Tuesday, July 29, 2014

7thunder Ruling cards for this year 2014/2015

2014/15 Ruling cards

Long Range
Ace of Clubs
U will have strong desire for knowledge of some kinds and that new plans, ideas and form of communication could have a major impact on u.
U may throw urself into some new educational pursuit or some other Mercury-ruled activity such as writing, speaking or teaching. U may purchase a new computer or be exposed to some advanced system of knowledge. This will probably mean that u begin some new job as well.  This is a powerful indicator of new beginnings in many areas of ur life.
Ur natural curiosity is heightened this year and this could lead u into many new ideas, concepts, beliefs and ways of communicating. With all the passion of this 'one energy', try to stay relaxed.

Queen of Spades
Somehow connected to ur result card you are attempting to develop a sense of mastery from within, a greater level of organisational ability or both. Self mastery comes from inner knowledge and self control. It is knowing u can have everything u want, not by changing the world but by changing yourself.
U will have to work hard this year and possibly doing work that u find somewhat distasteful.  Spades are work and the Queen using her work as karma yoga, a tool to purify her tots and emotions.
This is the goal u have set for urself and u must have good reason for why u want this. Keep this uppermost in ur mind as u progress through the year. U will no doubt have to make changes within and outside of urself  to achieve this goal.

I develop my capacity to transform my life by changing my beliefs, ideas, and concepts of the world. I become the master of myself.

Nine of Clubs
Much of ur challenges is to let go of outworn ideas, projects, plans or way of communicating. This is a year of completion that may at times seem like disappointing endings.
The Nine of Clubs says that u are completing a major chapter in ur life and it is time to move on to greener pastures.
Be open to spiritual wisdom in all forms, as this will help make change easier.

I complete projects this year and let go of the past. I broaden my understanding by releasing old ways of thinking.

Three of Hearts
Benefits will come this year through broadening the scope of ur personal or social relationships. A desire to express urself and ur feelings will bring many good things into ur life. This could be the year that u successfully add to ur list of personal contacts.
U could meet a new lover or two or merely makes some new friends that bring fun and diversity into ur romantic or social life.
Remember to say what u feel.

Six of Clubs
This card can have a powerful and positive effects on ur career and work. This could be the year that u become much better known or recognised for ur contribution.
This could be a vital time to devote some of ur resources to advertising or to getting into the media because success in these areas is almost certain. All in all, this should be a hallmark year where work is concerned.

Finally this card points to a need for more focus on one's purpose in life. This could be a year when circumstances cause u to reflect on ur life and make a sincere effort to finding the path best for u. Once that path is found, u are obligated on a spiritual level to follow it to the best of ur ability, regardless of external circumstances.
Following the path u have set for urself or just finding path that is meant for u, may be one the significant challenge of this year.

No wonder Ten of Clubs.

Our experiences is from our own perceptions

Jul 5

Tiny Buddha
Principle #1: There is no out there out there.
Perceptual Language honors the principle that we don’t respond to “the world out there.” We respond to our perception of the world. Perception is formed by beliefs, cultural norms, religious affiliation, genetic factors, life experience, sense of right and wrong, and so much more.
All of these factors combine to filter the information that passes through our senses, allowing us to figure out what things mean. In other words, we don’t ever directly experience anything outside of ourselves. We only experience ourselves.
When I listen to my wife talk, I am actually hearing my perception of her words, gestures and so forth. I am making meaning out of what she communicates based on that. This may or not match the meaning she intends to convey.

If I am offended by her, it is important to understand that I am actually offended by what I did with her words based on how I made meaning out of them. In essence, I am offended by her-in-me. Not by her, the real person. I can never experience her, the real person, directly.

In essence, I am offended by this person that I have made a part of me by the way I perceive her. In the end, I am offended by none other than myself.
In short, it is not what people do to me that causes problems for me, but what I do with people to cause myself problem
Perceptual Language in practice:

“My wife asked me to calm down.”

This becomes:

“I had my-wife-in-me asking me to calm down.”

This way of phrasing acknowledges that I do not experience my wife the way she experiences herself. She is not acting on me. I am acting on myself with my perception of her. When I respond to her, I am really responding to my perception. I am responding to me.

There are huge benefits to understanding and communicating with this in mind. When I really get this principle, a whole new world in me opens up. Suddenly, I don’t take things personally.

I do not get offended very easily. I can listen to criticism with an open mind. I don’t take myself so seriously or believe others have power over me.

Principle #2: I am an active process.
People so often portray themselves as passive or as victims in their use of language.

“She made me feel so angry.”

“My father makes me feel helpless.”

“I am troubled by my past.”

In reality (in me) I am the one doing the acting. I actively create my own experience. With Perceptual Language I express myself differently:

“I anger myself with her.”

“I make myself feel helpless when I am with my father.”

“I trouble myself with my past.”
This way of putting words together suggests that I am an active participant in my own experience.  I am doing to myself as opposed to having things done to me. If I am the one who is taking action, I can stop taking this action. Or, I can act differently. A new world of possibility opens up when I get this concept.
I open a new world of possibility in me. I empower myself, no longer believing that I am a victim of outward circumstance when I “verb” myself in this way.

I am not motivated. I motivate myself. I am not excited. I excite myself. I am not sad. I sadden myself. I am not depressed. I depress myself.

I don’t give power to other people or circumstances or life to do anything to me psychologically. I do everything to myself. What do I want to do to myself?

Principle #3: Everything that is happening is happening right now.
I can only experience myself right now. While I am contemplating the past, I am doing so now, perceiving the past within me at this moment. My future is similar to my past in that when I think about the future I am creating it right now.

When I speak of the past, I can acknowledge in my language that the thoughts or feelings I’m having about my past are happening now. When I speak myself I want to connect myself with my experience in this moment.

“Tomorrow is going to be a scary day.”

This becomes:
“I scare myself with my thoughts about tomorrow.”

So, the world I interact with is within me. I actively create it, right now. Perceptual Language makes these healing concepts a reality.

I realized when others judge me, I am actually using my perception of them to judge myself. I also realized that what they were saying was just their perception of me, not me.

Very good. Just reshare on Facebook.

Today had a real good session with P. Truly glad she too have a miraculous experience with Jesus Christ on her knee. She also stated to meditate now. She shared she was envious of my ease in meditation.

With live Guru, the right mix of concoction is possible

Jul 4
Life and death by Sadhguru
These four dimensions are just head, heart, hands and energy. These four things have come together in different ways in every person. Accordingly the right kind of yoga has to be mixed in the right proportion, otherwise it does not work.
If I give someone one type of yoga it will work miraculously for him but if I give the same thing to u, it is not going to work because u are not the same combination. That's why the traditions have always insisted on live Guru, because he mixes the right concoction for u. Unless u mix it properly, the cocktail has no punch.

Yes, me samadhi path not the same as those on awareness path. Actually the % of samadhi path is less than 10% of the meditators.

Just now light the lamp and went into meditation for more than half an hour. I went in deep as if I just done Shambavi.

Life and death by Sadhguru
If u enhance who you are on all levels - physically, mentally, emotionally, energy-wise - if u enhance urself into a beautiful state, everyone wants to hold a relationship with you. Then everything else gets naturally managed. If u don't keep urself well in any of these levels, and expect people to be with u, then u become a burden.


Life and death by Sadhguru
It is the root that u should take care. The flower and fruits will not come if u do not nurture the roots - u can only dream about it. If u nurture the root, flowers and fruits will anyway happen. That is so with garden, and that is so with ur life.
Human being should always focus on how to enhance their way of being. Whether it is ur profession, or ur relationship, or whatever else in ur life, it will happen to its best only when who u are is enhanced. If u do not enhanced this and u try to manage all those things, it is going to be stressful.


Hidden splendour - I have experienced it

Jul 3
A new year today.
I have let go of local Isha lead core volunteering and Sathsang guide.
This morning a tot came that I can do visit Ashram contact since I am a frequent visitor and online most times. Also can provide regular info to core lead.
But I m holding this back. For now want to focus on Kailash.

Woke up at 7 am, finally a good rest. Angarmadhana was good. Surya kriya too.
Breathing was fine. Shakti was good with improved Kapala Bhakti and corrected Suka kriya. I was singing and dancing. I also changed the rest period to after Suka kriya to avoid break during Kapala.
Shambavi was good too. Toward the end some singing in the mind and silence contentment.

Hidden splendour by Osho
There is such synchronicity in existence. U become graceful, the whole existence becomes graceful; u become silent, everything else becomes silent. A song arises in u and all around the birds start singing; u dance and u see the whole existence is dancing with u, hand in hand.

Amen. Thats my experience.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Shrine, Sannidhi and Sadhana is my values

Jul 2 aft

Michele Knight on North Node in Taurus
North or True Node in the sign of Taurus then you have chosen to walk the path of Spiritual Values.

Your Soul Path Journey: It’s not about other people’s values and beliefs, but yours if you have your North Node in Taurus. Your task is to create your own that you live by, stand by and which sustain you and provide you with a deep sense of connection and stability no matter what may be happening externally in your life. You are the calm after the storm, the eye of the hurricane, the rock that cannot be broken, the safe harbour you and those you love can always find shelter in.

Your South Node: Is in Scorpio, sign of transformation, change, shared resources and also power, manipulation, domination and control. Your journey involves being your own personal agent of change through grounding yourself in your beliefs and values. When you feel secure you have no need to control or manipulate others. In this way you release any negative karma associated with the past.

Got this back in december.
Today reading it..reaffirm my path.
I just said nope to being a guide. Finally it is over.
A tot came to me. When you truly want it over, it be over..
And perhaps when you truly want it in, it be in...

My path is my sadhana and my shrine.
My sadhana grounds me..and my shrine provides me the sustenance.
My shrine now in office and at home.

