Saturday, December 17, 2011

Both receiving and giving is important for the money or love to flow

Nov 29

Father, I did my practice after a few days of absence. I just flow into it. While hata was not as smooth but it was quite good. Surprisingly I also laugh during aum chanting. I am glad for the stint in pool.

For the past few days, I am pleased to know my mind was quite free, not jumbled into unnecessary tots.

There were some tots of the bathroom again, 11k is a lot. I tot that I might as well save money to buy a good sofa. But then I like our sofa now. It is just the mind. I remind myself that doing up bathroom is good, getting the flow of water is good.

My body is now flowing, thanks to Z and now need the external to flow. Besides if I really wanted to buy sofa, I got the money too. I even have money for downpayment of a house. So, just have to remember I am quite fine, money wise. Also, it was timely to receive msg on my money issue in SN in Scorpio.

SN in Scorpio - money issue
They need to love both parts of the process of money - the receiving and the giving - in order for money to be easily attracted to them.

However these folks often have a difficult time letting go of anything - money most of all.

They can increase their capacity magnets by being grateful;
1. When they pay their bills, they can feel loving about it
2. Thank the Universe for having enough money to pay their bills
3. Praise the Universe for the financial bounty currently operating in their life.

Appreciation and gratefulness for what is there rather than desiring more - which, on an energy level, translates into fear and anxiety about not having enough. Gratitude for what they have releases anxiety so they no longer block the flow of money and material things. If they let money and possessions pass through them in love, more will always be there.

I am grateful for my financial abundance and I am also grateful that my siblings are financially stable too.

I tot of MD and Z and know I can't live like them, I would be in anxiety attack. Then a tot came, God never let's us bear anything that we cannot. He only let us bear the challenges that we can. Amen

Nov 29 Eve
After so many years, I finally increased my atm withdrawal limit from 1k to 2k.

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