Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ligthing up others' mind

Jan 2 2011

Father, my hands are feeling bit numb, as if blood circulation is not enough. Don't know why except that I haven't blog or write for past 2 weeks, didn't swim for past 2 weeks too. I missed my swim.

Father, no reply from E. This would have spammed me to a mental compulsion activity. Surprisingly this time, nope. Tots do come in, but I don't want to be hooked.

(Jan 24 - Father, finally facing my fear in relationships. And this time,you even remove the self-control mechanism. So, this is not easy. But I have my practices to counter the negativity, so it is not that bad.)


Father, a close friend opened up about her marriage issue. I wasn't prepared for it but m glad I managed to light up her mind so that she can explore her alternatives. I was able to give her my insight on Givers being major Takers.

The other friend with Jack of Heart, finally face her lessons in one go. When she told me about her new job, I could see the challenges.

Both friends can be stubborn and refused to change their belief and they now have arthritis. I told them its because of their resistance to change and grow. I also told them that I have it too.

Funny, the book Unleashing Ur mind is with me now. Same as the dvd. Some msg here.

Involvement is not an act; involvement is a certain willingness towards life. You have become willing to the process of life. If u get identified, u r becoming unwilling to the process of life. You are only willing in selection; with the rest of life, u r not willing. It is this unwillingness which is scaling down the aliveness in a human being.

(Jan 24 - yea, want the high but not the low of relationship. )

Father, my right elbow is bit painful. What is it, tell me? What am I still resisting? Well, food is one of them. I also resist being a counselor. Today I gave her my input because I want to help her. I don't want to be speaker and counselor because I am not sure of its success despite taking so much energy. Also, to be speaker and counselor, its outright rejection or failure. When u write, u can be anonymous. When we don't see each other, there is nothing to reject. I said its smart to reach masses than individual. It pays more using same energy. I guess this is a classic case of devaluation again. Here I said nope and its turn up in Y and B. Y from out of blue. B, someone who I tot doesn't want input and now says wants to.
Also glad J finally says she wants alternative career, in teaching. Alas, my insights works.

(Jan 24 - I am on track in helping others to find their inner light in self transformation)

If u take away the willingness, the process of life naturally becomes a suffering. Whatever u do willingly, that's ur heaven. Whatever u do unwillingly, that's ur hell. So, the difference is just willingness and unwillingness.

So, if the circus of the mind has to become a symphony, if it has to rise to its crescendo, u cannot be selectively involved. U have to go full swing, otherwise it cannot happen in a beautiful way. If u r going all out with life, that itself will settle the mind.

I am selecting the part I want to play in my destiny as Transformational leader.

Father, u gave me the book because U know I didn't get the whole msg in dvd and u know book is a better access to me. Amen.

If u really want to unleash the mind - not control the mind - if u truly want to unleash the power of the mind, the fundamental thing is, ur intellect should not be identified with anything. Then ur perception comes to such clarity and the mind naturally organises itself; nobody has to organise the mind. It is naturally well-organised. Only because the perception is so distorted, its function and its outcome are also distorted.

Once u r blissful by ur own nature, ur life becomes an expression of ur blissfulness, not in pursuit of happiness and that's the shift that needs to happen in every life.

Father, I still have resistant on my destiny. I am still afraid to fail. Writing is the safest among all and even if I don't succeed, I don't have to face people who doesn't accept me. But counseling and public speaking is momentous.
GM says she enjoys it. I don't enjoy it. I know I can do it, but I can't enjoy it because it is putting myself up for upfront rejection. Alas, my issue about losing energy is just an excuse. Perhaps energy gone becos I was worried about outcome, rather than others depleting me.

When I was doing my Passion List, I realised I cut out things. I also realised I wasn't as enthusiastic as I did a year ago. Father, is this the resistance ????

(Jan 24 - yeap, the fear of not achieving)

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