North node in Taurus
Making judgement.
These folks are learning to stop destroying what others have built and instead focus on building what is important and valuable to themselves.
As they remain consistently true to their own values, they become less judgemental about others who have different values.
They also are highly judgemental of themselves and undermine their self worth. They often compare themselves to other people and feel jealous of what others have - this makes their lives complicated and much less happy!
For any of us, if what we are doing in our lives is making us happy, then we are on track. But the moment we compare ourselves, we lose.

So true..
I used to play down the volunteering..question them and later myself on volunteering..
Now I can just let them do volunteering..and I can let myself not do volunteering.
To each its own.
So liberating.
We can all just be oursevles.

North node in Taurus.
What these folks really want is for their insecurity to be resolved - to know that all their needs will be met. This is a lifetime of appreciating the bounty the universe is offering, not grabbing what others have.
They are destined to accumulate that which increases their inner sense of substance. By taking the emphasis off of specific people as their "source" and by partnering directly with life itself, their insecurities over survival can finally be healed.
They will find that life sends the right people - who often shows up unexpectedly - to ease their journey as every new need arise.

So true. Amen

My Daily Card in Mars
The Ten of Clubs

The Ten of Clubs usually brings measurable success in one of the mind-related fields or endeavors. This could be publishing or teaching or other areas where large groups are benefiting from your talents and mental brilliance. Recognition for your talents and efforts are common when this card is present.

Essentially, the Ten of Clubs is the card of the 'teacher'. It means spreading knowledge or information to large groups of people. This is a great card for those in the publishing, radio or television businesses where much information is being distributed to large numbers.

Well, Y was in my mind today...wondering whether I should answer to his wife's plea. But then I tot thats like stepping into other boundaries. I have no need of such drama.
Today spent time with boss too, a Ten of Clubs.
And today staying true to myself, saying no to being a guide, at last cut the final string.
Father..mmm finaly  understand Ten of Clubs - staying true to my plan, my values.

No wonder..I have a few Ten of Clubs...
And now even recruit a Ruling & Destiny Ten of Clubs...lets see.

Being myself

Jul 2
Woke up at 7.30 am upon alarm but body still bit tired as I slept around 3 plus yesterday. Spent some time with shrine before I sleep.

Angarmadhana was good. Surya kriya fine except the right elbow is bit painful as it is still swollen. Right knee is better.
Shakti was okay and now being conscious of throat constriction during 5242 and Kapala Bhakti. Not sure if I imagine but towards the end I think the sound is in right direction. Towards the end I was singing.
Shambavi was good. Learning to do correct Suka kriya. Aum chanting was amazing.

There were some tots of Y's wife and her appeal for help. Truly not sure if I should step in. Perhaps best to pass this to the Sathsang guide who is also Y's friend. I m not keen on drama. Y's behavior is expected and may be this is his wife karma. But I do sympathise with her as Y is ignoring her plea.

Tot of yesterday volunteering. Even my friends commented that they were surprised to see me doing the carpets. I told them I feel contented just doing the ribbon on the carpet. K commented that he always see me as the coordinator and not the runner. It is true. Even in volunteering I segregated being leader and runner and I only wanted to be leader as it has more valuation.
So timely. I truly don't want leader role in local Isha. Looks like I found my place being the runner.
This reminds me of when I segregated or judge reporting as low level work and hence it breaks me to do. I finally overcome it.
Alas now volunteering it has come to do that, albeit in reverse way.

Symbolo tarot card - quite accurate

Jul 1 aft 1

Father, spoke to G, its clear on the ending of being a guide. Also informed my good friends.

Symbolo card that I draw yesterday
The Wedding
You try to realise ur own happiness through other people. U expect someone to love u. U want to bask in their warm rays.
Have u already discovered love in yourself, independent of others?

This is seeking validation in work, friends, local Isha and partner.

2. The way throught the problem
The false halo
Ur path leads u through a painful learning process.
In short, thou shall not create an image.
Every image, noble as it is might be, is balsam for ur ego and poison for ur soul.
Now is the time to work on ur shadow and remove the mask from images and ideas.

Yes. Me being the local Isha lead, the guide are all false image. I don't enjoy it; firstly did out of gratitude to Sadhguru, then out of responsibility and later hold on out of fear of losing validation.
All for the wrong reasons.

The family
A common entity will arise, a third force which is greater than its individual components. Rather than belonging to u, it has a life of its own which needs both adults for awhile to nourish its spiritual energies and allow it to grow.

Same msg as my North node in Taurus; me to strengthen my values, to be my authentic self. Then the right partner will come along.

More guidance
U don't want to accept that two parallel  stretch of track have been cut by new plans, that ur path take separate courses. U do everything in ur power to force the trains to keep running together. Just as water and oil can only be (temporarily) mixed by a lot of stirring, u try to stir urself so that u can remain together. U should just left things run their course.

Yes, the ending with Z and Y. They are both not my match.
The ending of volunteering, of being core lead and now the ending of being Sathsang guide.

I try to hold on but I m miserable. Got to be sensible and let go.

What I value is my sadhana and my shrine.
Most people value volunteering. I  don't value volunteering not even being a guide.
I can let them be just as they can let me be. It's okay to have different values; I need not compare.

Six of Clubs - adjustment

Jul 1 mornin

From Rebellesociety.
My light is my true Self. It is made up of my highest values. When I am living these values, I am in a state of bliss. When I am not, I am in a state of turmoil.
When I embody and live these traits, my light can shine with wild abandon. When it does, I am allowing myself the freedom to be who I really am.

Volunteer for small things. Things I would never use to do.
Just now checking the carpet and making ribbon was so delightful. Amen
Yes, that's my volunteering. Doing things that I would never do but now I enjoyed.

Today Venus card
My Daily Card
The Queen of Spades

The Queen of Spades is known as the card of 'self-mastery', the one that sits in the position of highest accomplishment and recognition in what we call the 'Spiritual Spread'. Whenever this card appears, we are given a special opportunity to achieve much success in our external life by mastering ourselves within. This means creating more success by changing our inner thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes instead of trying to alter our external circumstances.

The Queen of Spades is a hard-working woman card and a good manager as well so we can also expect success in work and organizational ability whenever she appears in our spreads.Soul

Settlement. Everything is falling into place. Even my exit is beautifully engineered.
The right time to leave is when you are unwilling to leave. This means my role is complete.

The 52 days card are also very apt. Settlement.
Neptune 13 May to 2 July
Six of Clubs

Six of Clubs is the card of intuition. Its card of responsibility in speech and communication and of making compromise to maintain a peaceful surrounding. When this card shows up, situations will arise that promote bringing ur life into balance and stability. Whatever that is out of balance will have to be adjusted so there may be karmic debts to pay.

Six of Clubs in Neptune period will most likely be a pleasant period. However if u were planning a trip for this period, it may not happen.
Ur intuition is strong and available for the pursuit of knowledge or spiritual goals and may bring u some valuable self-knowledge and understanding. This is a good time for inner development and simply enjoying the things that u have worked for and acquired. This is not a good time to plan or execute any major changes in ur life.
One of the possible benefits is that u could discover or deepen ur life's purpose. All that is required is for u to tune in to ur tots and feelings, especially when u are alone or meditating.

Six of Spades in Destiny
Six of Spades is the strongest karma cards. U can expect a smoothing out of affairs in the realm of work and health.
During this period u may have a long and monotonous journey or the journey u have planned get canceled or postponed.
The steadying influence of the Six of Spades will usually counteract most proposed changes in location, work or heath now.
This is an excellent influence for spiritual/intuitive studies and u may have a keen appreciation of life and the mysteries of self. Ur understanding of the laws and cause and effect will help u overcome situation of discord with others.
One of the possible benefits in Neptune is that u could discover deepen ur life's purpose. All that is required is for u to tune in to ur tots and feelings especially when u are alone and meditating.

Being sensible means letting go of local Isha

Jul 1

I stayed because of Isha family. I stayed out of responsibility. I stayed out of fear of losing validation.
I stayed not for my fulfilment. I stayed out of fear rather than joy
I have overstayed.and I be bad for the team.
Time to let go. Time to be sensible.

Wake up jumping out of bed at 5 am. Did Bhuta Shuddhi and followed by Guru Pooja. Not as comfortable as niece sleeping in my room.
Did one cycle of Surya kriya followed by Shavasana and Breathe watching.
Shakti was not okay as I was trying to see my sound. I was mainly breathing out through the nose. Finally after practices I began to differentiate. As Swami said first thing is to realised that noise is different between from nose or throat. I can now see the difference. Teacher was not helpful as she unable to see. Infact pointed it to my diet.
Shambavi was good. Towards the end contentment. Finished by 7.28 am.
Doing Suka kriya correctly but was difficult as elbow is painful. Mmm I didn't block the nostril before I open up the other nostril.

Anyway, further confirm that I m not the right one for guide as I am not detailed. Everything is flowing at the right time.

2. Internal influence that u are unaware.
We are behaving almost like blind people. In such a beautiful world, we are living in small ponds of misery. It is familiar, so even if somebody wants to pull u out, u struggle. U don't want to be pull out of ur misery, of ur suffering. Otherwise there is so much joy all around, u just have to be aware of it and to become a participant, not a spectator. Make participation ur lifestyle and the whole universe becomes such a joy, such an ecstasy. U could not have dreamed of a better universe.

Alas it's time for me to realise that Universe is helping me. I need not resist the ending. I just need to let go. Everything is perfect for my exit especially with new Sathsang format.
Also if I stay I feel I will cloud others negatively due to my resentment, due to me writing down other's value of volunteering instead of embarking on mi value of sadhana and shrine.
I tried to stay but I can't.

Father, alas I truly understand this card. This is about going with the flow. Active participation.
All of us have different values with different contribution.

4. What's needed for resolution?
When we are faced with a difficult situation, we have a choice we can either be resentful and try to find somebody or something to blame for the hardship or we can face the challenge and grow.
The challenges are there and if the seed is to become the flower we must go through them.
Be courageous enough to be the flower that u r meant to be.

