Friday, September 21, 2012

Different types self defense mechanism

Sept 7

Father, I woke up at 4.10 am but body is tired. I knew that my child is working. So, I take stock that this week I have been really busy.

I just wrote a note to E on my last day. Yea, take the jump.

Staying OK
Different forms of "Protection"
1. Passivity
Shy people project an air of fragility, so no one dares attack them, verbally or physically. Boys so regarded are "sensitive" and girls are "precious". They invite the ministrations of "helpful mothers" and "Red cross nurses" and aren't asked to do difficult things.

Passivity is a controlling form of non-involvement for it "forces" others to take charge. Passivity often is used as a counter-control technique by adolescents in their relationships.

Passivity is a potent form of protection but necessitates the ultimate withdrawal from others and the cutting off of stroke sources. A totally withdrawn person may be protected from most forms of external threat but may also be languishing from stroke starvation.

I used to be envious of those "precious" gals. They always have people looking out for them. Me, always have to fend for myself and also ask to fend for others.

Staying OK
2. Intimidation
Hostility, the tough front, bluster and bombast, or towering rage. "Keep away from me or else"
Parents who solve problems with belligerent voices and heavy hands teach violent solutions. Toughness is taught and usually rewarded.

Some people are hostile all the time, their protective mannerisms becoming set into what is seen by others as a sourpuss, a scrooge, or a bully. Some people so characterised are truly lonely, for they have told everyone to stay awa. Some people may win by intimidation, but what they win is usually not friends.

3. Intellectualisation
It is a learned method of protection that keeps people from getting close by discounting what others say and engaging in a non-responsive, brainy-sounding fillbuster;

4. Rituals
- taking off one's glasses
- lighting a pipe
- smoking
- neatness

All the above protects us from other persons. The problem is they also rob us of strokes. Stroking comes from people and it is they whom we push away by the above protections.

Z was in withdrawal.

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