Friday, January 27, 2012

Control and Achievement - driving force

Dec 28
Father, thank U for leading me to Sadhguru and Osho and 7thunder. All three have helped me tremendously.

Today, the practice was not that great and I felt sleepy. But still I persevere to do. It is more than 3 years since I started and this will be my life time. Actually, I never tot I was doing anything great until others starts to share that they doesn't have the discipline to do the practices. I guess for me is because of RA and it motivates me and also the joy, contentment that I have experienced.

Success with soul
The need for control correlates with the need for achievement. People who desire a high degree of control have been found to aspire to higher levels of achievement, while people who have a low level desire for control have been found to aspire to lower levels of achievement.

Those people with a high need for control have also been found to respond to challenges with more effort and persist longer to solve them. People who have a low desire for control sometimes let something or someone else define what success means to them.

When it comes to work, I decide on what I perceive as success as I am in control. But when it comes to rship, I compare with others.

Success with Soul
Just because a person has a low desire for control does not mean that he is unable to take more control of his decision. It simply means that he doesn't need it nor tend to seek it. In some way, he can count his blessings that he are not driven in the way that people with a high need for control can be driven.

Alas, it was my need for control that cause me to be driven to MY"s time.

Father, I am proud of myself. I have asked Regional boss for what I want.

Success with Soul
When we make real and important choices we need to exercise our judgement, discrimination, self-control, commitment and resolve. If we believe these personal attributes are worth nurturing, we must strive to express our individuality - it is fundamental to our well-being, to our long term happiness and to finding soul in our lives. We can do this by being aware of the degree of individuality expressed in our choices when we r making decisions.

Father, I have not got insight to write more stories. Things have somewhat stalled in my writings whereas my career is moving. I feel my energy has gone down.

Success with Soul
Taking risks is about purpose and commitment. When our decisions and actions are directed towards our life's purpose and what is meaningful to us, risk-taking is put into context. Our risks are directed towards what we believe is important, not simply towards taking advantage of a lucky break or opportunity or just for the sake of it.

There is often opportunity cost in decision making and risk taking. Sometimes, when we decide not to take a risk, it can cost us twice, not just once.

Consistency is also necessary for effective decision making. Consistency refers to the stability and reliability of our decision-making

Effective decision-making often involves compromise. The ability to compromise can be a sign of maturity. Improving the quality of our relationships often requires compromise.

Once u r making effective decisions, u r well on the way to building better habits. After all, a habit is a pattern of decisions or ongoing commitment to a decision and habits, just like effective decision making, require discipline and personal commitment.

The more we put in, the more we tend to get out of life. And where we put our efforts is, more often than not, where we get our rewards.

Is it any wonder then that some people's careers flourish while their relationships flounder.

Early on in rships, we usually put in a good deal of effort to make a good impression. But how often do we get lazy and fall out of earlier good habits. We get bored and start to take those rships for granted.

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