Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Self discovery leads to following own path

Mar 15

"Faith is a place of mystery, where we find the courage to believe in what we cannot see and the strength to let go of our fear of uncertainty."
— Brene Brown

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1) Feeling your life rekindled with a new found passion

When you start recognizing yourself for who you truly are, it becomes more evident how the consensual reality you have shared with others is inauthentic and serves you very little purpose. You no longer need to follow goals or benchmarks set by society and culture – you set your own goals and dreams.
You are no longer a fragmented automaton in a pre-programmed social matrix but a free complete individual on the path to self-actualization. You start aligning to your life purpose and true potential. You start doing things that drive you and which you are passionate about. Your worldview changes together with your values and how you prioritize them.

You feel your life is rekindled with a new found passion because you understand the value of living life your way and the freedom to do so.

7) You start seeing the pieces fitting in together

One of the most rewarding things of awakening to your real Self is the easiness of how everything else falls into place. It becomes progressively easier to follow your life purpose and your goals. Things start becoming more and more effortless because you become whole as opposed to experiencing a fragmented self. You become more aware of your multidimensional consciousness and how you fit perfectly in a congenial and sustaining web of life.

You see the pieces fitting in together and this gives you immense trust, peace and self-empowerment.

This is akin to the Taoist philosophy and the concept of Wu Wei (Action through non-action). Since you have no internal friction and energies blocking you, you become attuned to the workings of a higher order principle – The Tao.

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