Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Creating your future

Dec 10

Success with Soul (Doris Pozzi and Stephen Williams)
Personal growth requires personal change; change that must start from within the individual. It must start with a person's values, beliefs, commitment and attitudes.

Where the mind goes, the body will follow
To achieve something, it must be created twice. First, it must be created in the mind; it must be visualised. Only then can it be created in form and realised in the world.

We create the future in our mind. When we don't set goals, we tend to drift along from day to day. With tangible goals and a clear vision of what we want to achieve, we tend to move towards that vision.

Achieving success certainly requires being able to recognise opportunities. It is also being flexible and adaptive. Viewing ourselves and the world around us a complex system increases our ability to be flexible and recognise opportunities.

To achieve success with real meaning, being is an important dynamic is our lives, along with knowing and doing.

The law of karma
Karma means action. All actions are interwoven and interconnected in nature. As a result, we are never isolated from our action.
Karma helps us think about building successful habits. Karma teaches us that we need to concentrate on creating positive patterns of action.

Succes with Soul
To determine what success means to us we need to clarify our personal values, the deeply held beliefs or principles that influence our attitudes and actions. Without a very strong sense of who we are and what our personal values are, it is difficult to define and achieve personal success - particularly personal success that is truly meaningful.

Successful people
Requires commitment.
We often wish we could achieve this sort of success - the outward trappings of it, anyway. We think much less often about the hard work and hardship that were required to get there.

Sure, some of these people may be more intelligent that we think we are. But often the key factor leading to their success was a single-minded commitment and dedication. It was "perspiration, not just inspiration". They requires years of intensive preparation.

In any field, people who want to be creative must expect to invest enormous amount of time and effort in their profession and even then it may not be enough. The effort involved goes far beyond the hours a normal job requires.

Creation requires an input of energy. The more u want to achieve, the more energy u must put in. That physical and mental energy must come from somewhere and it must be focused. It is important enough for u to give a lot of urself
Contrast this to a balanced lifestyle, where energy is spread around thinly - a little here and a little there.

Success also requires creative change. Creative change requires us to shift out of our comfort zone, to think and act in new ways. Balance gets in the way of success because it stifles creativity and obstructs change.
Discipline and commitment are important allies for people who want to be creative and successful

A balanced lifestyle places the focus on tactical concerns, rather than on important strategic issues. Once u have clarified ur values and begin to operate in alignment with these, balance will cease to be an issue in ur life. U will focus on what is truly important to u.

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