.
Why don't I inspire myself instead...
Instead of being envious of others...why not do it myself.

After this few years..I know writing is an emotional outlet for me..i will continue to express....and but it is not my calling...

Chiron in Pisces - possible for me to do Homeopathy

Jul 19 aft 3

 Super power this many years ago.

Chapter 8A. Chiron in Your Chart

Chiron taught special skills such as astrology, philosophy, ethics, music, medicine, horseback riding, and weaponry. These skills where thought necessary for gods, and humans, to achieve their destinies. The position of Chiron in your birth chart denotes what and where you may teach or be taught. It is also where you can be healed and how you can heal others.

Chiron in Pisces

To become more spiritual, you need to become more of a maverick. Rearrange your concept of the gods. TIP: Read "The 12th Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin ISBN 0-380-39362-X. It's the astounding, overwhelmingly documented story of Earth's celestial ancestors.

Open new doorways to the world of mystery. Do it secretly. Imagine for a moment that you're Mr. Spock of Star Trek fame, Yoda the Jedi Knight or Helen Keller mentoring the blind, then give some sagacious thought to how you can best help those who can not help themselves. Do it reverentially.

Chiron Semi-Square Moon

"INNATALISM - The doctrine that human reproduction ought to be discouraged in favor of radical life extension as a chief means of perpetuating (trans)humanity." Mark Plus.

SPECIAL INITIATION: To simplify for beginners, in the introductory section on the moon, I neglected to point out what you might have inferred, if you had given it thought. The moon is also a symbol for robotics. With so much of our life unconscious we are very much a kind of biological computerized robot. We can learn to program our own programs. Mark Plus has given it a go. This concludes your message on instinctive mentoring.

We can learn to map our own program.

Chiron Decile Node


Erratic, eccentric behavior causing problems? Find out who you really are, explore uncharted territory. Get together with different types of people. Fill a unique social niche.

TIP: Find a public forum to share your inner teachings and self knowledge.

Isha is already what I can share..but that is mysticism by itself.
Its foundation is hard core facts..
But the part that fascinates me is the "cooking' or the modern Alchemist prepare the right mixture...
and the thing is I now know that having the energy body open is the key for Homeopathy to work.
Thats why Homeopathy can't work same way with everyone...just as Isha yoga can't work the same way..
Just as Sadhguru created volunteering for those "Realistic" one..

I am not sure if anyone on Homeopathy has the benefits of Isha yoga and can see the miracoulous link..both treatment of energy has to go from our own body and the other is thru the homeopathy medicine.

My energy point has opened...then the Arava medicine was lifted..and then steriods...and then the pain ..and then me looking for alternative..
And Sadhguru points me to was not even in my vocabulary.
Homeopathy for RA...I want to learn this for myself.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

INFJ Careers, Jobs, Majors By A.J. Drenth

Jul 19 aft 2
INFJ Careers, Jobs, Majors
By A.J. Drenth
INFJ Careers

Like ENFJ career-seekers, INFJs are generally less interested in career hopping and trial-and-error experimentation than INFP career-searchers are. They prefer to lay down roots when possible, as changes in outward circumstances can be unsettling to them.
Their anxiety toward outer instability may be exacerbated by a difficult economic climate, which may lead them to settle for mediocre jobs.
Even those preferring to go back to school or do something different may avoid doing so because of looming economic fears.

So true. When I found out that Homeopathy requires 4 years full time study, I try to delete the idea from my mind. I couldn't face a loss of income especially since I just got a 7 years loan on new condominium. I got extra money to paid out for monthly maintenance. Even got the expensive Homeopathy medication, which luckily is paid by Company.

By A.J. Drenth
INFJ Careers
INFJs can also find it difficult to directly engage or act on the world (Se). While difficult for other types to fathom, some INFJs feel themselves so foreign to the world that action seems hopelessly strange and unnatural. Some INFJs report feeling so detached from their bodies that action feels like an awkward, out-of-body experience.

INFJs commonly gravitate toward Social, Investigative, and Artistic pursuits.

I think Homeopathy has investigative mode..and dealing with people I got my social it is okay.

INFJ Careers
Individuals with Realistic interests enjoy physical, hands-on work, often involving machines. They may take up careers such as computer science, engineering, architecture, and construction. Those attracted to Realistic work tend to enjoy working with “things” more than people. It is therefore unsurprising that this interest domain is correlated with a preference for Thinking over Feeling. Research suggests that S, T, and P types are more drawn to Realistic work than are N, F, and J types.
Hence, INFJs typically have little to no interest in Realistic work. 

