Thursday, June 2, 2011

Cosmic Reward (59) - I am opening up

May 28

Father, when I watched Kung Fu Panda, I tot it would be nice to watch with Z. I like it when he puts his arm around me. I felt protected.

Expect a Miracle
The universal mirror simply reflects back to us what, on the deepest level, we believe is coming our way. And we never get more than we are ready for. Change will happen as quickly or as slowly as u can handle.

Jack of Diamond vs Ace of Diamond
VEF - I am Z Venus in the Life Spread
Z feel a lot of love and appreciation for me because he basically enjoy and like me the way I am. There is something about me that makes me very enjoyable for Z to be with.
Z truly love and enjoy with me. We have what it takes to get along very well and be lovers or friends

CLRS - Z is my Spiritual Cosmic Lesson Card
Z act as a 'teacher' to me. Z represent part of my cosmic destiny and have a profound effect on me. Since I am serious about self development and personal transformation, this connection is very important.

CRRS - Z is my Spiritual Cosmic Reward Card
Z represent a sort of 'cosmic reward' for spiritual or inner work that I have been doing in this lifetime.
In practical terms, this connection often manifests as Z being challenging and unreachable for me, but this is what I have chosen to do and Z is playing a key role in my transformation.
This key connection is often found among couples who are destined to be together for a significant amount of time.
Z challenge me to open up and accept the blessings of the universe. Z brings the highest blessing to me.

JUR - Z is my Jupiter in the Life spread. Z really like me and enjoy sharing his abundance with me.

CRR - Z is my lifetime Cosmic Reward Card.
Z represent a part of my lifetime challenges and goals. Actually, Z is the 'rewards for changes made' in one or more important areas of my life. I may view Z as being challenging. But once I have made the necessary changes and met my self-imposed challenges, our relationship will take on the feeling of gratitude and happiness.
Often couples with this connection are destined to be together to complete important lessons in life and love. Once I met my lifetime challenges and changes, Z will become the biggest blessing in my life.

Jack of Diamond vs Queen of Diamond - How Z see me

MORS - Z is my Moon Card in the Spiritual. Strong magnetic pull due to a strong mental and emotional link that makes being together easy and enjoyable.
I and Z share a deep, past life connection that makes us feel close. Z is able to give me the security I need.

PLRS - Z is my Pluto in the Spiritual Spread
Z, represent a part of my lifetime challenges and goals. This connection sometimes make Z have the urge to change or control me.
I chose Z to help develop important aspect of my personality and Z understand the powerful effect he has on me.

JUR - Z is my Jupiter in the Life Spread
Z really like me and enjoy sharing his abundance with me.

VERS - Z is my Venus in the Spiritual Spread
Z and I share a deep love connection that is hard to explain our love is timeless and eternal

MAR - Z is my Mars in the Life Spread. Though the attraction is great, don't be suprised if I am furious with Z from time to time. Z has some qualities that cause me to get upset at myself.
Z excite and sometimes aggravate me. We enjoy doing things together and use our intense energy constructively.

Real connection. I am now reaping the reward.

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