Thursday, October 7, 2010

Queen of Diamond Life Spread (2)

Sept 10
Father, today my left shoulder is too painful that I cannot do hatha yoga. It will recover tomorro. Did my breathing (not in), followed by shakti (in - now the deep breathing is effortless), then shambavi
Good thing that I can do cat stretch. The fluterring breathe. For a few second, it was fast and effortless, only breathing thru the nose surface).
Father, some tots did come in and I admit the Tamil teacher's laughter always come in. But these day, I can ignore and proceed.
Then just a sense of total peace and towards the end a tinge of sweetness.
Father, thanks for the reduced pain.
Tot of yday meal, was out but for the first time I was fine despite having expectation. Thank U.
As for J, why now only found out that he is Six of Spades, this explain his inertia. His inability to change has nothing to do with me.

Father, meeting D is good. I am happy for her. Turns out 7thunder cards of 8 of Clube and her Planetary card is on the right track.
Just now I realised that I have the focus and intensity but its used elsewhere, not in my path to meet my destiny. I used it for my mind, worrying and etc.

Six of Spade - they accept their destiny.
Me, I have been resisting all these while but m slowly coming to there.

I am drawn to the Tamil teacher. He epitomise what I want for myself. His presence is loving and compassion. His is a universal love.
That's my Jupiter card - Nine of Heart - universal love card.
I guess that's what my Ace of Heart represent. Found someone who epitomised what I want for myself.

(Oct 8 - not so, just met another guy who is mor reflective of my vision partner

Father, got a text for L to photocopy her cards. My first reaction is I didn't like it. Second reaction is why I don't like to share. Answer, I am doing this for my interest. Why can't they buy the book and do it on their own. Can see bit resentment again.
Then I realised that its becos she is giving, she expect that I do the same.
C loves to share. For me, I learn for my interest and to get people keen on the topics. I am not here for people.
Father, there is still a tussle in me. I still can't do it freely.
I would wish people get on the bandwagon and explore it themselves and then there can be two way sharing.
Like my rship with D, there is a 2-way sharing. We learn from each other.
I don't like it when its one-way receiving from me. Aiyah, again d similar issue wit C. Perhaps its one-way with me but the person has one-way giving to others.

My Saturn and Cosmic Lesson
Positive (Spiritual) - detached and happy where there is abundance
Negative (Mundane) - attachment and worries about not having enough, feeling of lack.
Overcoming mundane challenges by releasing attachment and practice gratefulness in order to have spiritual enlightenment and freedom from the cares of the world.

Seven of Club (Spiritual knowledge)
Challenge - negative aspect of the mind, which are worry, doubt and pessimism.
Tool - Insights, Inspiration, Power/Intensity
Result - Fame and recognition in Spiritual Knowledge that they secretly desire.
Overcoming pessimism and negativity
1. Relationship
2. Spiritual Work
3. Health

I keep on complaining about the challenge and hardship, I forgot to remember and be grateful for having the inherent Tools to overcome challenges and the Opportunity to achieve fame and recognition ("Special") that I secretly desire but tot I couldn't have it.

Cosmic Lesson
Seven of Spade (Faith Card)
Challenge - to learn to trust and keep their faith despite problems in work and health
Tools - inherent spiritual force.
Result - Spiritual enlightenment and the overcoming of all mundane problems.
Father, instead of complaining. Its true I was selected or perhaps I elected to come back to the world to achieve my desires and it comes with a price. And the price is an attachment that I need to let go also.

Jack of Club
Challenge - transformation from youthfulness to responsibility.
Spoilt brat
Father, tell me why so difficult to for universal love card.

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