Friday, September 25, 2015

Three of Hearts in Mercury

Jul 28 aft

Mind still have tots on meditator, P no response.

Could be my Three of Hearts period..
My 52-Day Period Card
The Three of Hearts

The Three of Hearts signifies creativity or indecision in affection that can manifest in different ways. This could indicate having two or more love interests at the same time or simply that we are unsure of where to place our affections. This indecision can lead to either more fun or worry and fear, depending upon how we handle it. This card's influence usually occurs at a time when we are wanting to learn about love through experimentation and variety. Its presence usually means that we will not be making any hard and fast relationship commitments until later.

On a positive note, the Three of Hearts is a card of self expression and its presence can indicate that we are talking more, expressing our feelings, and meeting new people.

My Daily Card
The Eight of Spades

The Eight of Spades is the most powerful card of physical and will power. When this card is present, you will find yourself experiencing more power over your health and work matters. Success is indicated by this card, along with the ability to overcome any obstacles that may appear in your way. Power comes from a focusing of our will, a narrowing down of the areas of our interest. Because of this, we often lose focus in less important areas while we gather force in one.

Today settled with my RA specialist treatment.
She just took my no joints pain as normal and prescribed only cholestrol pill. I asked for blood test report but she wouldn't print. She said liver enzymes reading has reduced much but still need more clearing before she can prescribed RA medication, so back to on need to basis for steroids. I asked for my blood test and she unwilling to give me.
Decided to do a full blood test so can seek advice from Homeopathy.

The con money can't be cancelled.
Never mind, let this be a lesson to me.

This week Osho tarot card...really was unexpected this con job

I2. Internal influences that you are unaware
There is a time and a place for control, but if we put it in charge of our lives we end up totally rigid. The figure is encased in the angles of pyramid shapes that surround him. Light glitters and glints off his shiny surfaces, but does not penetrate. It's as if he is almost mummified inside this structure he's built up around himself. His fists are clenched and his stare is blank, almost blind. The lower part of his body beneath the table is a knife point, a cutting edge that divides and separates. His world is ordered and perfect, but it is not alive - he cannot allow any spontaneity or vulnerability to enter it. 

The image of the King of Clouds reminds us to take a deep breath, loosen our neckties and take it easy. If mistakes happen, it's okay. If things get a little out of hand, it's probably just what the doctor ordered. There is much, much more to life than being "on top of things."

Guess thats asking me to let go.

3. External influences that you are aware
An explosive temper or a smoldering rage often masks a deep feeling of pain. We think that if we frighten people away, we can avoid being hurt even more. In fact, just the opposite is the case. By covering our wounds with armor we are preventing them from being healed. By lashing out at others we keep ourselves from getting the love and nourishment we need. 

If this description seems to fit you, it's time to stop fighting. There is so much love available to you if you just let it in. Start by forgiving yourself: you're worth it.

Thats me crying to Sadhguru and Devi.
I felt I was alone..finally truly alone.
Alone in getting financially capable to own my place and alone in getting conned.

4. What’s needed for resolution?


This woman has created a fortress around herself, and she is clinging to all the possessions she thinks are her treasures. In fact she has accumulated so much stuff with which to adorn herself--including the feathers and furs of living creatures--that she has made herself ugly in the effort. This card challenges us to look at what we are clinging to, and what we feel we possess that is so valuable it needs to be protected by a fortress. It needn't be a big bank balance or a box full of jewels--it could be something as simple as sharing our time with a friend, or taking the risk of expressing our love to another. Like a well that is sealed up and becomes stagnant from disuse, our treasures become tarnished and worthless if we refuse to share them. Whatever you're holding on to, remember that you can't take it with you. Loosen your grip and feel the freedom and expansiveness sharing can bring.

Did something today.
Shared about the con job on the online india visa application payment.
I should have been alerted at the high costs and the type of currency.
I did shared on the high cost but not to my close happen they all not around.
Never mind..its only little money.
Just the ego is dented.
Alas shared on facebook that I was conned.

