Monday, September 26, 2011

North Node in Taurus (2)

Sept 12 Eve

North Node in Taurus.
Soul Mate
When they no longer need another person to make them feel whole, only then they will attract the right life partner.

At times they feel acutely lonely, aching for their mate. They long for the comfort of consistent, dependable companionship and this is a lifetime where loyal companionship is their birthright. But as with everything else, they must earn it.

As they work to experience of their own wholeness and direction and become a powerful river in their own right, they can merge with another powerful river that is going in the same direction and together they flow to the sea.

They need to be able to maintain their own psychic energy field as a separate entity before they attempt to bond with another.
Establishing boundaries that support their individuality and self-worth is essential in creating the space Taurus Node people need for their relationships and themselves to thrive.

Healthy boundaries promote self respect and respect for others.

They must not let their partner invalidate them. If the partner says something that they are not comfortable with, they can let him know;"I am not comfortable with that." In this way, they make the partner aware of their boundaries, giving the partner an opportunity to accommodate them and come into alignment with what they need. As the relationship evolves, it will become apparent whether or not this person is an appropriate partner.

They need a partner that will empower them in manifesting their dreams. When others empower them, they too make sure the others are taken care of. So, they need to be the ones that are others support!

I am on the right track. Z is my Moon in life and spiritual spread.

Sept 26
Father, I am not sure as Z is South Node to my Jupiter. He doesn't validate my dreams. Infact, he cannot relate to my path. What he does is reverse psychology. Because I love him and I need to be on my own right/own security but knowing he cannot give me, I create my own path.

North Node in Taurus
They need first to recognise that their energy is enough - they can live off their own energy. As long as they feel incomplete, they will continue to attract people who also have low self-esteem.

And without untamed neediness driving them, they can take their time in discovering whose energy will actually increase them and bring them joy.

Their body must be able to resonate with the other person. They do not want to pursue a romantic relationship that has no lasting substance on physical level.

They are generally highly sexual. They seek the intensity and excitement of sex and the bonding that is possible through sexual connection. They need lots of physical affection: kissing, hand holding, touching, massaging, really tuning in to how the other person hands feel on their skin and how their nervous system respond to the other person, strictly on a bodily level.

They are learning to appreciate the gift of sharing sexual pleasure with their partner, without any other motive. They are learning the value of the simple, natural pleasures of life: food, sex, being comfortable - enjoyment of the physical pleasures that are the gifts of having a human body.

I am on track :)

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