Sunday, August 14, 2011

Think of what u want, and not what you dont want!

Jul 27

Did my practice this morning. Suria was good and when I lie down for rest, I found my body grounded to the floor. Shakti and Shambavi was good too. Towards the end, when I was lying down for plough back, my body was grounded and I rest but doze off a bit and got into a minute dream.

I am pleased that tots of Z has reduced loads. This time when tot of Z came in. I didn't follow automatically and instead I look at it. I said the content of my mind is not my choice, it is not me and I need not follow. The tots pass away.
And it come to the point whereby I look at the tot and decide not to follow it.
I was wondering if the completion mode in Osho tarot also refer to this;

What has been absorbing ur time and energy is now coming to an end. In completing, u will be clearing the space for something new to begin. Use this interval to celebrate both.

Yea. It has completed and I have moved on and look forward to my expat husband.

Ask and It is Given
Whatever u r giving ur attention causes u to emit a vibration, and the vibrations that u offer equal ur asking, which equals ur point of attraction

1. If there is something u desire that u currently do not have, u need only put ur attention upon it, and by the Law of Attraction, it will come to u, for as u think about this thing or experience that u desire, u offer a vibration, and then, by Law, that very thing or experience must come to u.

2. However, if there is something that u desire that u currently do not have, and u put ur attention upon ur current state of not having, then Law of Attraction will continue to match that not having it vibration, so u will continue to match that "not having it" vibration.

Boss wanted to sell her house so she can shift to a smaller house. But it has not happen yet.
She is thinking of why her house cannot be sold. Wondering why it cannot be sold. Hoping it will be sold. ("Vibration of old house not sold")

She is not thinking of the shift to the new house, her new house or etc.("Vibration of new house")
Since her tot is on old house, old house still persist to be with her.

How about me?
Thinking of Z, which I cannot have. ("Vibration of not having")
And I keep on having tots of us being in physical mode, which is current situation. Z is still waiting for me to go back to him in current mode.
Anyway, I should be thinking of me being with our family, me being with our friends, we going out for normal dating to change the vibration.

I should be thinking of me and my new partner.

In terms of writing, I tot about me writing joyfully. Yea, will do that too.

Ask and It is Given
The easiest way to achieve vibrational harmony with it is to imagine having it, pretend that it is already in ur experience, flow ur tots toward the enjoyment of the experience, and as u practice those tots and begin to consistently offer that vibration, u will then be in the place of allowing that into ur experience.

By paying attention to the way u feel, u can easily know if u r giving attention to ur desire or if u r giving attention to the absence of ur desire.
When ur tots are a vibrational match to ur desire ("having"), u feel good.
When ur tots are on the lack of, or absence of ur desire ("not having"), u feel negative, angry, insecure or sad.

When I had tots of Z, it is always pleasurable. But I didn't like it cos it is illusionary and I felt a loss of control as I felt weak that I still want him and then it turn to anger.

Ask and It is Given
By the powerful Universal Law of Attraction, u draw to u the essence of whatever u r predominantly thinking about. So, if u r predominantly thinking about things that u desire, ur life experience reflects those things.
And in the same way, if u r predominantly thinking about what u do not want, ur life experience reflects those things.
Whatever u r thinking about is like planning a future event. When u r appreciating, u r planning. When u r worrying, u r also planning. (Worrying is using ur imagination to create something that u do not want.)

Mmm, I keep on thinking of him in our physical mode. No wonder, he still waits for me and asked for meet up. I was surprised that he actually was waiting. So, the Law does work.

I have always tot of good food and it works.

I always tot of spirituality, tot that I am meant for happiness and I got joy. I just fell into Isha, quite effortless.

Father, I don't really think of what I want. My Top 5 need to be re-look everyday. I was just paying attention to Z for the past half year. Its time to end and move back towards Top 5.

Ask and It is Given
That which is like unto itself is drawn. Another way of saying that is: Your desires and ur beliefs must be a vibrational match in order for u to receive that which u desire.

Once you understand that u get what u think about, and, equally IMPORTANT, when u r aware of what u r thinking, then u r in the position to exercise absolute control of ur own experience.

This means meditation is important so as to create a distance between mind and samyama is important as we are tot being aware of our tots.

Ask and It is Given
Once u become consciously at one with the Universal Laws and gain an understanding of why things respond in the way they do, all mystery and confusion will be replaced with clarity and understanding. Doubt and fear will be replaced with knowledge and confidence, uncertainty will be replaced with certainty - and joy will return as the basic premise of ur experience.

Slowly but surely getting it. Just now tot of Z came, I just hold and it went off. While I cannot decide on content, I can decide if I let it project or not. To stop the will and release it.

Ask and It is Given
Every tot that has ever been tot of still exists, and whenever u focus upon a tot, u activate the vibration of that tot within u. So, whatever u r currently giving ur attention to is an activated tot.
But when u turn ur attention away from a tot, it becomes dormant, or no longer active.

The only way to consciously deactivate a tot is to activate another. In other words, the only way to deliberately withdraw ur attention from one tot is to give ur attention to another.

The more u give attention, it become a dominant tot, then it become a belief.

You focus is the invitation. Your attention to it is the invitation.

And so, for those who are mostly observers, thrives in good times but suffer in bad times because what they are observing is already vibrating, and as they observe it, they include it in their vibrational countenance; and as they include it, the Universe accepts that as their point of attraction - and gives them more of the essence of it.

So, for an observer, the better it gets, the better it gets; or the worse it gets, the worse it gets.

However, one who is a visionary thrives in all times.

My aim is self mastery. I focus on it and I attract everything that I need to help me. Isha and Z is just another tools. Isha gave me the meditation tool to distance from my mind. Z gave me the opportunity to practice it.
If what I want is Self Mastery, I would need opportunity to practice it and Z is the opportunity, from the inception, to breakout, to ending.
Instead of judging myself for failure on ending. I should applaud myself. I have used the opportunity to become a Self Master.

And I must remember to have Self Mastery is not an easy path. But it is my dream. But why this dream. It is because I think my life is not within my control and I want to master myself. Nowadays, my mantra is life is not easy, don't make it difficult. And I want to go to Life is effortless if we go with the flow. If we don't resist. If we drop our ego, our judgements.

Suddenly tot of this week Osho Tarot
What is needed for Resolution
Beyond Illusion
The space between the two eyes has opened, revealing the lotus of spiritual unfoldment and the rising sun of awareness. Through the rising of inner sun, meditation is born. This card reminds us not to look outside for what is real, but to look within.

New Vision - now u r presented with an opportunity to see life in all its dimensions, from the depths to the heights. They exist together and when we come to know from experience that the dark and the difficult are needed as much as the light and easy, then we begin to have a very different perspective on the world. By allowing all of life's colour to penetrate us, we become more integrated.

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