5. Resolution


Now is the time to look at whether you are allowing yourself to receive the extraordinary gift of feeling "at "home" wherever you are. If you are, be sure to take time to savor it so it can deepen and remain with you. If on the other hand you've been feeling like the world is out to get you, it's time to take a break. Go outside tonight and look at the stars.

Well, i have the shrine..i have the Devi's temple with me.

Handling rejection over money

Jul 28 mor

Mars will make you more determined and courageous than ever before. You will be ready to take on any VIP who turns you down. Rather than walk away, you'll come back as strong as ever to present all the reasons why they should reconsider your ideas.

Got turned down for increment and I asked for reimbursement for homeopathy medication.
Got it and feel much better.
With the reimbursement, I need not pay from my own pocket as homeopathy generally not claimable

Sadhguru - crisis is of your own making

Jul 28 mor

Don’t make life into a double whammy where you lose both ways. If you face a situation that you do not know how to handle, that is when you have to organize your body, mind, emotion, and energy in the best possible way, so that you can figure out how to handle the situation. But you don’t want to organize these aspects of who you are because they have become like a concrete block, which does not want to change. This concrete block wants to go through every stage of life in the same shape and form – this will not work.

When you are forty, and you still want to go about your life as if you were eighteen, you will feel forty is a crisis. Forty is not a crisis, nor is eighty a crisis, nor is death a crisis. It is a natural process of life. Because you get identified with one stage of life, the next stage feels like a crisis. Nothing is a crisis. There are just situations in your life. Life will anyway change. Is it changing the way you want it, or is it changing haphazardly? That is the only question.

If you are involved with life, you will never feel it is a crisis. You are only involved with your thought and emotion, so it is a crisis. It is good that it is a crisis because otherwise, you will never look for a way out of falsehood. You will settle into falsehood for good.

Right now, you need to understand that the crisis is 100% the making of your mind and your emotions – not of nature, not of existence, not of creation – just your making. If you do not realize that, you will go on creating crisis after crisis. If you realize it is your making, you do not have to stop it – it will anyway disappear.

Seeing my own validation issue

Jul 28

Woke up at alarm at 4.30 am. Still want to sleep. But today I got medical appointment and visa application and not to mention the possible refund on the fake Indian online visa payment.

Clear the room with Moola mantra.
Light the shrine and did Bhuta Shuddhi
Mind still wonder about the meditator friend P not returning my call but a tot came. She had the right not to respond just as I have the right to say no to her request for purchase of turmeric from ashram eventhough she usually offer to buy.

Mmm, for me a friend is words. For her maybe gifts or sharing of things. Definitely not a words person cos she tend to be unsympathetic and can be harsh in her rebuke.

Good one.
It's ironic.
Last month I tot RA will be my life challenge. Now that RA is put aside; I got to grow ahead. No more having RA as an excuse.

July cancer
With many planets gathering in Cancer, you are raring to put plans in place and get moving. This is doubly true because you have just welcomed Mars into Cancer, to stay until August 8. To have Mars in your sign is always a big advantage, for Mars will give you unflinching determination to succeed. Your passion will carry you forward, despite any odds, and allow you to magnetize influential people to your cause. The appearance of Mars in Cancer also suggests you are about to start a new chapter in your life, or at the very least, to begin a new two-year cycle that will add a new twist or level of sophistication to an ongoing venture or relationship.
This month has a second full moon this time, in Aquarius on July 31, also referred to as a blue moon that will emphasize money that you hold with another person, for example with your mate or with an entity, such as a credit card company, government department or bank. You will likely clear your desk of bills, but you may also be motivated to study ways to make more money, too. Saturn will be in good angle to make sure the decisions you make will stabilize your financial base and put it on a track for growth

Still seeking validation

Jul 27 eve

Shared with my friend PY on the past remnants of Z is gone. She too faced similar past. She met her ex boyfriend and was surprised it was gone. The past is over. She is glad he is not part of her life now nor future. Yes, me too as I can't see Z with me at all. The guy I had fallen in love was not there. This is just a middle aged guy into material comfort.