Soul - true I don't like hands on work. I just like to strategise, give direction and others execute. I just like to oversee. Then go back to my own domain, do a bit of writing..come out in the world when required.

By A.J. Drenth
INFJ Careers
The Investigative domain incorporates analytic, scientific, and academic interests. Investigative types enjoy working with ideas, theories, facts, or data. As Fe types, INFJs are typically less interested in the hard sciences (e.g., physics) than they are the social sciences (psychology, sociology, geography, political science majors, etc.). They are more apt to display Investigative-Artistic (IA) interests than IR interests.
INFJs with IA or AI interests commonly major in the humanities, social sciences, philosophy, religion, critical theory, the humanities/liberal arts, investigative journalism, or non-fiction writing.
Law and medicine are generally not the best fit for INFJs, as these professions are better suited for TJ types.

I am naturally good at reading law but somehow not keen as a career..
But medicine to me was too dry and I used to sleep in Biology class in high schoo.
True..thats the thing that holds me back.
i am not interested in the hard investigative facts..
But the thing that is holding me is that "energy" based of Homeopathy. And the fact that I am miraculously cured..
My constant middle finger with RA deformity for the past few years..has now reduced in size. This has never ever happen even when I was in constant Arava medication.
Why suddenly the deformity can reduce with the Homeopathy..
thats the magic..I am wanting to learn...and uncover...

By A.J. Drenth
INFJ Careers
In concert with those displaying Investigative interests, individuals with Artistic interests often have an intellectual or cultural-orientation. The Artistic theme strongly correlates Myers-Briggs Intuition, as well as, to a lesser extent, Feeling and Perceiving. The Artistic interest domain requires little explanation. It captures those with unconventional and creative interests, including actors, painters, dancers, poets, sculptors, writers, designers, and the like. Unsurprisingly, Artistic types are highly represented among students studying the arts and humanities. Those interested in library science also tend to fall under this interest domain.
INFJs commonly possess Artistic interests As N dominants, most INFJs are gifted with language and writing. As J types, their natural writing style is fairly structured and analytical. While holding their own with regard to “creative writing,” their aptitude may be greater in non-fiction writing, be it critical, descriptive, or theoretical.
There is the creativity in me..the expression in me.

Individuals in the Social interest domain enjoy working with people. This domain is often conceived as the conceptual opposite of the Realistic domain, although some individuals enjoy working with both people and things. Social interests are common among teachers, healthcare workers, clergy, trainers, human resource professionals, and caretakers, to name a few. The Social domain relates to preferences for Extraversion and Feeling. Among the most popular careers, jobs, and majors for INFJs, are those in religion/ministry, teaching/education, mental health counseling, and medicine/healthcare.

Yes...there is a part of me that wants to inspire others to be the best that they can be..
Mmm....suddenly tot perhaps it is me that I need to inspire.
Others always see that I can do much more than I am...only I can't see that.
I am always envious of others following their passion.....their calling...and best still if their calling is their work.. care is listed.
Health care is important to me due to my long term RA issue.

The final two Holland domains, Enterprising and Conventional, are typically not the first choice for INFJs. The Enterprising domain entails the promotion of products, ideas, or services. Such individuals tend to be persuasive, assertive, and enjoy competitive environments. Typical Enterprising careers include sales and marketing, business and management, law, politics, journalism, insurance, and stock trading. Enterprising individuals often prefer Extroversion.

True..while I am a good promoter..I can only promote what I am passionate about..
and I can only do it in small dosage with much rest time in between...I can't do it constantly.
Isha yoga is something that I can promore naturally..It is my is my highest expression that I have found so far.

Realistic: (no recommendations in this domain)
- True..I don't like realistic hands on

• Philosopher/theologian
• Sociologist, political scientist
• Researcher or research assistant
• Psychologist: research, personality, social
• Journalist
• Instructional designer

I can be the top 4 or even No. 5 except I don't like to 'travel'

• Playwright
• Art/Museum Curator
• Critic: art, film, literary, food
• Editor, writer (especially non-fiction)
• Blogger (see my post, Tools & Considerations for Prospective Bloggers)

I am already a Blogger.