When I draw the card years yesterday I didn't realise my stint as Sathsang guide ends now. I tot I will be around for next couple of month easing others in.
This final let go, my little finger holding on; fear of losing total validation.
Alas I must faced it. I must be sensible.
Just as I face the letting go when P asked me to let go, the same thing now.
Truly a year of Nine of Spades.

Times of great sorrow have the potential to be times of great transformation. But in order to happen we must go deep, to the very roots of our pain and experience it as it is, without blame and self pity.


Old fear of losing validation comes back

Jun 30 eve
Father, saw the ending email from teacher.
As expected, he said I need not attend since I no longer want to be the guide.
They are now teaching new format and I myself will need to be trained.
I shared about my feelings yesterday and told him that I revert by this Wed.

Father, since the new format is just the person standing there..

Even now that I am not the guide..I am also inspiring people.
Better for me to share during Sathsang..as a guide..by right I can't share.
Promoting Sadhguru's tool...just be myself..just share..
I need not have to be the Guide and miss out the fun of having Sathsang.
Me just being in Sathsang is a testament of Sadhguru's presence.
Being a guide, I cannot participate..
Anyway..will change air ticket and spend 2 days outstation with G. Just chill and catch up.

Jul 30 eve 1
Had a good session of Shakti. I was laughing loads. At least Kapala Bhakti is correct albeit no sound. Also learned that the gap of one and half second is not the slow version. Main purpose is to avoid too speedy.

When I was doing, a tot of being useless comes to my mind. Recalled Sadhguru said he does not need anything from us. At the very least he wants us to be growing, to be mature and better person every day.
I m not sure about better person but I m sure about becoming my authentic self.
Truly wish I didn't reply to the teacher. Should have just KIV.
The previous mail again was like seeking sympathy vote and I knew that are not bothered. They already written me off. Guess I reacted towards his mail. The fact that I changed my flight to accommodate him and he didn't tot of informing me earlier as he already doesn't need me.
Also since I was the one who gave him S's input, he should at least ask me for the contact but instead he ask P.
Mmm a tot came, maybe should not take it as a slight nor see as him pushing me away. Perhaps its because he know I don't like to volunteer.

Anyway, found at that I have not been doing Suka Kriya correctly. I didn't close and block first before I changed breathing cycle. Amen.
This proved that I m not meant to be the guide. Honestly didn't enjoy the correction. 

Never mind, don't reply.

Don't go back to the past.

Revisit of karmic past

Jun 30 aft
Finally lighted Linga's lamp in the office.
A sense of calmness enveloped me. I felt love from her.
Tears came.
Feel love and gratitude.
Especially today when I m facing my karma on partner.
Just added in oil. While I m in office, will keep it lit.
Truly glad.
Father, these days just want to be in the space.

Today I looked at myself. I looked great and can see why others said I look like I m in my twenties instead of my actual age of forties. I always looked young by ten years but twenty years is first time.

The cards I draw today very apt.

1. The Issue
Past lives.
The real point is to see and understand the karmic patterns of our lives and their roots in an endless repetitive cycle that traps us in unconscious behavior. This is a wake up call; the events in ur life are trying to show u a pattern as ancient as the journey of ur own soul.

Yes, the envious feeling over others in committed romantic relationships is my issue.
With the seeing of J who found and got engaged in matters of hours. Of the other new couple and also looking at Y. His wife is really warm. I m happy for him.
No wonder today having tots of Z.
This morning wanted to msg Y and shared about his wife fear of him. But I did not. They are newly married and faced their issues themselves. Besides I m no longer in the picture. Time up distance myself.

2. Internal influence
We are behaving like blind people. In such a beautiful world we are living in small ponds of our own misery.
Make participation ur life style and the whole existence becomes such a joy, such an ecstasy. U could not have dreamed of a better universe.
U have an opportunity to participate with others now to make ur contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of u could manage alone. Ur participation will not only nourish u but will also contribute something precious to the whole.

Not sure.
But now I m just opening up and showing my values.
Like Sadhguru said it be a crime if we found our values and yet not living them.
My shrine is my home.
And of course Sadhguru is what I valued. I will continue to promote his tools.

3. External influences that u are aware.
He is so expansive he has gone beyond the stars and above his head is pure emptiness. He represents the consciousness that is available to all those who become a master of the mind and can use it as the servant it is meant to be.
When u choose this card, it means that there is crystal clarity available right now, detached, rooted in the deep stillness that lies at the core of ur being. There is no desire to understand from the perspective of the mind - the understanding that u have now is existential, whole, in harmony with the pulse of life itself.
Accept this great gift, and share it.


4. What's needed for resolution?
Long is the journey and it is always safer not to go on that journey because unknown is the path, nothing is guaranteed.
When we are faced with a very difficult situation we have a choice; we can either be resentful and try to find someone to blame for the hardships or we can face the challenge and grow.
The flower shows us the way, as its passion for life leads it out of the darkness and into the light.
There is no point.

Yes. I m afraid. I don't want to go through another rship. The break up with Z took so long to recover. The short rship with Y also evaporated.
I m now where I want to be. I found my home in my shrine and with Sadhguru.
Once I got my Sannidhi, I am HOME.
I don't want to go on another rship. The one with Y didn't flower and evaporated in early Jan and it took me about 3 months to recover and now facing him and wife.
Kailash is my once in a life time trip. I don't want the risk of disappointment. I no longer have the confidence.
Guess what I wanted is avoidance.
Perhaps the envious feeling over the new couples and also my physical needs made me to be aware that I can't avoid; that I truly still want.
So I focus on the abundance of love and money for me.
Now need FAITH.

5. Resolution
The pain is not to make u sad, remember. That's where people go on missing ...,. This pain is just to make u more alert -- because people become alert only when the arrow goes deep into their heart and wounds them. The arrow is to make u more aware. And when u are aware, misery disappears.
Times of great sorrow have the potential to be times of great transformation. But in order for transformation to happen we must go deep, to the very roots of our pain, and experience it as it is, without blame or self pity.

True it was painful but I grown up. And I won't change my place with anyone. To be now where I am is priceless. I m willing to pay the price of sorrow.
Both Z and Y are not the right match for me.
And neither was I my true self when I met them.
Now alas I am my true authentic self. I think I m ready. If I m not, I will faced who I need to face.

Volunteering in Isha

Jun 30 mor

As they were sharing on reason for volunteering, they all said find fulfillment.
I wonder about myself. I know I just volunteer to promote Isha. To me, Sadhguru is the real thing. His tools truly works and I m a living testimonial of it. I m one of his best applicator. That's why I would always volunteer for IE especially on intro sharing on IE and also to refresh myself during class and initiation.
I don't get fulfillment for myself or from others. I just see that Isha is truly good and deserves to be recognised. That's all. If anything it is me paying tribute to Sadhguru.

Feeling bit off
Mmmm, could this be a reaction as I was feeling envious of the new couple; feeling a bit envious of Y and wife.
While I don't relish being Y's wife as I can see he is quite dominating. His wife getting fearful of him as his tone of voice can be gruff.
Mmm, maybe just my past.
For now just remember that I found my home. 

My shrine's energy is great

Jun 30

Woke up at alarm at 3.45 am, body feel bit groggy cos was dreaming. This is the first day going back to my routine after the trip to ashram.
Did Bhuta Shuddi followed by singing of guru pooja. Angarmadhana was good despite a week break. Shakti good too, head was shaking non stop towards the end. These days I m taking more time to rest my legs since Swami said long term effect knew negatively.
My right knee is hurting. My right elbow joint are swelling, bit painful. Couldn't do the pumping as elbow couldn't support.

Today have dream of physical needs and tots of Z comes to mind. I didn't stop the flow. I just reaffirm that my needs are normal and Universe will give me  the husband that fulfil my needs. Yesterday was the same too.

One more month to Kailash, while my wish to Linga is for my husband but now I just let it be. Recently the husband tot hasn't been constant. But with the physical needs coming up it reminds me.

On the other hand Kailash is one in a life time trip; I want it just for me. Just to be there and absorb the energy. My wish is now that my feeling of Home will be reinforced. Can't wait for my sannidhi.
True ending of year with Ace of Hearts. My shrine.
Yesterday night I was engrossed in Facebook and didn't light up the shrine immediately. Then it occur to me and I did it. Didn't plan to sit with shrine. Just light and continue with my reading but I was stucked, just sat there for 20 plus minutes.

Life's Mysteries - Osho
Remember one very fundamental thing about life; any experience that has not lived will hang around u, will persist. "Finish me!" Live me! Complete me!
There is an intrinsic quality in every experience that it tends and wants to be finished, completed. Once completed, it evaporates; incomplete, it persists, it tortures u, it haunts u. It attract ur attention. It says, "What are u going to do about me? I am still incomplete, fulfil me.

Well the part on having a permanent partner is calling me. Just when I tot I found my home; the physical need is making a comeback.

Today's card
My Daily Card
The Two of Spades

The Two of Spades means a union or partnership in work or friendship. Since this is a spade, the partnerships that it may fortell will be ones where you and the other person actually spend time doing things together, whether it be work or things such as hiking, exercising, camping, biking or other sports.

When the Two of Spades occurs in your reading you will be feeling the need for others in your life and as such will likely attract someone with whom you can have a pleasant friendship or working relationship. The key to success with this card is cooperation. Close relationships always require a bit of give and take for success.

Yes..just feeling bit lonely as others all seems to found their partner.
Wondering where is mine...
Just my past calling...

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Mind and breathe fused in Suka Kriya

Jun 28

This morning breathing meditation and suka kriya was beautiful. I finally experience the mind and breathe fusing. There were no tots in my mind except for the awareness of breathe.

Today is second day I use Vibhuti, and both days practices has been phenomenal.

The swim was beautiful. Just being with the water, it was effortless. As I was laughing in the pool, I know that I am happy with my life. What I have now is priceless. I m not willing to give up myself for any relationship.

