Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Opening up to possibility of failure

Jun 17 Evening

Father, today I broke down my auto control strategy of avoiding loss. I send d IE brochure to some friends, surprisingly got one yes response, also try to call d media but couldn't get thru; try to put brochure in cafe but no go.
Main thing is I try, and can get 20 percent instead of Nil if I don't try. Instead of lookin at 80 percent rejection, look at the 20 percent acceptance.

Cloud of unknowing
That in time of this work a perfect soul hath no special beholding to any one man in this life.
If charity is asketh - he will do what is speedful and needful specially then directed to his foe as his friend, his stranger as his kin. Yea, and some time more to his foe than his friend.

I cried loads when I read this. Me, who used to wan to save myself and some friends, now reach out to others. I used to think I need to save some for myself (create parameter) but now I know I need not save my love.
I am beginning to relate that we are all one. Even if I didn't like the person, I will still give love when asked cos I can discriminate anymore. And surprisingly I have to give. So, my parameter was a fake one.
My parameter keeps me from losing, but it also prevent me from receiving.
Its time for me to appreciate 20 percent receiving vs 80 percent losing.
Losing - nothing is lost; Receiving, everything is gained. Amen.

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