• Counseling/counselor/therapist
• Psychologist, clinical or counseling
• Human resources professional
• Teacher/college professor: art, religion, English, literature
• Priest, pastor, rabbi, minister

I can be the top 3....but I find it too tiring to talk all days.
i prefer just to diagnose..give prescriptions and then move on.
Counsellling takes too much time and energy.

• Consultant
• Journalist

Consultant..cos i just like to give ideas and solution. No hands on
Journalist..not so...


• Administrator

More of a Snr Administrator whereby I don't have to do any Realistic hands on.

Looking at all these...looks like Homeopathy is something possible.
Whats holding me back is the loss of financial security...and not sure of the chance of success.
I am already quite the top at my current corporate career..why rock the boat?

INFJ Careers, Jobs, Majors
By A.J. Drenth

INFJs are susceptible to the insidious influence of their inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se), in their career decision-making. Namely, they choose careers that are rooted in the wishes and desires of their Se rather than those of the top two functions, Ni & Fe. In doing so, they may end up in careers normally population by ESPs, leaving them feeling stressed, depleted, and unfulfilled.

 INFJs are susceptible to the insidious influence of their inferior function, Extraverted Sensing (Se), in their career decision-making. Namely, they choose careers that are rooted in the wishes and desires of their Se rather than those of the top two functions, Ni & Fe. In doing so, they may end up in careers normally population by ESPs, leaving them feeling stressed, depleted, and unfulfilled.

For example, an INFJ friend of mine opted try her hand at culinary school in hopes of becoming a pastry chef. She had always enjoyed baking and making her creations beautiful. Her taste for fine food and concern for aesthetics are both related to her inferior Se. As she underwent her culinary training and later worked as a pastry chef, she realized how unrealistic and unhealthy this career choice was for her. It was physically demanding, fast-paced, required constant Se attention to detail, and was forever frustrating because of her Se perfectionism. She realized that this was not a good career fit and she was better suited for working with people (Fe) and ideas (Ni) than one characterized by concrete action (Se).

As another example, INFJs are often drawn to the visual arts or interior design. This allows them to work at converting an ideal (N) to a concrete reality (S). But such work requires careful attention to Se detail. One could argue that it is heavier on S than it is on N. Add in INFJs’ perfectionism and the pressure of trying to make a living from it, and you have a potential recipe for disaster. A better career choice for an INFJ might involve studying, teaching, theorizing, or writing about art/design. While still incorporating their Se inferior, these alternatives incorporate more Ni and Fe, making them ultimately more satisfying and less prone to the addictions and extremism of their inferior function.

It is true..hence my need to be ambition and strive to be the top so I do less hands on work.
Then went into Isha volunteering out of responsibibility..and got so much hands on things..that leave me depleted.
Hence my dislike for volunteering..especially hands on.
At least in my career I got it right.
As I said I have removed what I don't want in my career..
But now I want to have what what I truly want in my career.
And "Energy" is my key passion.

By A.J. Drenth
INFJ Careers
Making money is another inferior function related problem point for INFJs. INFJs love to live in beautiful surroundings. They often have refined and expensive tastes. Financial security is also important to them. Since all these things require money and are intertwined with their inferior function, money can be a dangerous thing for INFJs (the same would hold true for INTJs). In order to avoid money-related addictive behavior, INFJs may do best as salaried employees. This reduces the incentive for workaholism that could easily manifest if working on commission.

In the end, INFJs are wise to consider the degree to which their career choice is being dictated by their Se and whether it is likely to introduce Se-related problems. While it may be okay for INFJs to have some amount of Se activity in their work, having too much can easily contribute to burn-out, frustration, and dissatisfaction.

Eventhough as salaried employee I was working too much without the corresponding money.
Well, that cycle stopped in late thirties after i used Isha tools.
Now reading this..I realised I am truly an Introvert and hence thats why I am saying no to the high corporate profile job. It would just drained me.
I prefer much time alone.
I don't like too much meeting of people.
 I think now instead of keep on breaking my own boundary...tries to live within my boundary.
I need to create and live my own boundary rather than keep on breaking my own.
Sadhguru msg of breaking boundary are for those who can't break boundary..My issue is keeping boundary rather than breaking boundary.

Moon and Midheaven contacts

Jul 19 aft 1a

From my natal chart
Chiron Semi-Square Moon

"INNATALISM - The doctrine that human reproduction ought to be discouraged in favor of radical life extension as a chief means of perpetuating (trans)humanity." Mark Plus.

