Monday, March 25, 2013

Feeling disturbed..asking Sadhguru for guidance

Mar 24 eve 1
Father, I am disturbed. I m counting the days. I know it is inevitable but still I hope. I can't help it. Help me to overcome this.

Life is just dancing. Whether its your liking or not. Your way or not. Doesn't matter.
Main thing is that u r alive.
The reason why u r not attune to the dance of life, is because u think u r super smart.

Father, there is no regrets. I have found myself. Need not have mental drama on how to switch him off by 31 march. I let the dance evaporate by itself.

A lot of people well being is affected mostly by emotional status. In the path of devotion must be willing to make a fool of yourself. U don't mind being vulnerable, only then it happens. With love, u willingly step into it. Whatever happens is fine with him. If it the last day, squeeze the most out of it. Don't let it pass. Bring playfulness in your life. If not, u r too much in ur mind. If u r playful, u r not entangled, u r doing yoga, no longer karma.

Just checked our rship cards. We r both good.

1. Me - completion
2. Him - possibilities
3. Composite - New vision
4. Insight - Mind

Yea, things are coming together, completing in a good base. It is just my mind.

I also checked our 7thunder cards, he has King of Spades in Venus. He just posted a pix of someone taking his pix. All his previous pix was taken by himself. Alas, he found someone to take his pix.

Me, a Queen of Spades in Neptune. Me, changing my inner. Will stop focusing on my mind, just know I m fine within. And I m building a good foundation for a new rship in the near future. No regrets, I found myself alas.

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