Thursday, July 8, 2010

Blissfulness is fragile

June 4 evening

Everything that is of value is fragile. Beauty is fragile, silence is fragile, love is fragile. Rock will remain, the rock is permanent; the flower will come and go.
The higher the value, the more fragile it is.
One has to deeply understand it; otherwise you start clinging to great experiences, and you destroy those experiences by your very clinging.

As u become acquainted with more and more silence, peace, blissfulness, ecstasy, you will also have to learn the lesson: enjoy them while they are at their fullest, and when they go, let them go with a joyful and grateful heart.

The more easily you let them go, the more those experiences come to u.
And once u have understood the science that your let-go is the way to desire them, to long for them - not the desire, but a desireless love.

Love, bliss is like fragrances. You cannot grasp them, cannot run after them. You have to wait and trust; the same existence that has brought an experience to u will bring many more.

Timely. Got this msg for in early May. Just ride it all. This will too pass.

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