SPECIAL INITIATION: To simplify for beginners, in the introductory section on the moon, I neglected to point out what you might have inferred, if you had given it thought. The moon is also a symbol for robotics. With so much of our life unconscious we are very much a kind of biological computerized robot. We can learn to program our own programs. Mark Plus has given it a go. This concludes your message on instinctive mentoring.

Excerpt From: Gargatholil. “Depth Astrology: An Astrological Handbook - Volumes 1-4 (Introduction, Planets in Signs, Planets in Houses, Planets in Aspect).” iBooks.

“Moon and Midheaven Contacts
“Moon sextile Midheaven“conscious Function to Assist Ego/Super-ego Complex

The Moon sextile the Midheaven suggests that those functions and constructs that are associated with the Moon can aid you in achieving the goals that are prescribed by your super-ego. You may find that your family, background and/or upbringing have given you certain advantages or opportunities to achieve your career goals or other measures of success in life.
You may also be able to employ your emotions to your advantage in accomplishing your goals. Often, you can take advantage of an innate, subconscious drive that you have to please your super-ego. Your ego, experiencing the satisfaction of success, is generally inclined toward those things that are symbolized by the Moon.
The potential tension implied in the natural opposition between the Midheaven and the Moon-ruled fourth house is generally defused with the sextile. Nevertheless, the sextile suggests that any natural affinity or attachment that you may have to accommodating your super-ego does not automatically come into play. You generally have to work at taking advantage of the opportunities indicated by the sextile.
If either the Moon or the Midheaven has a difficult aspect from another planet, the sextile suggests that you have opportunities to relieve the stress that is associated with the difficult aspect. Your ability to focus on your goals/successes or the structure that you derive from the super-ego may come to your aid (when the difficult aspect is to the Moon). You may find comfort emotionally or through your family when you face disappointment or failure (when the difficult aspect is to the Midheaven).

Transcendent Potential

The transcendent potential of the Moon sextile the Midheaven is realized when you have listened to your intuitive voice within and redefined the meaning of success in life. You may be faced with opportunities in life to explore your subconscious or to explore the basic, feminine, emotional side of your psyche.
The impetus for your redefinition of success could even come through a nurturing experience or through your involvement with family or domestic matters.
Whatever the impetus, you have taken advantage of it to come into closer touch with your subconscious self.
As the unknown regions of your psyche become conscious, you see more of Reality and you rise above the concerns of your ego and super-ego.
You now have the opportunity to control “your behavior guided by your intuition and the Law of Love, rather than reacting to ”“the demands of your super-ego in conformist and conditioned ways.


If your ego is insecure, it will be too attached to the rewards conferred by the super-ego to think of delving into the subconscious or exploring a world beyond the super-ego’s concerns. Thus, you will miss a great opportunity. Instead, you will be satisfied with the success that life may bring to you through your family connections, inner drive or simply through conforming to the routine dictated by the super-ego. You are likely, however, to take credit yourself for your successes, so that gratitude is something that is foreign to you.

So exactly what I am thinking..the Fool.
It is not logical for me to pursue as I am already 'successful' in the eyes of the world...but not in my eyes.
I am also thinking why need to pay the price for something unknown, something that others may not value..something that I have to work hard for..not even sure of the results.
All these..thats why I said a tall order.
The conflict is within.
So..the trip to Ashram is needed
The miraculous healing from Homeopathy is too amazing for me to dismiss Homeopathy.
Today I just researched and journal 10 pages of issue relating to my new value...of possible new career..
And I spent 4 hours..but somehow it is okay..and there is a certain fulfilment within..
Something seems right..and yet it is scary..but not as scary as this morning..

My card for today in Neptune...very true.
My Daily Card
The Six of Hearts

The Six of Hearts is a powerful influence of balance and peace in personal relationships. How it affects you will largely depend upon your current status in your love life and how responsible you have been in that area. This card will demand that all outstanding love debts be settled and will encourage you to take responsibility for your actions and words in your closest relationships. You may find that you have to make compromises and adjustments to accomplish this as well.

On a more universal level, the Six of Hearts may also reveal to you a special purpose in your life, one of helping others by sharing love with them. You may become aware of a special mission that you are to perform when this card appears. It is the card of peace and of intuitively knowing how to love others in a spiritual sense.

time to listent to my own calling..