Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is not about you

Apr 7

Today checked on d order for 7thunders materials wit friend. She tells me that she didn't buy cos was waiting for discount. A whole month delay and she didn't update me that she has not order. Of course, ego reacted - why didn't tell me? Why delay buying? Why can't buy? If cannot shld have tell me and I can order it myself. For 5 min, ego was reacting.

Suddenly another voice came in, "This is not about you". I stopped, and asked if it is not abt me, then could it be about her instead. If its about her, my question is then why is she procastinating? Immediately ego dies down and stop reacting.

Key phrase ; "This is not about me" - it takes the personal tone out of the situation and hence defensiveness also dies down. Since it is not about us, nothing to defend against.

This morning mom was grumbling that I was too much into isha. Here I came late at night and yet wake up so early in the morning. She says I am working and should not be stressing myself out.

Osho card for the week
The issue - Ripeness
When the fruit is ripe, it drops from the tree by itself. The tree has recognised its ripeness and simply let go.
This indicates that you are ready to share your inner riches, your 'juice'. All you need to do is relax right where you are, and be willing for it to happen.
This sharing of yourself, the expression of ur creativity, can come in many ways. No special preparation is required on ur part.

Very appropriate cos am helping out in hatha yoga. I know I am ripe cos my receptivity has increased so much. Once I encountered energy, my mind is immediately silenced and I move into meditation mode without any effort from me. Its like I am part of the Energy.

2. Internal influence that you are unable to see
This card shows a tower being burned, destroyed, blown apart. A man and a woman leaping from it not because they want to, but because they have no choice. In the background is a transparent, meditating figure representing the witnessing consciousness.

I think this relates to me laughing and meditating without my consent. I couldn't help it and bit fearful. Also not sure of the impact, except I felt good after being Lost.

3. External influnce of which you are aware
The energy of the whole has taken possession of you. You are possessed.
Now it is a very precious time.
It will be easy for you to rest inside, to plumb the depths of your inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the universe. There's nothing to do, nowhere to go, and the quality of your inner silence permeates everything you do.

It might make some people uncomfortable, accustomed as they are to all the noise and activity of the world.

Never mind, seek out those who can resonate with your silence - or enjoy your aloneness. Now is the time to come home to yourself. The understanding and insights that come to you in these moments will be manifested later on, in a more outgoing phase of your life.

So correct. Yea, forget about others. Jus be myself. I can't help it if they are not accessing to the Energy. I can only help myself. This is a precious time.

4. What is needed for resolution
The essential man comes to know, to feel, "I am not separate from the whole, and there is no need to seek and search for any destiny on my own. Things are happening of their own accord. There is no need for me to make any struggle, any effort; there is no need to fight for anything. I can relax and be.

The accidental man is a doer, will know anxiety, stress.

Yea, thanks for reminder. I was driving myself again.
I am bit stressed firstly to finish all d reporting cos I have one day off weekly. This is a good problem.
I am also worried that nothing will come out of the time off I am taking. It already has started. And here I got nothing planned. I don't wan to sit home and do nothing. I don't wan to take care of the baby.
Guess that's why I reacted when my friend says she hasn't even place order yet. I expect to get it in April. Looks like delay by one more month.
Nevermind, will do PR for Isha.

The understanding
Moment to Moment
The past is no more and the future is not yet.
You can be in the present only if you are not ambitious - no accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money and prestige and even enlightenment.

Only a non-ambitious man can remain in the present. A man who wants to be in the present has not to think, has just to see and enter the gate. Experience will come, but experience has not to be premediatated.

This card challenges us to move away from our preoccupations with other spaces and other times, and stay alert to what is happening in the here and now.

Life is a great ocean in which you can play if you drop all your judgements, your preferences and attachment to the details of your long-term plans.

Be available to what comes your way, as it comes. And don't worry if you stumble or fall, just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a good laugh and carry on


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