Today IE is on acceptance of this moment. This moment is inevitable. Acceptance leads to freedom. Acceptance gives us power to ourselves and not the other. Acceptance is for ourselves.

I just realised that acceptance is the only sensible thing to do. Anything else is crazy as this moment is inevitable.

I really liked Y's wife. She is warm person. I told Y that he made a good choice.

As I was driving I tot if I should offer my car to Y. Then I stop as that's my mind. Y and I are no longer the same type of friend. He has let go and I have too. No need bring back the past. Besides he didn't ask for my help either.

This week card is true.
1. The issue
The Queen of Water bring a time of unboundedness and gratitude for whatever life brings, without any expectation or demands. Neither duty or tot of merit or reward are important. Sensitivity, intuition and compassion are the qualities that shine forth now, dissolving all the obstacles that keep us separate from each other and from the whole.

True. I finally accepted my life. I m not willing to let go of myself for any relationship. I found my home in Sadhguru.

Also  I have been quite attentive during IE program.
V and L said that I seems very grounded.

2. Internal influence that u are unaware
First meditate, be blissful, then much love happen of its own accord. Then being with others is beautiful, and being alone is also beautiful. Then it is simple , u don't depend on others and u don't make others depend on you. With no pain?

Finally at rest after a nearly two years of turmoil with Z and Y

Jun 27 mor

Adhyatma Upanishad - Osho
The work of the intellect is to attach tots, to label everything, to give words, name and form to everything.
Equanimity means there is no reaction at all within u, whether one abuses u or one respects u - a total absence of reaction within. Simply nothing stirs u. The abuse remain outside and the respect remain outside; nothing at all enters within.
When will this happens? This will happens only when there is a witness inside.
When someone abuses us there is a reaction. On hearing abuse we immediately feel that 'I have been abused', and the suffering begins.
When somebody respects us we feel happy because it feels that 'I am respected'. It means that whatsoever is done to you, u become identified with it. It is because of this that suffering and pleasure are created, disharmony is created and balance is lost.

There is no verbal abuse, just feel not recognised, not valued, feel small...then I become defensive and do mental attack, later followed up by self pity...

Suddenly I tot of Z...the unfinished business.
Y is already settled.

My 52-Day Period Card
The Six of Spades

The Six of Spades is the strongest of the karma cards. When this card is present, you can expect a smoothing out of affairs in the realms of work and health. However, if you have had bad or negative habits in these areas or if your lifestyle has included any activities which have intentionally or inadvertently hurt others, you may have to settle your accounts when this powerful card appears. Whatever happens when this card appears, see that as a guidepost to make corrections in your path.

The Six of Spades will cause a settling of all affairs and at the same time bring some much needed peace into your life. If, during that time, you take some time to tune in to your deepest thoughts and feelings, you may become aware of a special message for you that comes from inside. This message may lead you to perform a special mission in your life, one that uplifts others in some important way. The Six of Spades is the card of FATE.

Today card
My Daily Card
The Eight of Hearts

The Eight of Hearts is a card of considerable emotional power, charm and personal magnetism. This power could be used to bring you success in any activities that deal with groups of people such as acting or sales work. It is also an indicator of having healing energy, a 'spiritual force' gathering in you, a force you can use to better your life in many ways. When this card is present, this power is available to use at your discretion.

The Eight of Hearts will give you the power to get your way with people, both personally and professionally. It can bring you more social fun, better intimate relationships or more success in your business.

I am ending my year and I want Z to end as well.
Might as well take this IE opportunity to move forward.

I checked into my Relationship card with Z on Osho Tarot

1. You and your contribution
When we realize we've been missing life, we start saying no to the demands of others. We move out of the crowd, alone and proud, roaring our truth. But this is not the end. Finally the child emerges, neither acquiescent nor rebellious, but innocent and spontaneous and true to his own being. Whatever the space you're in right now--sleepy and depressed, or roaring and rebellious--be aware that it will evolve into something new if you allow it. It is a time of growth and change.

2. His input - Z
This is a time of communication between the previously experienced dualities of life. Rather than night opposing day, dark suppressing light, they work together to create a unified whole, turning endlessly one into the other, each containing in its deepest core the seed of the opposite. 

The eagle and the swan are both beings of flight and majesty. The eagle is the embodiment of power and aloneness. The swan is the embodiment of space and purity, gently floating and diving, upon and within the element of the emotions, entirely content and complete within her perfection and beauty. 

We are the union of eagle and swan: male and female, fire and water, life and death. The card of integration is the symbol of self-creation, new life, and mystical union; otherwise known as alchemy.

3. Composite Energy
New Vision
When you open up to the ultimate, immediately it pours into you. You are no longer an ordinary human being - you have transcended. Your insight has become the insight of the whole existence. Now you are no longer separate - you have found your roots.
The figure on this card is being born anew, emerging from his earthbound roots and growing wings to fly into the unbounded. The geometric shapes around the body of the figure show the many dimensions of life simultaneously available to him. The square represents the physical, the manifest, the known. The circle represents the unmanifest, the spirit, pure space. And the triangle symbolizes the threefold nature of the universe: manifest, unmanifest, and the human being who contains both. 

Now you are presented with an opportunity to see life in all its dimensions, from the depths to the heights. They exist together, and when we come to know from experience that the dark and the difficult are needed as much as the light and easy, then we begin to have a very different perspective on the world. By allowing all of life's colors to penetrate us, we become more integrated

4. The Insight
Mind can never be intelligent - only no-mind is intelligent. Only no-mind is original and radical. Only no-mind is revolutionary - revolution in action. 

This mind gives you a sort of stupor. Burdened by the memories of the past, burdened by the projections of the future, you go on living - at the minimum. You don't live at the maximum. Your flame remains very dim. 

Once you start dropping thoughts, the dust that you have collected in the past, the flame arises - clean, clear, alive, young. Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke. That is what awareness is.

The veil of illusion, or maya, that has been keeping you from perceiving reality as it is, is starting to burn away. The fire is not the heated fire of passion, but the cool flame of awareness. As it burns the veil, the face of a very delicate and childlike buddha becomes visible. 

The awareness that is growing in you now is not the result of any conscious "doing", nor do you need to struggle to make something happen. Any sense you might have had that you've been groping in the dark is dissolving now, or will be dissolving soon. Let yourself settle, and remember that deep inside you are just a witness, eternally silent, aware and unchanged. 

A channel is now opening from the circumference of activity to that center of witnessing. It will help you to become detached, and a new awareness will lift the veil from your eyes.

I knew then I need to open the door again. I don't want to have any unfinished 'business' in my new year.
I want settlement in everything.
Now that I have found my HOME. I am no longer fearful..I can just be..no longer what is next.

Messaged Z and he responded..so we are okay...not friends but acquaintance...we move forward.

When I go Kailash, there is no more request..just me coming Home.
Mmm..I recalled a year ago when I made the decision to Kailash, I saw the tall hill near my housing area and suddenly I cried and I said I want to go home..and home is in Kailash.
Alas..everything is falling in place.

Both Z and Y is over and settled..and I am finally at home..

Learnings from Inner Engineering

Jun 27

Learnings from Inner Engineering

1. Play to win and yet willing to lose.
Tot of my play with Y. I did play all out and I lost. But it is fine. With Z, I didn't play cos I tot it is losing game.
So now m fine with meeting Y and wife.
Also there is a change in our relationship now. He is now someone's husband. And I have to admit now that we no longer interact the mental attraction has subside and even more so no more physical attraction. Without the mental attraction, physically he is no longer that attractive to me. Meeting the Samyama guy in ashram made me aware that physical attraction can be elsewhere.
So, the matter with Y is now settled. I now see him as someone's husband. The past is gone.

2. Responsibly.
Responsibility is love. When we are responsible, we respond and when we respond, we show our love and care. Responsibility is for us and not the other person. Responsibility keeps us alive.
What we can do is limited but what we can be responsibly is unlimited.
It takes more energy to not respond than to respond.
Since we are breathing we are responsible for the air that we breathe.
Since we are living in this city, we are responsible for the city.
Since we are living in this earth we are responsible for the earth too.

First tot was on volunteering. But I waived it off. I know I will do what's needed if there is no one. But if there is someone else, I gladly give way.  Just as yesterday handout of paper and pen. Firstly in all my 6 years I have never done that.

Anyway, my case is too much responsibility that it become burdensome. For now just want to relieve all my roles. Just be normal meditator and willingly offer myself without any obligation. I want to go back to true essence of volunteering.

Second tot is that whatever we care for we are responsible. Just as I decided earlier that if no one take up I will be the main guide. I have been the guide for 3 years. Just as I decided last week that I will be the back up if no one. But alas now no need. This means my lesson is over.
Two years ago I came back in late 2013 as two core teams were tired. I remembered my resentment but I know that once and for all. Looks like I truly did learned my lesson and this time I exit amicably before break up.

Nine of Spades this year.

Truly losing my profile in Local Isha. Just when I tot I can continue due to responsibility it was lifted. Amen.
I may have little regrets losing the high profile image but to be able to sit and enjoy Sathsang is amazing.

Just now as I was driving to work, a contentment settle into me. Had tots of Kailash, just one month to go. I have no expectation; this is just a program to me. Something that I had so much resistance and once decided its done deal. I didn't even have any tots of it.

As for what's next; it no longer matter. I found my HOME. I am HOME already.
Now just need to expand my room and bring in Sadhguru's sannidhi. Amen.

My Guru is Sadhguru

Jun 24 eve
More than a life
Sadhguru said, 'I am a devotee. I am devoted to u. Devotion does not mean that I have to bow down to u or touch ur feet or sing ur praises. In every way, I live for u; that's devotion. I took this very birth to make this happen for u and that's devotion.