Today got conned with online payment for India visa.
Feel foolish since not the first time to apply. But I also realised immediately after payment that something is wrong.

Hope to get refund from credit card after session with India Visa office tomorrow.

(Sept 26 - false alarm, it was a real company; got my refund one month later)

Glad friend P was here, feel better after her sympathy. I did call the other P to warn about others but not only didn't return call, didn't even reply message. That's disappointing. Again reminder that she is just a meditator friend for Isha activities, not a close friend so I won't expect response from her. (Me and my rejection issue)

Sannidhi Pooja started okay. Then later I cried during Brahmananda. Cried cos feel alone with my foolishness.
But do recall the Nine of Diamonds. It's only little money. Hope this means my request for reimbursement of Homepathy medication be approved.

Later did Devi chanting. Cried even more. Then just sat with Devi. Once calmer went into deep Shoonya. Feel cleansed.

Nine of Diamonds

Jul 27 aft

My Cosmic reward card - Nine of diamond
To let go and complete a major chapter in the evolution of their soul and personality.
This entails a lot of giving to others and a willingness to release both people and material things from their life when the time comes.
If they have not heeded the call to give and let go of others, money, rships and love, their life can be filled with disappointment and remorse.

Nine of Diamond - universal values (The Givers)
Once overcome their challenges, they are philanthropic, generous, happy and productive.
Have the opportunity to experience first-hand the heightened consciousness that comes from living a 'universal' life.
They are great at promoting things they believe in.
They r great talkers and communicator.
Many become counsellors, if not professionally, at least wit friends.

One of the challenges is to develop and use their charm and power to do good work.
Many of them are destined to make great contributors to the world, often by leading others to a higher form of knowledge and learning.

Nine of diamond
They must develop an awareness of the universal laws being manifested in their life.
Those who take a thoughtful approach to the events of their life will realise that for each thing they supposedly lose, new avenues are opening and they are getting more in touch with the cosmic flow.
When they truly release their attachments, spiritual gifts are showered down upon them.
They realise the beauty of releasing things in their life that are holding them back from a new and more beautiful life that is just now emerging.
They begin to identify with a much larger image of themselves, one that includes the need of others as well as their own.
The result is that they are happy and enlightened, having made the transition to a more universal approach to life.
The universal, rather than personal point of view is the ultimate destination.

Suddenly tot of me and my future.
Already released the rship with Z and then local Isha
Then release money for the big car, then new condo with renovation..and high monthly maintenance. is my career...I want to do something that tie to my tools I gained in Isha.
Homeopathy seems to be the answer.
This one sounds better to me as it uses the mind..and intuition, both my strength.
The one on counselling takes too much emotional toil on me. Also good that I took the Isha phone handling, just 2 weeks I know it is not for me. Don't have the patience...nor mind set.
Will require learnings..lets see.

Ace of Hearts

Jul 27

Slept around 10.45 pm after a 40 minutes session with Sadhguru chant from Devi temple. I feel I am in Devi's temple. So embraced, so protected.
When I went to bed, the nice energy stays with me; feeling that Devi will give me the abundance of money that I wanted.

Woke up fresh around 4.25 am but just want to sleep, feeling so contented..don't feel like doing Hata Yoga. Don't feel like exerting myself.
Slept back and woke up around 5.40 am.

Switch on Moola mantra to clear the energy while lighting up my shrine.
Did Bhuta Shuddhi followed by Surya Kriya preparatory steps.
Did my first Surya Kriya after more than 1 month. it was the best Surya Kriya I have ever done before. I can now keep the right posture and easing my breathe slowly.
Did 61 points awareness..but not so focus.

