Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Be direct and simple in my declaration to Y

Jan 7

Woke up at 5 am upon alarm. Saw that Y messaged me after midnight cos he is finishing up his work.
He truly do care. He took the time to message me eventhough he must be tired.

Sing guru pooja, did breathing. breathing was quite lovely. Shakti was good as I was able to focus despite tots running in my head. Tots of Y, of how I should be telling him that I am falling for him and etc...what to write...backgrounds..scenarios and etc.
After hearing all the dilemmas created by the mind...a Tot just come in and silence all the rest...
" Just tell him you fallen for him". Simple and direct.
After these, no more tots..

Shambavi was great...towards the end, a loud sound of Ah from the continue for quite sometime. Only got time to sit for a short while cos getting ready for doc appointment.
After I finished my practices, I bow down to Sadhguru, thanked Dhynalinga for the space, thanked Linga for bringing me Y. Thanked her for Y as my husband.
Did a quick message to Y: I have fallen for you.
I was suprised that he read my early message cos he is normally not up at that time. He saw my message but didn't respond.

Check out facebook and got this.
Jeff Foster
How to have an abundant 2014?
What is abundance?
It is the raging fire in ur heart! It is the inexplicable joy rumbling in ur belly! It is the heartbreaking gratitude u feel upon waking, having been given another day to explore this crazy, beautiful, gossamer-like world.
It is the overwhelming bliss of giving without expectation, loving without need, opening up to adventure u never tot possible, feeling the fear and yet taking the leap in spite the words of warning from the ones who called themselves normal. It is the crazy plunge into the unknown, the rush of life I know in the in-breathe, the profound rest u feel in the out-breathe, the excitement of knowing that nothing real can be lost and nothing that is lost was yours to begin with. It is feeling deeply alive, connected and at Home no matter what is the circumstances, however hard the challenges, however impossible the odds.

I shared with Ye and A that I have told Y. They both said I got 'balls' and it takes courage
Actually, I didn't even feel any fear. I just did what comes naturally.
Also, been debating on this in my mind for the past 2 weeks...and final execution is so simple.

Now relates to ur Osho connection card that I draw yesterday
Me and my contribution - Ordinariness
Whenever, in whatsoever situation, you become one, a peace, a happiness, a bliss, surrounds you, arises in you. You feel fulfilled. You are facing a time now when this easy, natural and utterly ordinary approach to the situations you encounter will bring far better results than any attempt on your part to be brilliant, clever, or otherwise extraordinary. Forget all about making headlines by inventing the latest widget, or dazzling your friends and colleagues with your unique star quality. The special gift you have to offer now is presented best by just taking things easily and simply, one step at a time.

Him and his input to relating - Clinging to the past
Her nostalgia for the past really makes her a 'blockhead', and a beggar besides, as we can see from her patched and ragged clothes. She needn't be a beggar, of course – but she is not available to taste the pleasures that offer themselves in the present. It's time to face up to the fact that the past is gone, and any effort to repeat it is a sure way to stay stuck in old blueprints that you would have already outgrown if you hadn't been so busy clinging to what you have already been through. Take a deep breath, put the box down, tie it up in a pretty ribbon if you must, and bid it a fond and reverent farewell. Life is passing you by, and you're in danger of becoming an old fossil before your time!

Composite energy - Mind
This is what happens when we forget that the mind is meant to be a servant, and start allowing it to run our lives. The head is filled with mechanisms, the mouth is ranting and raving, and the whole surrounding atmosphere is being polluted by this factory of arguments and opinions. With this cloud you cannot know reality; you cannot attain to spiritual perception. This cloud has to be dropped. And it is just with your decision to drop it that it will disappear. You are clinging to it – the cloud is not interested in you, remember it." Osho

Insight - Transformation
Zen is not a believer's world. It is not for the faithful ones; it is for those daring souls who can drop all belief, unbelief, doubt, reason, mind, and simply enter into their pure existence without boundaries. But it brings a tremendous transformation. Hence, let me say that while others are involved in philosophies, Zen is involved in metamorphosis, in a transformation. It is authentic alchemy: it changes you from base metal into gold. But its language has to be understood, not with your reasoning and intellectual mind but with your loving heart; Or even just listening, not bothering whether it is true or not. And a moment comes suddenly that you see that which has been eluding you your whole life. Suddenly, what Gautam Buddha called 'eighty-four thousand doors' open." Transformation comes, like death, in its own time. And, like death, it takes you from one dimension into another.

when I read the card yesterday...I wonder..what transformation.
I know the Mind...but how to go beyond it.
Little did I realised that it was my ex who send me the key.
Linga Bhairavi push me out of my mind...and got the answer...just declare simply.
Like the Cosmic Love said...its not for me to bother about Y's psychology or issue.It is his to handle.
My role is to ask for what I want...

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