More than a life
Maa karpoori
When he put me through a period of silence (which eventually lasted 3 years), I felt his presence enter me like a cyclone. I felt like I wasn't in control any more. It was like being flooded, choked, wrung inside out. It felt like death. But after months passed , I felt so completely cleansed that I realised he had actually brought me to the other shore. My brahmarcharya has been a battlefield, full of conflict. But when I finally took sanyas after my three years of silence, I was at ease. Today I feel I am home finally. My house is lit. I can see it and I m content.

Again, a message of home. Amen. 

More than a life
U don't look for ur guru, says Sadhguru. U just deepen ur longing in u. When u know the pain of ignorance, a guru will happen.
If you sit with a guru, everything in u should feel threatened. U want to run away but there is something in u which keeps on pulling you towards him - u can assume then that he is ur guru.
If u feel very comfortable around him, he is not.
A guru intention is to awaken u, not to put u to sleep. He is somebody who disturbs all kinds of conclusions that u have drawn. He is there to assist u towards ur liberation.

My fear of Sadhguru happens just after BSP. I attended Ayur Rasayana and had to face Sadhguru's picture in the Spa center. I remembered I was so fearful of his gaze that I changed my sitting position at least more than four times. Alas I can't avoid his gaze. Everywhere I sat I felt his eyes upon me.
Later when I did my first Shambavi after BSP in 2008, I went into deep meditative state. Laughing loads, couldn't stop. When I same out I felt such great fear. I feared that I be vegetarian and have to stay in ashram. My greatest fear back then. I was so afraid that I don't even watch his video as he affected me greatly. I ignored him during Samyama. I dismissed him as a great peacock.
I finally overcome my fear and face him in 2012. He saw me and just laughed and I too laughed.
After I accepted Sadhguru, I finally can open up to Dhynalinga. Just as I resisted Sadhguru I too resisted Dhynalinga.
When I first open up to Dhynalinga I experience it as Shoonya and most time as Sadhguru. In my perception Dhynalinga is 100% Sadhguru; more powerful than Sadhguru's physical presence.

In late 2012; dropped my ambition in my career. Converted to 3 days work week.

In early 2013 I suddenly dropped meat and now become seafoodtarian. It was such an effortless process. It just happen. No effort at all, no dilemma. I just don't want my body to be subject to stress of meat digestion.

In late 2013 I dropped coffee. I now only drink decaf coffee.

In late 2013, Dhynalinga yantra came to me. I then build my own shrine. Added Linga's Gudi in early 2014. My shrine is my love, my peace, my saviour.

In early 2014 I sat front row in Sathsang with Sadhguru. He looked at me and did a hand pistol pose and shot me. I think the message was, "he got me".

In mid 2014; I know I want to get my own Sannidhi. Sannidhi is my home. I am home alas. Amen.

Meat and coffee my greatest pride and pleasure is no longer with me.

More than a life
I am not doing anything because it meant a lot to me. I do it because it is needed.

That's how I felt on Sathsang now.

Sannidhi is Homecoming to me

Jun 24 aft 1
More than a Life - Sadhguru
Enlightenment is not an achievement. It is more like a homecoming. An absolute coming home - that is enlightenment.

Mmm. What a coincidence that my experience of Sannidhi is Home. I felt I come Home. Home is when I m in Sadhguru presence. 

This trip, three times I was asked to keep to myself. To stop laughing when I m so high with Sadhguru's energy. And all the 3 times I tot I was quite contained as I didn't want to attract attention. Alas, ashram is changing into tourism place. Hardly any Samadhi path meditator. Many come for social reason.

During Shakti correction I was said to be a distraction. I laughed cos too high with Kapala Bhakti and Sannidhi was there just in front of me. The previous day I sat in the middle of the hall, 10 row and was not aware of Sannidhi.
 During darshan, a volunteer said I was frightening some people.
But there are some meditators who came at to me and said my laughter is great. It makes them feel happy and they too want to laugh.
So the last preceding day in ashram is not great. Guess that the kid in me that interpret that I m unwanted. Must remember Y said that it is a gift that I m so receptive and I must be truly happy.

Sadhguru said our tots are superficial. Mmm.

More than a life - Sadhguru.
The hill pulsated with a fierce and explosive energy that the group recognised unmistakably as their guru. "We went instantly into meditative states', says Srinivas. While some staggered, others wept and still others unable to open their eyes.

I experienced this every night with my shrine. I just sat and I m in the meditative zone. My eyes cannot open.  Glad I bought the book. I read it a few years ago before I accepted Sadhguru in Aug 2012. I recalled I had resistant to the book. Now that I m a devotee; I read it better. Also  this makes me feel closer to him and gives me insight on myself.

In his darshan Sadhguru said for those of us who have experienced a dimension beyond our physical self have a responsibility to share this and bring in others.

More than a life - Sadhguru
Why bramacharya path? When u are trying to establish a spiritual path that will live on for generations after u, it is not possible without a solid tradition of brahmarcharya. 
Every human being is in search of joy, knowingly or unknowingly. Because u could not find joy, u settled for pleasure. Pleasure is just a shadow of joy - beautiful but limited.
Now if u are a pleasure seeker, and something that gives u pleasure is taken away from u, u are broken. That means existence is one of huge bondage. U can gold-plate ur pleasant limitations but u cannot break them.
Brahmacharya - the path of divine - means that u are joyful by ur own nature. It means that ur joy is on self-start, no longer on push start.
And anyway, if the source of happiness is within u, searching for it outside is stupid.

Brahmarcharya are people who have decided that they don't want to extract joy from anything or anyone, they want to source their own inner joy. In that sense, the whole world needs to turn to brahmarcharya internally. It doesn't have to be about a practice, a vow, an external lifestyle for everyone.  U can be married and still be a brahmachari. It means u are ecstatic by ur own nature - and that's how it should be.

That's the purpose of Self mastery. I started due to not wanting to be affected or hurt by others. I want to be self sustained or self support. Little did I know that there is a well of joy within me waiting to erupt. Sadhguru erupted my inner joy during my first Shambavi initiation and the joy continues to flow ever since day one.

Father, tot of Sathsang. There is no way I can let it drop. I can't let Sadhguru's tool be dropped. This time i m not doing this because I want Sathsang or the energy space. I already have just energy space at home with my shrine. I will continue because I owed my life to Sadhguru; I won't be helping him to expand but I can't let it reduce. That's my commitment. That's my prayer of thanks to him.

More than a life
If a spiritual practice is part of ur life, it doesn't work. If it has become u, it is still not enough. It has to become more than u, more than life. That's what brahmarcharya is about.


More than a life
For those who have experienced Sadhguru as a master, there seems little difference between Sadhguru and Dhynalinga. One is made of flesh and blood and the other of stone but the quality of the presence - the subtle body, in yogic terms - feels essentially the same. 

Dhynalinga is 100% Sadhguru; much more potent that Sadhguru's physical presence

Self judgement

Jun 24
Now on the way to airport.
Mmm. This tosei not great. The one in Chennai truly great.

Was just charged 3000 rupee for excess baggage in domestic flight. Now their max check in baggage is 15 kg only. I recalled reading but I ignored it and now pay the price. I was assuming that previously I was on 20 kg and there was no issue.
Luckily I have 25 kg on international and need only to pay 2kg excess. Hope doesn't exceed 3000 rupee. Mind is working overtime and me getting edgy and start to look at how much load I was carrying for local Isha. Me looking at it and tot it wasn't necessary to get work up cos I can easily cover it.

Mmmm this few days at ashram, little tots. But now on the way back, tots coming in. Today I dreamt of my handsome ex boss and someone else in my sleep.

Anyway, all these not relevant as I now found my home in Sannidhi. Luckily I wasn't able to bring it back. Must have been heavy. Not sure if I can even carry it. Also I decided I want to mercury sannidhi.

Apart from clarity on Sannidhi vs Linga yantra, I also know that once I found what I truly valued I must direct my life towards it. Hence me creating the consecration space. This trip all the messages is about consecrated space. And of consecrated space being a tool. And our worship is a form of appreciation for the benefits of using the tools. That's all.

Today saw J and P doing their practices. Didn't see the Samyama guy. Father, m now sure of my path and home is with Sadhguru. Finally I found my home, my anchor. I no longer need a partner. I still want my partner more for physical and mental companionship.

Had a good sleep in the plane. When I woke up again the tot on excess baggage, this is the first time I exceeded. In future once I decided to carry for others have to plan properly.

Finally removed the yoga mat and now at 23 kg. Tot it was 2 kg but actually 3 kg. Now at least I don't have to worry about excess baggage.  Mmm. Now I know why I was disturbed. At first when they told me 3 kg excess. I wanted to remove the slip and the guy said too troublesome and I let it go since 1000 rupee is okay to absorb. Later when we went to pay credit card he jumped and said payment is 3000 ruppee. At that time I should have reacted and told him I disagree with the new additional charges and insist to open the bag and remove some items. At least I would reduce by 5 kg and payment would be 1500 rupee. That's what I m disturbed about. I didn't act on my instinct. Just as I ignored when I saw the 15 kg max baggage in the online air ticket.
Also I plan to arrive airport earlier but somehow just on time due to traffic and stopover for breakfast; which i didn't enjoy. So all my disturbance was on me blaming and judging myself for being incompetent.

Well, now that that is cleared I m back to my normal self.
Been quite poor on the physical aspect.
Truly hard on myself.

Mmmm, Sadhguru said there is no two self. It's me and me only. True. Guess part of me remain incompetent so I m still helpless and tricked myself into believing I need a partner to protect me. To take care of all the physical stuff. Mmm. I just need a secretary, not a partner.

Truly glad for this retreat at ashram. A great break. Clarity of Sannidhi and I found my Home. Home is with Sadhguru.