Did a nice breathing meditation.
Shakti was good. did 150 cycles of Kapala Bhakti. Some tots come in of mom saying to rent small room instead of big room. Earlier I resisted as I felt a loss of money and tot that she wants to leave the big room to brother. Later I tot she may not be around soon, why make her feel unhappy, give her the big room, let out the small room. And besides then I need not having other people into my new condos in future. A small price to pay. To focus on what I am getting instead of what I am giving.

Shambavi was good..but alas not much time for sitting..
A nice contentment.

My Daily Card
The Ace of Hearts

The Ace of Hearts represents a desire for affection or love that is the stimulus that causes new relationships to be created. For this reason, it can indicate a new love affair or the birth of a child. Though influenced by each planetary period in a specific and unique way, this creative love energy always represents an awakening of love or passion in one's heart.

On a deeper level, the Ace of Hearts, being the very first card in the deck, represents a search for something inside of our self. Perhaps it is the search for self-identity or for those things that help us to love who we are unconditionally. In order to love ourselves, we often find someone to love who reflects back to us what we are seeking within. This is why the Ace of Hearts can represent a new relationship beginning.

Yes..loving myself.

Abundance of money is what I want this year

Jul 26 eve

Looking at priorities, TV not important cos can wait until year end since me not subscribing net TV yet. Be watching from current house.
TV most likely to be used for Sadhguru YouTube video.

Fridge is settled.

Washing machine also not necessary cos be transferring laundry back home.

So will focus on the furniture first. The sofa, dining and the cosy corner. Looking forward to cosy corner.

In ashram will buy those sitting cloth for Sadhana room. Get 4 of them. Yesterday seeing the friend house using the floor mat for sitting on the floor doesn't look conducive at all.

Jul 26 eve 1

Brought people for Devi visit to Z and wife house.
Remnants of past is gone. He no longer part of me.
Can just see them as new people, new couple I met. The old Z that I was with is no longer there. Or maybe the old me is no longer there.
Still surprised by this.

But a good surprise. Tonight will do Devi temple chant cd.
Abundance of money is what I want this year.

King of Spades

Jul 26

Today card.

Just finalised the fridge that I m buying for new condo. Mom is great, just saw and know its the right size.
No stocks at the shop, google and make calls, got the refrigerator.

Now planning for my ashram trip.
Found out that my friend's apt in ashram is not central, required walking. So decided to stay in the central cottage till last 2 days and then shift to the apt.
At the same time also get my friend S to stay at the apt till she leaves a few days later since there is no accommodation.
So win win.

My Daily Card

The King of Spades

The King of Spades is the final, and most powerful card in the deck, representing both mastery of one's environment and one's self. Whenever this card appears you can bet that you will experience good fortune and results.

It is especially good for legal matters and business but can be applied to any area of life for success. It is truly the card of 'success in all things' but brings the most blessings to those who are ready and willing to take responsibility for their life and work and who can take a leadership position in their work. Remember this is a King we are talking about and every King has a kingdom.

Be prepared to take a leadership role and to live by your own wisdom when this potent card appears. Success is yours for the taking, but you have to stand up and claim it.

Visit Two Devi yantra on same night

Jul 25 eve

Went to Z and wife place. Totally forgot about the past. No longer any remnants of the past. I just see them as a couple with common interest. Both are house proud. I was able to see them with fresh eyes. The past is no more in me. They even shared about them wanting a new bigger house but in the end opted out as they don't want to trouble themselves with much financial commitment.

Their Devi energy also subdued, settled down. Both of them fulfilling their material path. Both fulfilling their Destiny Seven and Ruling Jacks. The wife looks pretty and I complimented her.

Went to S's place. His Devi was intense. Can sense her from downstairs. Went into high mode immediately as I sat down despite the upstair lobby has no aircond and the place not done up for Devi

Today card was Nine of Spades. Truly ended with no remnants.

Two Devi a day. Truly intense. On the way back wanted dessert. Came home and switch on TV and ate a piece of Chiffon cake and chill out at TV for an hour. Suddenly feel my left knee bit pain. 

