Thursday, April 15, 2010

New challenges kept us New and Alive

Mar 30

Father, I am feeling bit off. Good thing is I woke up feeling refreshed. Anyway, swelling in left hand reduced. Second sis says she asked her master about my RA. Her buddhist master says to jus focus on my meditation n forget abt my RA. If pain comes, just ignore it. Guess this is Ur msg. Guess I was feeling off cos tot my RA under control and here it swell in places unknown. Of cos, part of me thinks that this would ensure I follow my path.

Buddha's emptiness (where mind cease to be) will bring you relaxation and rest.
Krishna's emptiness will lead you to immense action.
Buddha goes to the people out of compassion, to tell them that they too can long for, strive for and attain what he himself attained.
Krishna goes to the people out of his bliss.
Buddha separates nirvana (mind ceases) and mahanirvana (body ceases to be)
Krishan does not separate.

If we want to be fully alive, if we want to live a rich and full life, we should be ready to invite and face any number of new and living problems. And we live a morbid and dead life if we try to be finished with all our problems for good. Problems are necessary, but they must always be new and live problem and man should have will, confidence and courage to meet them squarely and solve them.

Aiyoh, a msg. Guess I was lamenting I shld not have problem anymore. RA should not be activated, 3 days work shld not be questioned.

Almost everyone is not satisfied with their life and is steeped in misery on account it but if u point out their reality to them, they will immediately enumerate the various problems that will arise if they try to do something about it. The irony is that they are already ridden with problems, but they are not aware of them because they have become so used to them.

If you make a change, problems are bound to arise. But what is worth this security in comparison with the freedom and ecstasy of flying in the open sky. If you think only of security, then the grave is the most secured place.

Work is just a means to celebrate life. But the irony is that the way we live there is no leisure left to sing and dance and celebrate life.
We turn means into an end. Then we keep running for the rest of our lives in the hope that someday we will have time to relax, rest and enjoy life.

Aiyah, at least m breaking ground and now on 4 days week.
When I hav a project, will take 3 days week.

Being is primary and doing is secondary. Celebration comes first and work takes a back seat in their lives. Work is preparatory to celebration.

I think this also troubles me. I have no sense of achievement now I let go of my work. Also no sense of outward achievement for my path if I compare. wonder I m feeling this way m comparing and I found myself lacking. Also, apart from RA activation, I gained weight. Granted m eating double but I tot my achievement was to eat as much as I wan to. I know ever since I came back from 6 weeks of veg, I been on a roll for food and also the continuous outstation trip didn't help either.
(Apr 18 - weight back to normal)

Entertainment vs celebration. Entertainment, u r only a spectator. In celebration, you are a participant.

You watch a man and woman loving each other and you enjoy it vicariously. It is a false substitute. It is utterly useless. It is not going to give you a taste of love; it is not going to satiate your thirst for love. On the other hand, increases your disatisfaction and torment will deepen and land you in still greater misery.
For God's sake, know love directly, enter into it and only then u will be satisfied and happy. Real love alone can make life festive, entertainment won't.

It is true that Krishna's lovers gradually withdrew themselves from the world of outer activity, from the world of extroversion. They dived deep into the interiority of life and drank at the fountain of its bliss. The bliss comes from being, not from doing. You can be so blissful that you burst into song and dance. This is as it should be, because Krishna knows how, when u lose urself in its outer activities, u r missing life itself.

I m bursting with song and dance when I m meditating. But outside, not yet. Mmm. Inner purpose fulfilled is d main thing. Remember Ekhart Tolle.


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