Sadhguru's darshan on marriage

Jun 22
Shakti Chalana Kriya refresher
Did guided Shambavi and correction for Shakti. On 4252, just realised that I didn't rest long enough. Somehow I inadvertently taken 2 as 2 seconds.
Kapala Bhakti rest is 1.5 second. I think I m getting the sound. Just need practices. Main thing is to practice blowing the candle with open mouth.
Start my Bhuta from 4.50 am and followed by one cycle of Surya Kriya in Adiyogi Alayam, nice hall.

Met the Samyama guy again. At first he was behind me and later besides me. I think I could be a distraction that he doesn't want. For me, he is a nice distraction.

Alas, Sadhguru's darshan on having a marriage.
1. Financial
2. Social
3. Psychological
4. Physical
5. Emotional

Sadhguru said if the needs are fleeting then need not pursued. But if its deep, go into marriage otherwise the unfulfilled needs will convert into something else.

Also must decide if the price to pay is what we are willing to give.

Marriage is work, daily work.

Stay in ashram

Jun 21

Woke up 5 am upon alarm. Body bit sluggish cos woke up half way for An. Truly glad that I got the room to myself. Actually since this room is big okay to have 2 persons. For future trip prefer on my own. The last trip with G, we were hardly in the room and our timing is such that we are not together and come back only to sleep. So it was fine.

Today practices was much better than yesterday. I was laughing in both Kapala Bhakti and Aum chanting in Shambavi. Breathing was good. Angarmadhana better than yesterday.

Went to Vijii, energy is nice but somehow many people and I just couldn't stay long. Went to Linga's place and stay awhile.

Tot I saw the handsome guy in last Samyama. I saw him in webstream for Maha too. Anyway I waived it off as I recalled he is married.

Jun 21 aft
Just heard from teacher that none of the core team agrees to the training. He said he plan to drop Sathsang if no one is suitable.
I told him that now that I have my own shrine, I too am prepared to let go of Sathsang. Three years ago the former teacher issued the same threat and I took it up. This time I m prepared to let it go.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sadhguru's Tamil darshan

Jun 20 eve

Lovely ending of Tamil darshan. In the beginning it was quiet. I tot I lost connection with Sadhguru. Later I realised he deliberately didn't release any energy.
Later he let out and I was laughing and clapping loads. The ending was with tears and laughter  when he sang. He came down the stage and this time I just reached out for him. When he turn back I saw him and laughter exploded I see him tilt his head a bit as if he heard my laugher and knew I was there.
So much joy.

I saw Arundhati Roy looking at me clapping hand and leaping. She smile with me. She looks nice.

The tot of Sannidhi has died down or rather postponed. For now focus is on completing my shrine, going to Kailash and later renovation of my room.
For now my connection with Linga is getting stronger and I just go with the flow.

Sensing Sadhguru's energy in Vijii's samadhi place

Jun 20
Body Woke up 4 am and I slept back. then I woke up at 5.05 am.
It was raining and didn't want to walk in the rain to Sadhana hall especially with a heavy yoga mat.
So did my practices in my room in Nalanda.
Did Bhuta Shuddi  followed by singing guru pooja. Angarmadhana was below average.
Truly miss my Shrine. Doing with them its the best. Breathing was good. Shakti was good and I was laughing. Shambavi was good too.

Walk to Vijii's place and I just looked at her lovingly. Laughter came with head shaking. Somehow I sense Sadhguru's energy too. Both of them were there.
I sat there about one hour. People come and go and my sweet contentment continues. My big sister who led me into this journey.

Sadhguru has closed the main restaurant and so no more main meal. I was feeling full after Vijii. Anyway I can now eat at Biksha hall so no drama. Really glad on the superb timing as finally my karma with Indian food is over and I was not affected by the closure. The old me a year ago would have been affected.

After fruit breakfast I adjourned to Linga.
Saw the Linga oil lamp, a small one and also the red pix; a tot came in, buy for the office. I ignored the voice and went into Linga office to book for the lighting the lamp, alas all fully booked. Even aura cleansing also no place. No drama just sat with her in meditative zone. Sat about one hour too.

In the afternoon went for Linga guru pooja and this time I knew I want to get the lamp for my office. I just want Linga's wellbeing to envelope me.

After a short pooja session adjourned to Teethakoon for about 15 minutes and then followed by Dhynalinha. Such a nice feeling of coming home. Sat for 3 cycles, about one hour, sitting in my usual space.

Went to buy the items for local Isha. Saw Linga's new pix and I wanted it. But I got the two smaller ones and ignore Linga. But the tot keep on coming back. So I decided to upgrade my home Linga pix and also the office one. Will give the pix to others.

Being meditative in Adi Yogi Alayam

Jun 19
Just had a crispy tosai. To my amazement, I truly enjoyed it and felt contented. Plan to come back. I even ate the white vadai with mint chutney. M told me the food is better than average. Something is changing in me.
Another pinnacle.

Body woke up at 3 am, I slept back and woke Father, today did Bhuta Shuddi and sang guru pooja. Didn't do Surya kriya as it was warm.

Jun 19 eve
It's been a couple of month since I last saw Sadhguru. Just now sitting in Adi Yogi Alayam hall is so great. I went into meditative zone immediately. It just happen and I didn't even make an effort.
At a certain point my head was shaking profusely and I was laughing and crying loads. Alas should have known that Sadhguru just arrived.

My body is transforming, able to withstand heat

Jun 18
Yesterday short 15 min spent with the shrine and body woke up with guru pooja mantra in my mind. The mantra in my mind continues for quite some time.

Landed in Chennai and stay with my good friend. We went to a shopping bazaar. It was quite hot and many people and yet I was fine.
Again another time where I was walking in flustering heat and yet I am fine. I was sweating loads and yet I feel fine. I don't feel itchy nor disturbed nor tired. Just my usual normal self. The old me would be grouchy and want to go back.
P agrees with me and she too was surprised and said now I blend like the Indian too.
The same thing happen last week. I tot it was a fluke. Alas, body is no longer a concern. I m now thinking I be fine in Kailash.

Father, I wonder the part where Sadhguru said if u are fine within, outside no longer bothers you. Or maybe alas Shakti is working, temperature regulation as per what N said last week.

Life's mysteries by Osho
Loneliness cannot create love. It creates needs. Love is not a need. Love is a luxury. Love comes out of aloneness when you are tremendously alone and happy and joyous and celebrating, and great energy goes on storing in you.
U don't need anybody.  In that moment, the energy is so much, u would like it to be shared. Then you give, u give because u have so much, u give without asking anything in return - that is love.

That's Sadhguru.

Life's mysteries by Osho
So very few people attain to love and those are the people who attains first to aloneness. And when you are alone, meditation is natural, simple and spontaneous. Then just sitting silently, doing nothing, u are in meditation. U need not repeat a mantra, u need not chant anything. U simply sit or u walk or u do things and meditation is there like a climate surrounding u, like a white cloud surrounding u - u are suffused with the light.

Now it only happens when I sit. It happens in Sathsang and when I sit near my shrine or even others Linga yantra or Gudi. Meditation just happens.

Life's mysteries by Osho
U r immersed in it, bathed in it and that freshness goes on welling up in u. Now u start sharing. What else can u do? When the cloud is full of rain, it shower and when the flower is full of fragrance, it releases its fragrance to the winds. Unaddressed, the fragrance is released. And the flower does not wait to ask, "What is coming back to me in return?"  The flower is happy that the winds have been kind enough to relieve him of a burden.
This is real love; there is no possessiveness.
And that is real meditation; then there is no effort.

That's Sadhguru.
Alas understand.
My this week card on What to do? Is on Love turning into compassion.
Seems too far away from me.

Life's mysteries by Osho
Dig deep into aloneness. Forget about escaping. It is escaping from ur own richness, from ur own kingdom. This time taste it in its totality. U have to become it. U have to see what it is, root and all. And once you have seen it and lived it, u will come out of it a totally new person, reborn.

Don't share right now. Let it gather, let it become a cloud full of rainwater; then the sharing happens of its own accord.  There will be no effort to share.

Right now if you start sharing, it will again just be a way of finding the other in the name of sharing. It will be escape. Sharing has to be allowed to happen on its own.   U just go on gathering this aloneness and one day u will see that the fragrance is released to the winds. One day u will see that the sharing has started. You will be a witness to it; u will not be a doer, but only a witness.

That's how I feel now. I just want to absorb all the energies.
Great to know about aloneness explained in a way that I can relate.

Life's mysteries by Osho
Ur whole life is a long process of feeling lonely. Then by chance some profound experience happens, and because of that profound experience u have a glimpse of ur being. But ur whole mind knows only loneliness, so it transforms the experience of aloneness into loneliness. It labels it as loneliness.


Life's Mysteries
Now drink this aloneness, this fresh energy that is welling up in u. Drink it, taste it and u will be surprised, it nothing that u have know before.  It is freedom, freedom from the other. It is what the East called moksha.
After this freedom, sharing will happen. After this freedom, u will have totally different significance.

Being in the now, is being meditative

Jun 17 aft
Of Mystics and Mistakes
There are something which u cannot make deals! U just have to keep ur deals aside. If u want to taste the mystical, stop the stupid deals. Ur logic can be kept aside only if u r overwhelmed by a certain experiences. At those moments, ur logic falls down. Or in a state of very deep trust, you can put ur logic down. Without these two things, u cannot put ur logic down.
Just sit here as u would sit in a theatre. As it gets more and more exciting, u began gaping. A film is simply a play of light and sound but look at the impact it has on u. U allowed the film to enter u because u say aside from urself. U did not sit there analysing everything - unless u went as a critic. U just sat there and enjoyed it. That is the best way to perceive things. U need an open window. U cannot do it. U can just allow it. That is the only way it can happen.

Mmm, me being so receptive is because I just let it flow and impact me. I don't think at all I just move along.

Of Mystics and Mistakes
If u are seeking liberation, if u want to become free, the first thing that u must become free from is ur imagination, because that is the deepest trap. Ur memory and ur imagination are the two traps.
If u release urself from these, meditation is natural. When u sit for meditation, u r either thinking about tomorrow or what happened yesterday, isn't it? If u are free from memory and imagination, u will always be meditative.