 Now after shower, light up my shrine and switch on Moola mantra to cleanse off.

Darshan with Devi is like being in Devi's temple

Jul 25
Read this yesteday night and did my darshan with Devi.
Feeling bit insecure on the issue of money.
Now wanting the abundance of money..

Sadhguru on Devi
Actually, the temple would become phenomenally popular if we kept it open only at night. She needs night — in the night, she is on. If you enter the Devi temple at night, you will see it is another dimension of life. But we don’t want to take it there because societies everywhere – including India – have become terribly prudish. They are afraid of anything that is fierce and wild. In India, a Devi like this is always depicted riding a tiger to indicate that she is fierce — more fierce than the tiger. But people think wildlife is no good, they want tame, they want be able to play with the tiger. Our idea of civilization is to make everybody tame. People do not even like somebody who looks wild – like me, with a beard. Everything that can be removed has been removed, not with any purpose or awareness, simply removed.

Just switched on the Devi chant by Sadhguru and within minutes I was transported to Devi's temple. A sense of embrace...

Sadhguru on Devi being entry point

Jul 24 eve 1

Read this on the blog.

Dhyanalinga is perfectly aligned with the solar mechanism. That is why we are saying, very confidently, that he will live 5-10,000 years, because he is perfectly aligned to the natural system.
But Devi was not made like that; she is a little crazy, a little offbeat. You must understand the meaning of offbeat – that means that whatever is the natural beat, she is off that. She is offbeat intentionally because her work and her energy are different. The sun is perfectly round every day, but the moon takes on a new phase, so people pay more attention. She is like that too; she is going through her own cycles of two-and-a-half or twenty-seven-and-a-half days.
And because her energies are on a shorter cycle, the spin is bigger and she creates a more easily experience-able energy compared to someone who is perfectly round.

Hence I always said Devi is put out her energy, she is exuberance..whereas Dhynalinga draw you inward.

So, Devi will not follow the sandhya kalas or brahma muhurtam – no. She is not aligned to the natural forces because a woman wants to be different one way or the other, and she is distinctly different. That is the draw, beauty and possibility because you cannot help paying attention to her.
If your life energies get drawn and you touch her, you can be on a very ecstatic, orgasmic ride.
If you simply sit with her, she will drive you that way because her energies are mad like that.

Actually, the temple would become phenomenally popular if we kept it open only at night. She needs night — in the night, she is on. If you enter the Devi temple at night, you will see it is another dimension of life. But we don’t want to take it there because societies everywhere – including India – have become terribly prudish. They are afraid of anything that is fierce and wild. In India, a Devi like this is always depicted riding a tiger to indicate that she is fierce — more fierce than the tiger. But people think wildlife is no good, they want tame, they want be able to play with the tiger. Our idea of civilization is to make everybody tame. People do not even like somebody who looks wild – like me, with a beard. Everything that can be removed has been removed, not with any purpose or awareness, simply removed.

Mmm. Night time Devi more powerful.

The spiritual process and being on the edge are very directly connected. I believe that in the future, Devi will be the first step for many people. They will bask in that wilderness for some time, and then come into the symmetry of Dhyanalinga. That is how it will become because you cannot ignore that wilderness about her.
Devi Linga Bhairavi is an extension of my Idaa or the left expression of my energy system. The play of Devi has been a phenomenal process and experience for me. May you be touched by her magical ways that are wild and compassionate at once.

Devi is an entry point.
Devi is stronger at night.

Will try to have Devi cd on tonight. Moola mantra cd is too energetic, after the cure of RA, can't sleep after Moola.

Thinking of money

Jul 24 eve

Today I asked my regional boss whether he is thinking of increment for me. He said he didn't think of it. I told him that I haven't got increment for the past few years. This year with incremental costs made me need the increment. Told him of my condo maintenance and homeopathy medicine that I need to cover so I can be back to square one. He said company performance not good. He asked me to look into bonus instead. I said that's once off and beside next year no bonus.

