Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ego is unconsciousness

Jul 21
Father, today stop around 6.54 am. Not sure if I doze off during shambavi. Suria Namaskara was good as I was focused on d moment.

Radical forgiveness
Time and healing are directly related. For us to evolve to the extent that we can heal ourselves, we must have most of our consciousness in present time - not in the past, not in the future, but in the now.
60 to 70 percent of ave life force is used to manage the negative experiences of his/her childhood, as well as to hold on to the losses, disappointment and resentments of the past and another 10 percent to worry about, plan for and try to control the future. That leaves precious little energy for the present moment to heal itself.
When we are truly in the moment, we are absolutely fearless because we have no awareness of past or future. Fear only occurs when we bring the past into the future.
We can either choose to let go of the victim archetype and bring our energy into the present through Radical forgiveness or wait for a significant trauma to force us into the now.
In other words, we can either transform our consciousness as a matter of will or we can wait for a disaster or a life threatening illness to make us do it. (To heal by choice or by trauma)

I did focus on being aware. So how come I got the illness. An answer came bcos u were still driven by ur valuation mode and also u r here to bring Insight to the world.
As for being in present. I can do so now during suria and swimming.
Radical Forgiveness
Pray to feel peace. When we can feel peace in our hearts, we will know love and our world will reflect it.
The purest form of prayer we can engage is to feel peace: the kind of peace that comes when we totally surrender to what is, as is - in the knowledge and comfort that Spirit has it all handled and that it will all work out for the best if we just get ourselves out of the way.
This means that we have a choice. Each individual can make a choice to stay in the feeling of fear, lack, mistrust, greed and guilt or choose to let go of all that and be in peace.
Peace/Love is the only antidote to the fear-based consciousness.
Ego represents a set of deeply held beliefs that keep us utterly convinced of our separateness. The extreme power exerted by these subsconscious belief through the dynamics of guilt, fear, repression and projection creates the appearance the ego "lives" in us. The ego keeps us stuck in the World of Humanity and asleep (unconscious), dreaming that we have separated from God.
The more we surrender to this unfoldment of our life without trying to control it, the more peaceful we become.
The extent to which we resist (judge) what we get determines whether we experiences life as painful or joyful.
Mastery of life experience, then relies on our entering life fully and trusting that we are taken care of and supported all the time, no matter what.

Today I was late and was feeling rushed cos know it would be jam. Then I told myself even if jam is also fine cos I don't need to be on time. So, I just relax. Surprisingly no jam.

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