Of Mystic and Musing
Do not get into imagination, because if u are using any faculty of the mind, the question of delving into the unconscious nature of the mind does not arise. The mind has no tools to enter into the unconscious dimensions. Only if u are outside of the mind, u can dissect it.

Great that I can never do imagination meditation and never wanted to cos I tot it is faking it.

 Jun 17 eve
Got this from Facebook.
The success of one's life depends upon one's ability to forget what is not relevant at the present moment.

Good reminder..
Especially after Sadhguru's message that memory is an impediment.
Let go of memory..
And with memory..imagination is build up.

Fluctuating between Linga Yantra and Sadhguru's sannidhi

Jun 17
Woke up 3.45 am. Sang guru pooja and Did Bhuta Shuddi. Angarmadhana was okay, slightly better than yesterday. Surya kriya was good. Breathing was good too. Shakti went in deep with slow Kapala Bhakti. Shambavi was good too. Towards the end just sat longer in contentment.

Finished practices around 7.19 am. Twenty minutes more than norm. I knew its because I spent longer time at breathe watching. These days that's my favourite sadhana.

Been having tots of Z, reminiscing the sensual pleasure. I just look at my tot and said I got healthy needs and Universe will provide me with my right sensual partner.

Had tots of Vibhudi in sannidhi flying in room, don't think is okay. Then tot of the 2 and half chakra iron pic of Linga.

Today I saw my shrine as complete. I will postpone decision. I m fluctuating between Linga and Sadhguru's sannidhi.
Will decide after Kailash. Then will know whether to proceed renovation in Sept. My visa last till first week Dec, so I can still go to Ashram then.

Sadhguru - Conscerated space is the womb that people can naturally rejunevate and grow

Jun 16
Today woke up good at 3.45 am.
Did Bhuta Shuddi and sang guru pooja. Angarmadhana was not so okay. Keep on belching the sticky rice I ate late yesterday evening. Body was more stiff and fitness level also bit down.
Breathing was okay and I took longer. Shakti was okay Shambavi was abridged as got not much time. Overall below average.

Of Mystic and Mistakes by Sadhguru
There is going to be only one Dhynalinga temple but I m willing to do any number of Devi's temples.

I m determined to get Sannidhi cos when Sadhguru is no more with us, I got this imprint. I wonder how was Sannidhi created.

Of mystic and mistakes
The feminine has no morality. The ideas of morals, ethics and coders are purely masculine stuff. If the feminine feel right, they will do anything. If her emotion are fulfilled, she will do anything. Al this nonsense of morality and ethics belongs to the world of masculine.

Suddenly tot of J and her Devi. Her Devi just outright proposed to him as her feeling was fulfilled.

Of mystic and mistakes
Every human being and every creature that walks or crawls should live in a consecrated space is the dream of every enlightened being. This is the dream of every enlightened being because it does not matter how many teachings or practices or methods u impart to people, u have to create a womb where people can naturally Rejuvenate and grow.
For the common populace to be able to do sadhana by themselves, go beyond their physicality and attain to their highest, is not impossible. But unfortunately most people would not do it because their lives tend to be determined by the natural forces around them.
The whole purpose of spirituality is to transcend all the limitations of nature. It is nature that gives u the body, ur life, the earth u live on. But now, if u want to transcend her, she is not going to let u pass so easily.
So u have to be extremely alert and carry a certain kind of energy so that she cannot hold u. Otherwise she will hold u at every point in a million different ways.
So creating an energy body, creating a consecrated space in such a way that the very atmosphere around u is constantly instigating u to go beyond ur physicality - this has always been the aim.

My shrine.

Ace of Hearts - I can make myself happy

Jun 15
Six of Clubs in Neptune period will most likely be a pleasant period. However if u were planning a trip for this period, it may not happen.
Ur intuition is strong and available for the pursuit of knowledge or spiritual goals and may bring u some valuable self-knowledge and understanding. This is a good time for inner development and simply enjoying the things that u have worked for and acquired. This is not a good time to plan or execute any major changes in ur life.
One of the possible benefits is that u could discover or deepen ur life's purpose. All that is required is for u to tune in to ur tots and feelings, especially when u are alone or meditating.

Yes, a calming period. Now enjoying the fruit of labour. Just got back from an Outstation trip. Nice time with extended family.
Next week I am off to Ashram so a great round up of the year.

Ace of Hearts in Results
This highly motivating influence tells us that ur creative impulses directed towards love, home and romance this year. Ur pursuit will either cause u to complete this year with a new love or child.

I complete this year with a new love, which could be a lover, friend, child or something else that brings me great joy.

The year is ending and my shrine brought me great joy.
A year plus ago back in Shoonya trip in July 2012, I saw and fell in love with Sannidhi.
In Nov 2013, Dhynalinga came to me.
In Feb 2014, I bought my Linga Gudi
In Oct 2014, I will bring back Sannidhi.

I also have Linga Avigna with G, who stayed near to my office. So I can visit her weekly.

On my room I decided to expand it, reclaim the balcony. Also tot of doing up with ionic wood floor. I don't want to commit by buying new house. This is my house, and while I don't want to commit to full renovation I can do renovation to my own room. I can make my room the haven that I want. I can make myself happy. I need not have to wait for anyone to give me what I want. I can give myself what I want. Amen.

Six of Spades in Neptune.
This is an excellent influence for spiritual and intuitive studies. U may have a keen appreciation of life and the mysteries of self. Ur understanding of the law of Cause and Effect will help u overcome situation of discord with others.
U could discover or deepen ur life purpose.

What I know now is that my shrine is the tool I need. And I can give myself what I want. Amen.
I also know that I m not a selfish person. I don't want to do work for Isha cos it is not volunteering but only a task.
I prefer to do volunteer work only when I truly want to. I can give myself what I want.

Nine of Spades in Result.
This is a year of ending.
This could be a death of someone u know, a job or health habits
This letting go will certainly take u to a better place, a state of mind where you will be more free to live as u please.
U r ending a major chapter in ur life that will lead u to a new beginning around the corner. In the process, there may be things that u have been doing for a long time that u will now let go of and stop doing. Let go and live.

My dad pass away, I am finally no longer Isha core team and I drop coffee and drink only decaf coffee. I also confirmed that I now eat only seafood.
I also know that I can make myself happy by giving myself what I want. I need not pine for an unknown mate to give me my happiness. I can make myself happy. I am mentally, emotionally and financially capable to give me all that I want and need.
I let go of my belief that I can't give myself a shrine. I can

I can go to Kailash. My body is no longer a deterrent and I can and have money to spend for Kailash trip.

Misinterpretation of aloneness cause us sadness

Jun 14

Life mysteries.
Alone is ultimate. There is no way to be anything other than alone. One can drown oneself in so many things, but again and again truth asserts.
Hence after each profound experience u will feel alone. After a great love experience u will feel alone, after a deep meditation u will feel alone.
That's why all great experience make people sad. In the wake of profound experience, sadness always settles. It is because of this phenomenon that millions of people don't hanker after profound experience; they avoid them.
When anything goes deep, what happens? - u leave the periphery of ur being and u fall into ur centre and the centre is all alone.
There only u are; or not even u, but only a consciousness with no ego in it, with no identity in it, with no definition in it, an abyss of consciousness.
Aloneness has to be accepted because it is ultimate. It is not an accident, it is the very way things  are. It is Tao. Once u accept it, the quality changes.

Aloneness is not creating sadness. Ur idea that u should not be alone, that is creating sadness; ur idea that to be alone is to be sad is creating the problem. Aloneness is utterly beautiful because it is profoundly free.  It is absolute freedom; how can it create sadness?

But ur interpretation is wrong. U will have to drop ur interpretation. Infact, when u say, "I face new aloneness", u really mean u face new loneliness. And u have not seen the distinction between loneliness and aloneness.
Aloneness, misinterpreted, looks like loneliness. Loneliness means u are missing the other.


Osho - relating only out of meditation

Jun 13 aft
Life mysteries by Osho
Instead of thinking how to relate, fulfill the first requirement: meditate, be and then relating will arise out of its own accord. One becomes silent, blissful, one who starts having overflowing energies, become a flower, has to relate. It is not something that he has to learn how to do, it starts happening. He relates with people, he relates with animals, he relates with trees, he relates even with rocks.

Great. On right track.

Life Mysteries
Married and to be freed
A few basic truths have to be recognised:
One is that nobody is born for another.
The second is that nobody is here to fulfill ur ideals of how he should be.
The Third is that you are a master of ur own love and u can give as much as u want but u cannot demand love from another person, because nobody is a slave.
If these simple facts are understood, then it does not matter whether u are married or unmarried, u can be together - allowing space to each other, never interfering in each other's individuality.

The purpose of marriage is not to imprison u and bind u to each other; their purpose is to help u grow with each other. But growth needs freedom; and in the past all the cultures have forgotten that without freedom, love dies.

Freedom is an expression of love. Love and freedom goes together - you cannot choose one and leave the other.

The golden cage may be valuable to u; but it is not valuable to the bird. For the bird, to be free in the sky is the only valuable thing in life and the same thing is true about human beings.

Mmmm. Similar to the message I got this morning.


Was updating my blog and saw this

North node in Taurus
The validation they can count on consistently - appreciating themselves rather than for meeting someone else's needs. They need to establish ways of feeding themselves energy so that they become self-contained. Then they can interact with others because they want to, rather than out of neediness.

Yes, focus on being myself. Realising that only I can validate myself.
Then there is no more anger...at not getting...

Fitness level improved greatly after Angarmadharna

Jun 13
This morning wake up around 4.30 am without alarm, body is fresh.
Doze bit and finally wake up 4.45 am, finished my practices as 7.45 am.
Angarmadharna was good. Dhyna was good..Now that I know that Kundalini help in releasing karma, I do it properly and hence Dhyna is good too. I was singing and clapping, with head swinging furiously.
Surya kriya alignment is nearly perfect.
Breathing was good but I didn't do long.
Shakti was abridged, just did 60 slow kapala Bhakti per cycle. Towards the end, singing and clapping.
Shambavi was great..I was singing.