The old me wouldn't raise this issue of increment in difficult times. But now the new me know I deserve a raise. Five years is a long time. I have been planning increment for others and it's time for me.

Just now did Sannidhi Pooja. Cleansed the room with Moola mantra. Stillness during Sannidhi Pooja song.
Sat for sometime in stillness after Sannidhi Pooja.
Then did Devi chanting. Bit too dark can barely read. During lying down posture I told Devi I want money.

I can make some more money with maintaining my 3 days. Let's see. Maybe can do the recruitment part time.

Today negotiated for commission payment for recommendation of the circulating fan. 50 bucks a unit seems good.

Mercury period in Ruling truly reflects my inner pre-occupation.
Much money flowing out due to renovation and new condo and Homepathy medicine.
Hope faster news from Income tax. Ten grand be great to cover for extra on the renovation and new fittings such as the breezy fan.
Also now want to furnish the cosy corner. Thinking to make a custom altar cabinet for dad and ancestors. Nice cosy corner for reading too.
Also thinking to buy a washing machine and dryer. About 2700.
Just found out there is washing cum drying machine. 3500.
An extra 1000; but save hassle.

Ten of Diamonds
Three of Hearts

Ten of Diamonds (dealing or focusing on a large sum of money)
This card indicates a sudden streak of financial success, perhaps in a speculative venture, related to a brother or sister or while on a short trip.
This is a sudden windfall of money that is possibly just as quickly spent.
This is a very good indicator of financial success in the fields of education, writing, speaking or teaching.
U will be more money minded than usual and this will contribute to ur success and perhaps to ur continuing education
Watch out for a preoccupation with money that could cause short sightedness in other areas.

Three of Hearts
indecision or variety in love and relationships, expression of feelings)

Learning to ask for more money for myself

Jul 23 eve

Just received the past and next 3 months maintenance. Quite a big sum.
Truly must asked for a raise. Needed to cover the monthly maintenance of new condo and also the monthly homeopathy medical.

Mom just diagnosed with breast cancer. Will know more how wide spread. I m not surprised as mom tend to keep things to herself.
She is tired of taking care of the children and yet lovingly and responsibly does so. Keep on saying she did cos her son not wealthy enough and hence wife need to work.
But this cancer may force her to evaluate her situation. May be the end of her taking care of grandchildren and cooking.
I recalled when I first bought the Condo she was so excited to shift and then backed off after so much talks from the 2 sons. Well, looks like it may happen soon.

Yes. Will be getting. 9 years and one time increment. It is time. Will asked. I am thinking min 2k. Will cover the medicine and maintenance plus a little extra. Better ask for gross 3k.

Mmm, learning to ask for money

Sadhguru - yoga fastforward your life

Jul 23

One fundamental goal of yoga is to put your life and your karmic cycle on fast-forward. Today, finding a solution for your backache or some psychological issue may be your focus, but ultimately, the goal is mukti. When you put your karmic cycle on fast-forward, the suffering that you would have had in a diluted form over 20 years may come to you in a concentrated form in 2 years or 2 weeks – and that is good. When you work through that, you will come to a plateau where, if you look back, you cannot believe you went through all these things. Every sadhaka goes through such phases.

If you put in more time, you will see, once you go beyond a certain point, so many things which you thought were a part of you are suddenly not there anymore. This is the nature of the sadhana. So do not compare yourself with someone else and frustrate yourself. That is not necessary at all.

I tot RA is part of me. I tot I would never get progressive. Unexpectedly due to RA medication; I was put to Steroids which I didn't want. Hence I experience progressive pain for 3 weeks. Wake up with much pain fear to sleep cos make it worse. Was near my breaking point. Cried in the toilets. After Chik Shakti In Sathsang, answer came via Homeopathy.
Within one day pain reduce more than 50%. Within 3 days, pain reduce less than 10%. One week no pain and even my original deformed middle finger reduces in size. Never happen before. So miraculous

Amen. Fast forward.

Sept 25 was an suffering more