Saturday, April 10, 2010

Accept my role (5)

Mar 25
Father, d 3 days thingy not so easy. 4 days is fine but timing also not within my control.
Funny, mind react n says we must hav 3 days and earlier it was so worried abt 3 days.

Its fine, since my 2 target is Isha promotion and 7thunder. Besides I still have weekend too.
Once the 2 is ongoing, I will do Befriender and also takes a writing course.
I wanted to do Osho card too.

1. Humanmetrics - psychology
2. 7thunder cards - astrology
3. Osho - spiritual

Osho weekly
1. Issue - Travelling
Life is a continuity always and always. There is no final destination. Don't be concerned abt the goal - jus dance and being in pilgrimage, moving joyously.
Indicates a time of movement and change. It may be a physical movement or inner movement from one way of being to another.

This card promises that the going will be easy and will bring a sense of adventure and growth, there is no need to struggle or plan too much. Accept and embrace the new. This attitude of openess and acceptance invites new friends and experiences into our life.

Soul - true, now started 4 day week. Now also on moment to moment breathing. CEO has ceased to impact me. But part of me also wan to take her out cos she attacker. But if she not around, can I have 3 days. Actually maybe wit her I can't have 3 days since she can't have any delayed gratification at all. Now d ball is in GM's court. By right, is d best time for her to take action. Why not taking? She has not suffer enough.
CEO's year card of Ace of spade and 52 days card of six of diamond will be interesting.

For me, is acceptance of my Purpose and now gathering tool. Of cos, there will be pay cut but m fine.
M definitely excited abt this new phase. Not sure outcome but at the minimum I hav 4 days off and that by itself is good even if I didn't achieve anything.

2. Internal influence
Comparison brings inferiority, superiority. When u don't compare, all inferiority, superiority, disappears. Then u r, you are simply there. A small bush or big high tree, doesn't matter _ u r yourself.
The way to find out who you are is not by comparing yourself with others, but by looking to see whether you are fulfilling your own potential in the best way you know how.

Yea, don't hav to compare. Jus be myself. Same msg wit Krishna.

3. External influence - Awareness
Once u start dropping thoughts, the dust that u have collected in the past, the flame arises - clean, clear, alive and young. Your whole life becomes a flame, and a flame without any smoke. That is what awareness is.
Your illusion is starting to burn away. Any sense u might have had that u r groping in the dark is dissolving now.
Let yourself settle, and remember deep inside u r just a witness, eternally silent and aware and unchanged.
A channel is now opening from the circumference of activity to that center of witnessing. It will help you to become detached, and a new awareness will lift the veil from ur eyes.

Soul - I know.

4. What is needed for resolution
Going wit the flow
Be passive and receptive without being dull or sleepy. He is just available to the current of life, without a tot of "I don't like that" or "I prefer to go the other way".
Every moment in life we have a choice of whether to enter to life's water and float or to try to swim upstream.
You are about to float now, trusting that life will support you in ur relacatiion and take you exactly where it wants to go.
Allow this feeling of trust to grow more and more, everything is happening exactly as it should.

5. Resolution - Innocence
If u drop knowledge, u will have a totally different quality to ur being; innocence.
This will be a crucifixion of the persona, the personality, and there will be a resurrection of your innocence. You will become a child again, reborn.
You will radiate a childlike delight in the world. There is a sense of grace surrounding him as if he is at home with himself and with what life has brought.
A time of letting go, relaxation and sweetness. They are a response to his presence, a reflection of his own qualities.

The innocence that comes from a deep experience of life is childlike but not childish. It has a quality of wisdom and acceptance of the ever-changing wonder of life.

Soul - I know. I am at home. So d 3 days thing don't have to fight. Since I can't do 4 days jus stay wit this.

Day card
Nine of club
You are ready to awaken to a new and higher way of thinking that will be better than u have imagined.
This can be also a signal that powerful spiritual experience may occur, such as universal consciousness, and also indicates the success of any endeavours that involve spreading higher truths to the world.

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