After the practices, went off for half an hour non stop swimming. I swam breast stroke, 4 half lap without stopping..another track record. Amen.

Tot of J's immediate wedding proposal from the gal in just one meet and want to share with Y. But I reminded myself, not sensible. He is my past. We can still be cordial friends but we can no longer go back. We can't and I don't want to.
Let me be sensible.
If I perceive that J truly need the gal to complement him, then I perceive myself doesnt' require complementary companion...I am complete on my own. Amen.
So, my partner also complete on his own.
I don't know if I will meet my partner or whether he is ready. But what I know is that I can meet My Self..and that is enough for me now.

Today's Osho card

You are out of jail, out of the cage; you can open your wings and the whole sky is yours. All the stars and the moon and the sun belong to you. You can disappear into the blueness of the beyond....Just drop clinging to this cage, move out of the cage and the whole sky is yours. Open your wings and fly across the sun like an eagle.
In the inner sky, in the inner world, freedom is the highest value - everything else is secondary, even blissfulness, ecstasy. There are thousands of flowers, uncountable, but they all become possible in the climate of freedom.

The dawn of a new understanding - that the cage has always been open, and the sky has always been there for us to explore - can make us feel a little shaky at first. It's fine, and natural to be shaky, but don't let it overshadow the opportunity to experience the lightheartedness and adventure on offer, right there alongside the shakiness.
Move with the sweetness and gentleness of this time. Feel the fluttering within. Spread your wings and be free.

Today's 7thunder card.
My Daily Card
The Five of Clubs
'Change of mind and plans' is the basic meaning of the Five of Clubs. However, any five can mean change in residence or travel opportunities. Five of Clubs can also mean a restlessness that brings up a desire to explore new realms, at least on the mental level.
Whenever this card appears, it may be a signal for a change in your life. You will likely feel a dissatisfaction with things as they are and want to progress into new areas. Be open to new plans, new ideas, new places to go, etc. The only negative side of this card is an unwillingness to commit one's self to any particular belief or philosophy.


Saturday, July 19, 2014


Jun 12
Had a good sleep. Body woke up fresh around 3 plus. I laze bit and check timing is 4.07, alarm is for 4.30 am so I doze back.

Did Bhuta Shuddi followed by guru pooja. Today went in deep. Angarmadhana was good today. During kundalini meditation I start to sing Asatoma.
Surya kriya nearly perfect feet alignment.
Breathing meditation was nice. Did abridged Shakti and it was good.

My sadhana gives me not only sanity but my Self back to me everyday

Osho - Love and suffer deeply, its how impure gold passes through fire to become pure gold

Jun 11 eve
Life's Mysteries - Osho
U say, I have fallen in love and suffered much.
U are blessed. The really poor people are those who have never fallen in love and never suffered. They have not lived at all. To fall in love and to suffer in love is good. It is passing through fire, it purifies, it gives u insight, it makes u more alert. This is the challenge to be accepted. Those who don't accept this challenge remains spineless.
Those who have not loved and suffered never become seekers of God - they cannot; they have not earned that worth, they have not become worthy. It is the sole right of the lover one day to start searching for the ultimate beloved.
Love and love deeply. Suffer and suffer more deeply. Love totally and suffer totally, because that's how the impure gold passes through fire and becomes pure gold.


Life's Mysteries - Osho
U are not yet born, u are only an opportunity. U r not yet a fulfilment - and only two fulfilled persons can relate. To relate is one of the greatest thing of life: to relate means to love, to share. But before u can share, u must have. And before u can love u must be full of love, overflowing with love.
Two seeds cannot relate, they are closed. Two flowers can relate, they are open. They can send their fragrances to each other, they can dance in the same sun, have dialogue.
And that is situation. Man is born as a seed; he can become a flower, he may not. It all depends on u, what you do with urself, whether you grow or not. It is ur choice, and each moment of choice has to faced; each moment u are on the crossroads

Same message as this morning Symbolo.

Sadhguru - when you are blissful, only then you can be mystical

Jun 11
Woke up at 3.45 am. Body is fine despite sleeping about 11 pm. Nose is truly blocked and throat a bit painful from dry cough.
Did Bhuta Shuddi and sang guru pooja. Angarmadhana was okay not as good as yesterday. Surya kriya's feet alignment is good. Breathing is good. Shakti is abridged due to menses. Shambavi is good and I spent a long time sitting watching my breathe. By the time I was done it was 7.16 am, 15 minutes more than my alarm. Forgot to put alarm.

Earlier today suddenly had tots of Z. Wanted to make amends. Not sure why. This week card on The Dream is true.
I checked our relationship card and it seems okay, asking me to proceed. But I don't want. I think just compulsion. I am fine on Y as we never got together but not on Z. Besides I replied to him cordially on his message of condolence.
Then I did the Symbolo tarot card and it also said about me wanting my partner so I can have love. But do I have love to give in return? Why am I looking for outside love? 
With that I stopped my compulsion.

Of Mystic and Mistakes
Spiritual process is about removing the foundations of the physical so that a dimension beyond the physical becomes the main force in ur life.
Being peaceful, being loving, being compassionate, being gentle, being kind, being pleasant to each other is just a civility.  Anybody with a little sense understand that if u don't maintain a pleasant demeanour in the world, everybody else will give u double unpleasantness for the unpleasantness that u shared with them.
Unfortunately, most of the time in spiritual processes is wasted in inculcating these qualities because most people have not even learned that it is a sensible thing to do.

In terms of experience, we want to make this (referring to the self) very pleasant. We want this to be blissful, ecstatic. But as I said before, even being ecstatic is not a goal by itself. If u are blissful by ur own nature, then the important thing is that u are no more the issue. There are other issue in this existence, we can look at those.
But if u are an issue, what other issue will u take in ur hands? U will not touch anything. When I am enough trouble myself, why do I want to take this one or that one? When I am no more an issue, now I am willing to dig into the whole existence and see what it is all about.

So mysticism evolved only in those places where people learned the technology of being ecstatic by their own nature.

Keeping urself pleasant itself is a great challenge, and it is a full time job. Isn't it so? The pursuit of happiness has become a goal of life itself. Happiness is not the Z of life. It is the A of life. It is not the end-product of life. It is not something that u achieve. It is something that u start with. That is the square one of life. As children we all started joyful.

Only if you are blissful u will truly explore all aspects of life. Otherwise u will not dare too. If maintaining a little bit of pleasantness within u is such a big challenge, where is the question of taking bigger challenge.

Now I understand why Sadhguru like joyful people. Cos then there is hope for them to explore more. Then his work can go to another level.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Seven of Hearts

Jun 10 aft
My Daily Card in Venus
The Seven of Hearts

The Seven of Hearts indicates that whatever time this card appears could be marked by many challenges in love and feelings in your close relationships. The Seven of Hearts can manifest as betrayal by those we love. In any case, we will be tested to see just how attached we are to others being a certain way.

Seven, being a highly spiritual number, promises success in love if you try a new approach and adopt a more selfless or unattached attitude. If we can allow others to be who they are and not place so many demands upon them, we not only become more aware of their true personalities, but also we allow ourselves the freedom to be just who we are and experience just how it feels to be free of fear and attachment. Many high spiritual experiences have occurred while a seven was present.

Today suddenly K said he may pulled out of our trip.
Hope he can join us.
But the trip is on.
Suddenly tot of Y...wonder how is he.
We may meet in Ashram..

No wonder this week card:
The Issue - The Dream
We come alone into this world, we go alone." All togetherness is illusory. The very idea of togetherness arises because we are alone, and the aloneness hurts. We want to drown our aloneness in relationship.... That's why we become so much involved in love.

Internal Influence - Zorba the Buddha
The four elements of earth, fire, water and sky all conjunct at the King of Rainbows who sits atop the book of the wisdom of life. 

If you are a woman, the King of Rainbows brings the support of your own male energies into your life, a union with the soul mate within.

External Influence - Postponement
The woman in this picture is living in a gray landscape, full of unreal, cut-out clouds. Through the window frame she can see colors and light and aliveness, and although she would like to move through the frame--as we can see by the rainbow colors appearing in her garment--she can't quite manage to do it. There is still too much 'what-if?' activity in her mind. Tomorrow never comes, they say, but no matter how often it is said, it seems that most of us tend to forget the truth of it. In fact, the one and only result of postponing things is a dull and depressing feeling of incompletion and 'stuck-ness' today. The relief and expansiveness you will feel once you put aside all the dithering thoughts that are preventing you from acting now will make you wonder why you ever waited so long.

What’s needed for Resolution?
 The figure on this card is quite literally "all tied up in knots". His light still shines within, but he has repressed his own vitality trying to meet so many demands and expectations. He has given up all his own power and vision in return for being accepted by the very same forces that have imprisoned him. The danger of suppressing one's natural energy in this way is apparent in the cracks of a volcanic eruption about to take place around the edges of the image. The real message of the card is to find a healing outlet for this potential explosion. It is essential to find a way to release whatever tensions and stresses might be building up inside you right now. Beat on a pillow, jump up and down, go out into the wilderness and scream at the empty sky--anything to shake up your

Resolution - Inner Voice
If you have found your truth within yourself there is nothing more in this whole existence to find. Truth is functioning through you. When you open your eyes, it is truth opening his eyes. When you close your eyes, it is truth who is closing its eyes.

It has been more than one month since I last messaged him..yes, the last message to him was after last Sathsang. I messaged him to have a wedding dinner for us. But he didn't reply and I didn't pursue.
Yes..just did it.
Just update him on dad pass away last week and also told him about Sadhguru too.
Mmm, me feeling at ease.