Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Following my Passion makes me up again

Dec 29 Evenin
Yday newspaper about the 2 man, jus combined working towards their passion wit a website to create whatever is to be.
Me and C will be each other side kick.
My expertise is in my strategy/process to lead to self transformation using personal devt (Myer Briggs and Personalitypage), psychology (Carl Jung), philosophy (Krishnamurti) and spiritual (Isha)
C's expertise is via astrology n 7thunder that gives an instant view of the soul purpose.
She is able to see the forthcoming challenges and opportunities for the client.
I am able to give the strategy to overcome the challenges and to ride the opportunities.
We r ying (C) and yang (Soul)
There will be 2 doors that leads to soul purpose.
We r the doorway to each other ying and yang.
1st door is thru the rational/mind way which is me.
2nd door is thru the feeling/intuition way which is C.
So, both of us are leader in our own right.
We r each other sidekick. Our client can go thru Cs and I will provide backup or the client can go thru me and C will provide d back up.
We r doing this to fulfill our soul purpose.
We don't know what will be the outcome except that we will feel happy and fulfilled.
We r both working n does this on partime as the first and foremost objective is for us to be happy in realising our passion, doing things that we enjoy and hav inherent strength.

My meditation was great.
I cried to God, I only want to follow my soul purpose, am not looking for enlightenment. So, please help me.
After I cried, the idea abt me and C being each other doorway n r side kick to each other materialise.
Now I realised I was feeling sad cos I wasn't following my Passion.
When m unhappy, m not able to connect with the Universe
I will stop reading Bhagavad n continue wit New Earth.
I will read Bhagavad after Samyama. I wan to experience whatever my Soul want to express n not what Paramahansa says.
I jus wan to be happy.

Jus saw n read Sadhguru's poem
If my presence has made some sense
In my absence you would know true essence
(Soul - I do)
In my presence if you have been swept by my grace (Soul - I did)
My absence will take you beyond grace and disgrace
(Soul - You did)
If my presence has been an intoxicating wine (Soul - yeap, am falling in deeper and deeper and no longer fearful)
My absence will drown you in Divine.
(Soul - yeap, you did)

Jus saw his pix, wit eyes close. I lean over to kiss his forehead. I love you. Thank you for bringing me into this Divine experience.

The secret of the ages
The kingdom of heaven is within u. This means heaven is here and now. That if we want any happiness from it, we must get it as we go along.
But if u keep putting off the day when u shall enjoy it - if u keep taking promissory notes for happiness - every day will mean one day less of it that u will have. Yet the cost is just the same.

Soul - price to pay is still d same.
If u delay paying d price, ur returns is jus less, that's all.

The secret of the ages
The purpose of existence is growth. You can't grow spiritually or mentally without happiness.
And by Happiness, I don't mean a timid resignation to the "Will of God". That so-called Will of God is more often than not either pure laziness on the part of resigned one or pure cussedness on the part of the one that is "putting something over" on him.
By Happiness - I mean the everyday enjoyment of everyday people. I mean love, laughter and honest amusement.
Everyone can have it - if he has the WILL and the ENERGY to get out and get it himself.
Take the worry clamps off ur mentality and u will make the poverty clamps loosen up from ur finances.
Your affairs are so closely related to ur consciousness that they too will relax into peace, order and plenty.
Divine ideas in ur spiritual consciousness will become active in ur business and will work out as ur abundant personality.
Concentrate and think upon things that u want; not on things which u ought not to have.
Think of abundance, of plenty. Think of the results u r after - not the difficulty in the way.
The greatest short cut to prosperity is to live it.
Prosperity is not limited to time or to place.
It manifests when and where there is consciousness to establish it. It is attracted to the consciousness that is free from worry, strain and tension.
So, never allow urself to worry abt poverty. Be careful, take ordinary business precautions - of course. But don't center ur thought on ur troubles. The more u think of them, the more tightly u fasten them upon yourself.
Think of the results you are after - not the difficulties in the way. Mind will find the way. It is merely for u to choose the goal, then keep ur thought steadfast until that goal is won.
Remember that u r a Creator. So when there is something u greatly want, make a mental picture of it.

Soul - this is d same realisation I had just now during meditation. And now reaffirm here. That's so great

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